Pokemon UNITE

Lane Roles: Best Lane to Play for Each Role

Lane Roles: Best Lane to Play for Each Role
This is the guide on the best roles for each lane Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn what roles are best suited for each lane, recommended Pokemon for each lane, what lanes are, and more!

Top Lane and Best Roles

Wild Pokemon spawns in the Top Lane the will be relatively fewer compared to the Bottom Lane, so you have to farm as much as you can. It is best to bring Pokemon with high Endurance like Defenders to protect Goal Zones or lead charges. They can guard the area around Regieleki while waiting for the rest of the team to rally and secure the objective. Expect a lot of back and forth with the enemy team as you make an effort to get a score advantage with the help of Regieleki.

Top Lane Guide

Best Lane for Defenders and Attackers

Recommended Top Lane Pokemon
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Slowbro ImageSlowbro Snorlax ImageSnorlax
Mew ImageMew Pikachu ImagePikachu Venusaur ImageVenusaur

Top Lane Defenders

Since the Top Lane is narrower in size compared to the Bottom Lane, Defenders will have an easier time maneuvering around the lane while keeping an arm's reach on allied Goal Zones. Remember to stick close to your lane partner at all times so you can protect them or share EXP to level up.

Defender Guide: How to Play Defenders

Top Lane Attackers

Having high damage output, Attackers can stave off enemy pushes while defending goals. Pairing up with a Defender to get protection while you easily pick off targets from afar is a good combo for offense.

Attacker Guide: How to Play Attackers

Jungle and Best Roles

The Central Area of the map is better known as the Jungle. There are no Goal Zones in this area, but a Jungler can take advantage of quickly leveling up by defeating Wild Pokemon that populate the wide space.

Jungle Guide

Best Lane for Speedsters and All-Rounders

Recommended Jungle Pokemon
Dodrio ImageDodrio Gengar ImageGengar Zoroark ImageZoroark
Aegislash ImageAegislash Scizor ImageScizor Urshifu ImageUrshifu

Jungle Speedsters

Since Speedsters have high mobility, they can easily traverse the jungle and transition into lanes quickly if needed. When done correctly, your team can set up ganks that can knock down unsuspecting opponents and open the way for easy scoring.

Speedster Tier List: Best Speedsters

Jungle All-Rounders

All-Rounders can also take on the role as a Jungler for the team. Though they may not be as effective as Speedsters, All-Rounders can utilize their powerful moves to defeat Wild Pokemon fast, compensating for their relatively low mobility. They also have higher Endurance compared to Speedsters, which allows them to take more damage.

All-Rounder Guide: How to Play All-Rounders

Bottom Lane and Best Roles

The Bottom Lane can provide more experience than the Top Lane because of the Indeedee spawns. There is also more space to maneuver around. Expect a lot of fighting as you try to pressure your opponents' HP and contest for the Regi variant spawn.

Bottom Lane Guide

Best Lane for All-Rounders, Attackers, or Supporters

Recommended Bottom Lane Pokemon
Lucario ImageLucario Machamp ImageMachamp Charizard ImageCharizard
Cinderace ImageCinderace Glaceon ImageGlaceon Pikachu ImagePikachu
Blissey ImageBlissey Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Sableye ImageSableye

Bottom Lane All-Rounders

All-Rounders will serve as the frontliners during fights. They will be key in providing the needed offense and defense against objectives.

All-Rounder Guide: How to Play All-Rounders

Bottom Lane Attackers

Attackers can ultilize their ranged attacks to fend off opponents from attacking Goal Zones or snipe them down when they overextend. They will be useful in helping their lane partner with most of the farming by providing a constant stream of damage. They can also draw aggro by attacking wild Pokemon from behind walls, allowing them to not break position.

Attacker Guide: How to Play Attackers

Bottom Lane Supporters

Supporters will focus on providing the team with buffs or hindering opponents with status effects. Since the Bottom Lane tend to have more fights happen compared to the Top Lane, it is important for the Supporter to buff or heal their teammates, so they can stay in the fight much longer. However, Supporters can be an easy target when they stray far away from allies, so be careful and always go where your lane partner goes!

Supporter Guide: How to Play Supporters

What are Lanes?

Pokemon UNITE - Lanes.png

Lanes are the paths each team take to capture or defend Goal Zones. While you can practically pursue any lane with any Pokemon you want, knowing how a lane can benefit a Pokemon's playstyle could contribute to how efficiently your team can capture goals, take on Boss Pokemon, and control areas of the map.

All Roles and How to Play

How to Choose a Lane

Pokemon UNITE - Path Settings.png

Before a match starts, you call out a lane by pressing ZL and selecting Path Settings. Doing this will let your teammates know what lanes are already populated to avoid overcrowding or leaving a lane open.

Take note that whichever path you choose in the pre-battle phase will not lock you in the lane the entire match. However, it is advised that you stick to the lane that you picked before the match starts to avoid confusion and overcrowding a lane.

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Roles focus Banner.png

All Lane and Playstyle Roles

All Lane and Playstyle Roles

Lane Roles
Top Icon.pngTop Lane Top Icon.pngJungle Top Icon.pngBottom Lane
Playstyle Roles
Venusaur.pngAttacker Blastoise.pngDefender Blastoise.pngAll-Rounder
Gengar.pngSpeedster Blissey.pngSupport


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