Pokemon UNITE

Smack Down: Buzzwole Move Effect and Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - Smack Down Banner.png

Smack Down is a Move learned by Buzzwole in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Smack Down, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Smack Down.

Smack Down Effects and Stats

Smack Down Basic Information

Smack Down ImageSmack Down
Level Learned Lv. 7 (Upgrade: Lv. 13)
Move Slot Slot 1 (R) - Replaces Mega Punch
Move Type Hindrance, Dash
Damage Type Physical
Status Effects Stun
Cooldown 6s
Damage (Starting / Final)
Starting Level Damage: 1158
Punch damage: 340, Slam damage: 818
Final Level Damage: 1755
Punch damage: 516, Slam damage: 1239
All Moves by Damage Dealt

Smack Down Effect

Smack Down In-Game.jpg

Has the user deliver an uppercut punch to an opposing Pokemon in the designated direction, dealing damage to it and throwing it into the air. While the thrown Pokemon is airborne, the user can use this move again to perform a follow-up attack that smacks that Pokemon down to the ground, dealing damage to all opposing Pokemon in an area of effect centered on the point of impact. If this move deals damage to Pokemon on the opposing team, the user's muscle gauge increases by 2 increment for each one that was hit.

How to Use Smack Down

Fill Up the Muscle Gauge

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Using Smack Down on Lucario

It's important to remember that Smack Down is a move that fills up the Muscle Gauge. With that in mind, always use it first when doing combos.

Isolate Key Targets

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Using Smack Down on Snorlax.gif

Smack Down is a great move for isolating specific or key targets, allowing your team to focus on it. You can also knock targets towards your team by using Smack Down in front of them.

Prolong the Knockup Effect

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Using Smack Down on Blastoise

You can prolong Smack Down's knockup effect by waiting a few moments before using the second activation, pushing back the target at a longer distance.

Push Enemies Away from Goal Zones

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Ussing Smack Down on Blissey

You can also use Smack Down to push enemies away from allied goal zones or their own.

Interrupt Attacks and Moves

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Stopping Lucario using Smack Down

Since Smack Down stuns the target, you can interrupt the enemies' attacks and moves. This works great against Pokemon that relies on combos like Tsareena.

Smack Down Patch History Damage increased from 1326 to 1548 (+17%). Damage dealt increased: Punch: 395 to 442 Landing: 790 to 884. Range increased. Muscle gauge increment increased from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3 once upgraded. Cooldown decreased from 6.5s to 6s. Area damage increased by 20%. Cooldown decreased from 7.5s to 6.5s. Muscle gauge amount increased in 1st and 2nd stage reduced from 2 to 1. Bugfix. Smack Down +: Muscle gauge amount increased in 2nd stage reduced from 3 to 2.

Updates and Patch Notes

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE - Buzzwole Guide Banner

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Buzzwole Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Smack Down Image Smack Down
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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