Pokemon UNITE

Slow Smoke Effect and How to Get

Battle Item - Slow Smoke Banner.png
This page is about the Battle Item Slow Smoke in the game Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn more about the Battle Item's effects and how to get them in the game!

Slow Smoke Latest Buffs and Nerfs (09/27)

Version Patch Notes

Slow Smoke.pngSlow Smoke • Cooldown decreased from 40s to 35s. (- 5s) Slow Smoke now significantly reduce the movement speed and normal attack speed of the opposing Pokemon. Its effects are also strengthened and the duration is increased. Cooldown for Slow Smoke is increased. Slow Smoke's effect is weakened. Cooldown decreased from 45s to 40s. (- 5s) Attack speed reduction effect increased from 30% to 50%. (+20%) Cooldown decreased from 40s to 35s.

Slow Smoke Stats and Effect

Slow Smoke.pngSlow Smoke
Battle Item
Tier Ranking
B Rank.png
Puts up a smokescreen that decreases the movement speed and standard attack speed of all enemy Pokemon in a wide area.

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use

Slow Effect Lasts for 2 Seconds

The effect duration of Slow Smoke is 2 seconds. Enemies caught in its area-of-effect will have their movement speed greatly reduced.

Slow Smoke Range

Slow Smoke Range

The radius of Slow Smoke is around three to four Pokemon. If the opponent is not within the range at the moment of activation, they will not be slowed, so you need to get close enough to them before using it.

Stops Wild Pokemon from Moving

Pokemon UNITE - Slow Smoke Stops Wild Pokemon

Slow Smoke's effect works with Wild Pokemon. However, Instead of slowing them down, they will stop moving entirely and will drop aggro if you don't get close. Take note that slowing down the movement speed of Wild Pokemon has little merit, so it is best to use it on your opponents instead.

How to Get Slow Smoke

Obtain by Increasing Trainer Level

Trainer Level Unlocked at Level 13

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Best Pokemon for Slow Smoke

Blissey.jpgBlissey Clefable.jpgClefable Comfey.jpgComfey
Dragonite.jpgDragonite Slowbro.jpgSlowbro

Slow Smoke is great for Pokemon who do not necessarily rely on Eject Button to get in but also want to stay in the fray, such as Crustle and Sylveon. It's also a useful tool for melee-type Pokemon to keep enemies in place and within striking distance for as long as possible.

Crustle in particular can use Slow Smoke as a follow-up to Stealth Rock, making sure that the enemy stays inside its area of effect for as long as possible to maximize the damage. This is also applicable to Rubble Rouser, making it hard for enemies to escape. For the best result, use Rubble Rouser -> Stealth Rock -> Slow Smoke, and stay on top of the enemies to do the most damage. Sylveon, on the other hand, can benefit from Slow Smoke by getting targets within range when using Moves such as Mystical Fire and Draining Kiss.

When to Use Slow Smoke


You can use Slow Smoke to slow down the opponent's movement speed when they are chasing you, giving you some time to escape safely.

Mediocre Against Ranged or Mobile Pokemon

Although the slow effect can buy you some time to escape, you can still be within attacking range of ranged Pokemon and get knocked out. Also, mobile Pokemon can easily get out of Slow Smoke's area and catch you simply by using their dash moves.

Initiating Fights

Using Slow Smoke is a great way to set up fights. It makes it easier for you and your team to aim and hit moves. It also allows you and your team to stay on top of enemies and burst them down.

Intercepting Opponents

Slow Smoke is also an effective tool for intercepting opponents. By placing Slow Smoke directly in front of opponents, you can slow them just enough to finish them off before the effect expires.

Slow Smoke Test

Effect Duration Test

The duration of Slow Smoke's effect confirms how many seconds the movement speed slows down by using the item while being chased by the opponent.

As a result of testing, it was found that Slow Smoke's effect will last for 2 seconds after being activated on the opponent caught within the range.

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