Pokemon UNITE

Altaria: Spawn Time and Information

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria Banner

Altaria is a Wild Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to know when Altaria spawns, spawn locations, how many points Altaria gives, and more!

Altaria Wild Pokemon Information

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria Icon Points Generated:
4 / 6 pts
Wild Pokemon Type:
Top, Jungle, Bot
Effects / Description Appears together with three Swablus. Respawns at the destroyed goal zone. Drops Points and XP when defeated.
Spawn Time / Conditions Top & Bot:
8:50, 7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20
Jungle: 8:00
Respawn Timer Jungle Only: 90 seconds
Map Availability Theia Sky Ruins
Evolution Swablu


Altaria Detailed Spawn Location

Theia Sky Ruins

See Full Image
Red IndicatorRed Initial Spawn point. Will stop spawning on that lane once a single Goalpost has been destroyed on that lane. Altaria will always spawn together with Swablu in a group.
Blue IndicatorBlue Spawns on destroyed goalposts. Altaria will always spawn together with Swablu in a group.
Orange IndicatorOrange Spawns at 8:00 but will stop spawning when Rayquaza arrives. Altaria will always spawn together with Swablu in a group.

Altaria Spawn Times

Spawn Time / Details Top & Bot:
8:50, 7:20, 5:50, 4:20, 2:50, 1:20
Jungle: 8:00

Swablu and Altaria in the lane will always spawn at specific times noted above, regardless on when you KO'd them.

In comparison, the Swablu and Altaria in the Jungle / Legendary Pit will spawn at 8:00 then respawn after a specific time has passed.

Altaria Respawn Details

Respawn Time / Details Jungle Only: 90 seconds

Only the Swablu and Altaria found in the Jungle respawns using a timer. They respawn after 90s or 1m30s.

Altaria Wild Pokemon Notes

Spawns Together with Three Swablus

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria Spawns with Swablu

Altaria will always spawn together with three Swablus around it.

Spawns Past Destroyed Goal Zones

When a goal zone is destroyed, Altarias will spawn near their location towards the goal zone ally camp, replacing the one in the middle of the lanes.

Spawns at the Legendary Pit

Pokemon UNITE - Altaria in Legendary Pit.png

Unique to Theia Sky Ruins, an Altaria camp will also spawn at the center of the map or Rayquaza's spawn location from the 8:00 mark. This camp also respawns after 90s, in contrast to fixed times for the other Altaria camps.

Taking this camp would give Junglers extra EXP points to further level gap themselves, making this a highly-contested camp in the early game.

A Priority Camp for Junglers

If you're the jungler, you should always be the first one to try to secure it, even if it's just for yourself. This will give you an edge as the game progresses.

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