Pokemon UNITE

Razor Claw Effect and How to Get

Razor Claw Top

Razor Claw is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Razor Claw's stats and effects, how to get Razor Claw, and which Pokemon are best for Razor Claw!

Razor Claw Stats and Effect

Razor Claw.pngRazor Claw
Held Item
Tier Ranking
A Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Attack +15 Critical-Hit Rate +2.1%
After the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack deals a minimum of (10/15/20) damage. The higher the Pokemon's Attack, the more this damage increases. When this item is held by a melee Pokemon, this basic attack also decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokemon for a short time.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

2 Second Cooldown

There is a 2-second cooldown in between the activation of the item. After activating, the item will not activate in the next 2 seconds.

Lasts for 2 seconds

The increased damage will also only last 2 seconds. If you do not attack for 2 seconds after Razor Claw activates, the bonus damage will disappear.

50% Damage Bonus

The damage bonus is not only the (10/25/20) minimum but will also have an increase of 0.5x of the base damage! This is a significant amount and will make your Pokemon hit much harder.

Slow Effect Activates After 1 Second

The added effect of the slow will last 1 sec after hitting an opposing Pokemon with the bonus damage! This will make following up with more damage much easier.

Works with Sp. Atk. Pokemon

The item's bonus damage and slow effects also work with Sp. Atk. Pokemon.

Razor Claw Stats Per Level

Level 10 Attack +5, Critical-Hit Rate +1.1%
Level 20 Attack +10, Critical-Hit Rate +1.6%
Level 30 Attack +15, Critical-Hit Rate +2.1%

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Attack +1, Critical-Hit Rate +0.6%
2 Attack +1, Critical-Hit Rate +0.7%
3 Attack +2, Critical-Hit Rate +0.7%
4 Attack +2, Critical-Hit Rate +0.8%
5 Attack +3, Critical-Hit Rate +0.8%
6 Attack +3, Critical-Hit Rate +0.9%
7 Attack +4, Critical-Hit Rate +0.9%
8 Attack +4, Critical-Hit Rate +1%
9 Attack +5, Critical-Hit Rate +1%
10 Attack +5, Critical-Hit Rate +1.1%
11 Attack +6, Critical-Hit Rate +1.1%
12 Attack +6, Critical-Hit Rate +1.2%
13 Attack +7, Critical-Hit Rate +1.2%
14 Attack +7, Critical-Hit Rate +1.3%
15 Attack +8, Critical-Hit Rate +1.3%
16 Attack +8, Critical-Hit Rate +1.4%
17 Attack +9, Critical-Hit Rate +1.4%
18 Attack +9, Critical-Hit Rate +1.5%
19 Attack +10, Critical-Hit Rate +1.5%
20 Attack +10, Critical-Hit Rate +1.6%
21 Attack +11, Critical-Hit Rate +1.6%
22 Attack +11, Critical-Hit Rate +1.7%
23 Attack +12, Critical-Hit Rate +1.7%
24 Attack +12, Critical-Hit Rate +1.8%
25 Attack +13, Critical-Hit Rate +1.8%
26 Attack +13, Critical-Hit Rate +1.9%
27 Attack +14, Critical-Hit Rate +1.9%
28 Attack +14, Critical-Hit Rate +2%
29 Attack +15, Critical-Hit Rate +2%
30 Attack +15, Critical-Hit Rate +2.1%

How to Get Razor Claw

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Razor Claw

Absol.jpgAbsol Aegislash.jpgAegislash Blaziken.jpgBlaziken
Ceruledge.jpgCeruledge Crustle.jpgCrustle Dodrio.jpgDodrio
Dragonite.jpgDragonite Duraludon.jpgDuraludon Gyarados.jpgGyarados
Leafeon.jpgLeafeon Lucario.jpgLucario Machamp.jpgMachamp
Mega Mewtwo X.jpgMega Mewtwo X Meowscarada.jpgMeowscarada Metagross.jpgMetagross
Mimikyu.jpgMimikyu Scizor.jpgScizor Scyther.jpgScyther
Talonflame.jpgTalonflame Tinkaton.jpgTinkaton Tsareena.jpgTsareena
Urshifu.jpgUrshifu Zacian.jpgZacian Zeraora.jpgZeraora

All Builds for Razor Claw

Builds that Use this Held Item
Absol Image Absol
Pursuit Build
Absol Image Absol
Night Slash Build
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Shadow Claw Build
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Sacred Sword Build
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Item Stacker Build
Blaziken Image Blaziken
Attack-Focused Build
Blaziken Image Blaziken
Move-Focused Build
Ceruledge Image Ceruledge
Phantom-Blade Build
Ceruledge Image Ceruledge
Psycho-Charge Build
Dodrio Image Dodrio
Tri Attack Build
Dodrio Image Dodrio
Drill Peck Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Hyper Beam Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Flash Cannon Build
Leafeon Image Leafeon
Razor Leaf Build
Leafeon Image Leafeon
Double Leaf Build
Machamp Image Machamp
Brawler Build
Machamp Image Machamp
Critical-Hit Build
Mega Mewtwo X Image Mega Mewtwo X
Future Sight Build
Meowscarada Image Meowscarada
Night Slash Build
Metagross Image Metagross
Meteor Mash Build
Mimikyu Image Mimikyu
Double Shadow Build
Mimikyu Image Mimikyu
Play Rough Build
Mimikyu Image Mimikyu
Play Rough (Mobility) Build
Scizor Image Scizor
Scyther Build
Talonflame Image Talonflame
Burst Build
Tinkaton Image Tinkaton
Thief-Smack Build
Urshifu Image Urshifu
Rapid Strike Build

Razor Claw Tests

Damage Increase Cooldown Test

1 Second Interval
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 1 Second Interval (1)
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 1 Second Interval (2)
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 1 Second Interval (3)
2 Second Interval
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 2 Second Interval (1)
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 2 Second Interval (2)
Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - 2 Second Interval (3)

The purpose of this test is to determine Razor Claw's damage increase cooldown after an initial activation. The test was conducted by having a Pokemon use a move, then attack immediately to trigger the damage bonus effect. This process is repeated every second until the effect triggers again. The time between the two trigger event is the cooldown.

As a result of the test, it is found that Razor Claw's damage increase effect has a 2-second cooldown.

Works Great with Low-Cooldown Moves and Moves with Charges

Razor Claw - Cooldown Test - Zeraora.gif

Pokemon that have low-cooldown moves or moves with charges can benefit from Razor Claw's damage bonus effect each time they use a move. As an example, Zeraora can use each charge of Spark to trigger the damage bonus since there is enough time between leaps for the effect to cooldown.

Damage Increase Effect Duration Test

Razor Claw - Effect Duration Test - Start
Razor Claw - Effect Duration Test - 1 Second
Razor Claw - Effect Duration Test - 2 Seconds
Razor Claw - Effect Duration Test - 3 Seconds
Effect started at 9:40, and expired at 9:37. Effect duration is about 3 seconds

The purpose of this test was to determine how long Razor Claw's damage bonus effect lasts after using a move. The test was conducted by having a Pokemon use a move to trigger the effect, then wait until the effect icon in the lower-right corner disappears. The duration is the difference between the moment of activation and the moment the icon disappears.

As a result of the test, it is found that the damage increase effect lasts for about 3 seconds.

Damage Increase Test

Razor Claw - Damage Increase Test - ZeraoraZeraora (Level 15) Attack Stat: 664
Bonus Damage: 352
Increase: 89%
Razor Claw - Damage Increase Test - SnorlaxSnorlax (Level 15) Attack Stat: 360
Bonus Damage: 200
Increase: 80%
Razor Claw - Damage Increase Test - CramorantCramorant (Level 15) Attack Stat: 301
Bonus Damage: 170
Increase: 77%

The purpose of this test was to measure Razor Claw's damage increase based on the Pokemon's attack stat. The test was conducted by getting the percentage difference between the damage done via Razor Claw's effect and the Pokemon's attack stat at max level (Level 15) with no other held items equipped. The test used 3 Pokemon: (1) Zeraora (highest attack stat), (2) Snorlax (average attack stat), and (3) Cramorant (lowest attack stat).

As a result of the test, the damage increase varies with 89% being the highest, 80% being average, and 77% being the lowest.

Attack Damage Ranking: All Pokemon by Basic Attack Damage

Movement Speed Reduction Duration and Activation Test

Razor Claw - Movement Speed Reduction Test.gif

The purpose of this test was to determine how long the movement speed reduction lasts on the target once it takes effect. The test was conducted by ordering a Pokemon to attack Lilipup to inflict the movement speed reduction, then obverse how long before Lilipup move speed is normal again.

As a result of the test, it is found that it takes about 1 second after the hit for the slow to take effect, and the effect lasts for about 1 second. It is difficult to notice (from the image above) how much movement speed reduction the target received as well as how long it lasts.

Sp. Atk. Pokemon Test

The purpose of this test was to determine if Razor Claw's bonus damage and slow effects work if the bearer is an Sp. Atk. Pokemon.

As a result of the test, it's confirmed that Razor Claw's effects also work with Sp. Atk. Pokemon, particularly melee ones like Gengar or Mr. Mime.

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4 UNITE Walkthrough Team@Game8over 2 years

Hello! Thank you for your comment. After testing, we found that Razor Claw's effects also work if it's used by an Sp. Atk. Pokemon. We've updated the page to include this interaction.

3 Dilwer Faroover 2 years

Does the bonus on basic attack still happen when Razor Claw is used by a sp. attack Pokémon?


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