Pokemon UNITE

Regirock Guide: How to Steal and Buffs

Pokemon UNITE - Regirock Banner.png

Regirock is a Boss Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE. Read on to know what buff Regirock gives, its spawn time, spawn locations, the effective strategy to take Regirock, and more!

Regirock Wild Pokemon Information

Pokemon UNITE - Regirock Icon Points Generated:
20 pts
Wild Pokemon Type:
Effects / Description Grants EXP to the team that secures it. Also gives them increased Defense and Sp. Defense for 90 seconds. Randomly rotates with Regice and Registeel.
Spawn Time / Conditions 7:00
Respawn Timer 3:00
Map Availability Theia Sky Ruins

Regirock Spawn Details

Regirock Detailed Spawn Location

Theia Sky Ruins

See Full Image
Red IndicatorRed A random Regi-variant will spawn at this location.

Regirock Spawn Time

Spawn Time 7:00

Regirock spawns at the bottom-middle area of the Bottom Lane when the match timer reaches the seven-minute (7:00) mark. It is one of three possible Regis that can spawn, the others being Regice and Registeel.

Regirock Respawn Details

Respawn Time 120 seconds

Regirock will respawn 120 seconds after being defeated. It is possible to get up to three (3) objective spawns in one match if you manage to defeat it quickly. It will eventually stop respawning when the battle time reaches the last 2:00 minutes of the match.

Regi Variants Spawn at Random

Pokemon UNITE - 3 Regis

Bottom Lane objective spawn is randomized. This means that Regirock may not respawn and instead be replaced by the other Regi variants. Though unlikely, it is also possible to have three (3) Regirock spawns in a single match.

Regirock IconRegirock Regice IconRegice Registeel IconRegisteel

Regirock Buffs and Rewards

Points 20
Effect Grants EXP to the team that secures it. Also gives them increased Defense and Sp. Defense for 90 seconds.

Grants EXP to the Whole Team

Pokemon UNITE - Grants EXP to Whole Team.png

The bonus EXP reward for defeating Regirock will automatically take effect on each team member regardless of where they are when Regirock is defeated. This makes stealing the Pokemon from the enemy team extra satisfying.

Provides a Defense / Sp. Def Buff

Pokemon UNITE - Regirock Buff Indicator.png

Regirock's buff grants shields and an increase in Defense & Sp. Defense once defeated. You know a Regirock Buff is active if circles on a yellow orbit are encircling your Pokemon.

Note that the buff for defeating the other two Regi variants (Regice and Registeel) is different. The colors of the circles also change depending on which Regi Buff is active.

Points Only Given to Last Hitter

The points dropped by Regirock will only be given to the player who deals the final hit. However, if that player's Aeos Energy is at full capacity when it defeats Regirock, the points are dropped instead and can be picked up by other players.

Strategy to Beat Regirock

Deal Constant Pressure

Pokemon UNITE - Deal Constant Pressure.png

Like other Regi variants, Regirock is bulky and slow. Take advantage of this by kiting it with attacks from afar, if you have a ranged Pokemon. Otherwise, hit it with moves and circle around if you have a melee Pokemon.

Be Mindful of the Boulder

Pokemon UNITE - Rock Slide Blocks Movement.png

When Regirock uses its Rock Slide move, it will leave behind a boulder that blocks movement. Be mindful of where the move lands so you can avoid getting stuck in an awkward spot and open yourself up to the enemy team.

Fight Within Range to Maintain Aggro

Careful, being too far away from Registeel may cause it to lose aggression and return to its spawn location. When this happens, it will be immune to attacks, and will recover HP rapidly. So, it is best to stay in the area at all times when securing the objective!

How to Steal Regirock

Unlike other Regi variants, Regirock is smaller target and its crowd control move does not deal AoE damage. Melee Pokemon will have an easier time securing this objective, provided they can maneuver around the craters it leaves when it uses its Rock Slide move.

Brawl Until it Drops

Move Pokemon Strategy
Close Combat ImageClose Combat Lucario ImageLucario Close Combat is great for stationary targets and gives Lucario hindrance resistance while the move is active.
Standard Attack ImageStandard Attack (Boosted) Garchomp ImageGarchomp Garchomp can continously bombard the objective with hard-hitting boosted attacks while only require little movement to evade the objective's moves.

Easy Secure With Burst Moves

Move Pokemon Strategy
Hyper Beam ImageHyper Beam Dragonite ImageDragonite Cycle between Boosted Attacks and Dragon Dance to charge up Hyper Beam to the max before bursting down the objective.
Brave Bird ImageBrave Bird Talonflame ImageTalonflame Utilize Brave Bird's long range to target the objective from afar and let the enemy do all the work. When the objective's HP is low enough, activate Brave Bird to swoop down and steal the objective.
Solar Beam ImageSolar Beam Venusaur ImageVenusaur Maneuver around the objective and constantly deal Standard Attacks. Once the objectives HP is low enough, burst them down with a Solar Beam. You can also line up the shot to hit the enemy team to get more value.
Solar Beam ImageSolar Beam Mew ImageMew Like with Venusaur, Mew's Solar Beam functions the same way. We suggest dropping Light Screen first before shooting the beam to amplify the damage.

When to Take Regirock

Capture Whenever Possible

Capture Regirock Whenever Possible

Since Regirock gives a large amount of EXP for the whole team, securing spawns will give your team the level advantage that can drastically increase your chances of winning the match.

For the best chance of securing Regirock, make sure to rally the whole team near its spawn location and focus on picking off enemies first before contesting.

Regirock Moves

Melee Attack

When Regirock gets close, it will hit the Pokemon with a punch. Although this attack may not deal significant damage, taking too many hits can be dangerous if you are not careful.

Rock Slide

Regirock drops a boulder from the sky, dealing damage and stunning the Pokemon it hits. The move also leaves a crater at the affected area for a short time, which blocks movement when it is still present.

Focus Blast

Regirock charges then fires three (3) balls of energy in a straight line that deal damage while also slowing Pokemon down for a short time.

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