Pokemon UNITE

Curse Incense Effect and How to Get

Pokemon UNITE - Curse Incense Banner (Temporary).png

Curse Incense is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Curse Incense's stats and effects, how to get Curse Incense, and which Pokemon are best for Curse Incense!

Curse Incense Latest Buffs and Nerfs (09/14)

Version Patch Notes

Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense • Fixed an issue where the effects would overlap when multiple Pokemon have Curse Incense equipped. Fixed an issue where the effects would overlap when multiple Pokemon have Curse Incense equipped.

Curse Incense Stats and Effect

Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense
Held Item
Tier Ranking
B Rank.png
When Sp. Atk based damage is dealt to opposing Pokemon, their HP recovery effect is weakened for a short time. The HP recovery effect is weakened for longer when dealing damage to opposing Pokemon with Sp. Atk-based basic attacks.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Curse Incense Stats Per Level

Level 10 Sp. Atk. +13
Level 20 Sp. Atk. +26
Level 30 Sp. Atk. +39

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Sp. Atk. +1.3
2 Sp. Atk. +2.6
3 Sp. Atk. +3.9
4 Sp. Atk. +5.2
5 Sp. Atk. +6.5
6 Sp. Atk. +7.8
7 Sp. Atk. +9.1
8 Sp. Atk. +10.4
9 Sp. Atk. +11.7
10 Sp. Atk. +13
11 Sp. Atk. +14.3
12 Sp. Atk. +15.6
13 Sp. Atk. +16.9
14 Sp. Atk.+18.2
15 Sp. Atk. +19.5
16 Sp. Atk. +20.8
17 Sp. Atk. +22.1
18 Sp. Atk. +23.4
19 Sp. Atk. +24.7
20 Sp. Atk. +26
21 Sp. Atk. +27.3
22 Sp. Atk. +28.6
23 Sp. Atk. +29.9
24 Sp. Atk. +31.2
25 Sp. Atk. +32.5
26 Sp. Atk. +33.8
27 Sp. Atk. +35.1
28 Sp. Atk. +36.4
29 Sp. Atk. +37.7
30 Sp. Atk. +39

How to Get Curse Incense

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x2000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x1250

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Pokemon UNITE Related Links

Pokemon UNITE - List of Items

List of All Items

Item Pages
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Pokemon UNITE - Held Items Navigation Banner.pngHeld Items Pokemon UNITE - Battle Items Navigation Banner.pngBattle Items Pokemon UNITE - Account Items Navigation Banner.pngAccount Items

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List of Held Items

Battle Items

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List of Battle Items


4 Dilwer Faro8 months

When will you test this item? It would be great to know if it works on Trevenant, Goodra and Slowbro heals.

3 Anonymousover 1 year

Well i like the items if this was released when umbreon was he'd probably be easier to fight


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