Pokemon UNITE

Welcome Back! Returning Player Event Guide

Pokemon UNITE - Welcome Back Returning Players Event Banner.png

Welcome Back! is an event for returning players in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile! Learn how to get this event, how to access it, a list of all the rewards, and more!

Welcome Back! Event Duration

Start January 29, 2022
This is a permanent event.
Event lasts for 14 days after accessing.

Get by not Logging in for 14 Days or More

Welcome Back! Event

You will be able to access this event when you have not logged in for 14-days or more. This allows returning players to have a small boost to get themselves back on their feet as fast as possible!

Does not Work for Active Players

This event will not appear for players who are actively playing the game. If you want to access the event and rewards, make sure to not launch the game at all, as logging in even once will count as being active.

Can be Done More than Once

During our testing, we managed to get this event two times in a single account. It is uncertain whether there is a limit to getting this event. We will provide information as soon as it is available, so stay tuned!

Welcome Back! Event List of Rewards

Complete One Battle

The first set of rewards can be obtained by simply completing one UNITE battle from start to finish. After completing one match, go back to the Welcome Back! event screen and select claim to get the rewards!

Mission Reward
Complete one battle

Log-In Bonus Events

Mission Reward
Log in for 1 day
Log in for 2 days
Pokemon UNITE - Pikachu Set IconPikachu Set (7-Day Rental)
Tops & Bottom | Accessory | Shoes
Log in for 3 days
Log in for 4 days
Log in for 5 days
Log in for 6 days
Log in for 7 days

Total Log-In Rewards

Total Log-In Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Pikachu Set IconPikachu Set (7-Day Rental)

Warm-Up Events Rewards

These are the rewards you can get by cumulatively collecting Energy during the course of this event. Energy can be obtained by finishing Warm-Up Events Missions!

Reward Cumulative Energy Needed
Pokemon UNITE - Limited License Box Icon7-Day Limited License Selection Box
You may choose from the following:
Blissey | Gengar | Garchomp
Mamoswine | Sylveon
Pokemon UNITE - Energy Icon.pngEnergy x30
Aeos TicketAeos Tickets x500 Pokemon UNITE - Energy Icon.pngEnergy x150
Pokemon UNITE - Headband Corphish.pngHeadband (Corphish)
(30-Day Rental)
Pokemon UNITE - Energy Icon.pngEnergy x350
Pokemon UNITE - UNITE License Selection Box Icon.pngUNITE License Selection Box
You may choose from the following:
Gengar | Greninja | Lucario | Garchomp
Absol | Tsareena | Decidueye | Sylveon
If you need help deciding on which to pick, check out our Pokemon Tier List!
Pokemon UNITE - Energy Icon.pngEnergy x400

Warm-Up Events Missions

This event will task you with different missions that get you up to speed with the gameplay of Pokemon UNITE. The missions will give you various rewards including Energy that can be used to claim the rewards above! Missions will run for 7 consecutive days!

If you haven't finished missions from a past day, you can still finish them at a later date as long as the event is still active.
Daily Missions won't trigger for another day unless you log-in so don't forget to do so!

Day 1

Missions Rewards
Participate in 1 battle
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30
Pick up 50 energy points off the ground
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30
Use quick chat 5 times in the lobby
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30

Day 2

Missions Rewards
Block a total of 5 goals
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x15
Score a total of 100 points
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Check out 5 UNITE snapshots
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20

Day 3

Missions Rewards
Knock out Electrode a total of 5 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Participate in a ranked match 2 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x25
Pick up 50 Sitrus Berries
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x25

Day 4

Missions Rewards
Participate in a ranked match 5 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30
Win 1 battle with a friend
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x25
Knock out Zapdos a total of 6 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30

Day 5

Missions Rewards
Make a total of 10 assists
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30
Score a total of 5 goals
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30
Score a total of 300 points
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30

Day 6

Missions Rewards
Knock Out Drednaw a total of 6 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Score a total of 20 goals
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Use Quick Chat 10 times in the lobby
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30

Day 7

Missions Rewards
Participate in a ranked match 10 times
Aeos Coin Boost Card 3 Day3-Day Aeos Coin Boost Card x1
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Knock out Rotom a total of 8 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x20
Win a ranked match 5 times
Pokemon UNITE - Warm-up Points IconWarm-up Points x30

This section is under contruction. We will updated this article for the missions of the remaining days, so come back soon!

Tips for Finishing This Event

Participate in UNITE Battles!

Participate in Unite Battles!

The best way to finish this event is to participate in UNITE Battles. These could be Quick Battles, Standard Battles, or Ranked Battles. We suggest doing quick battles though as they take half as much time to finish that Standard and Ranked Battles!

Game Modes
Standard, Ranked, and Quick Battles

Find Friends to Play With!

Friend Request Board

If you need help to get up to speed with Pokemon UNITE Battles, we suggest going to our Friend Request Board and look for teammates! This community is pretty helpful so don't be afraid to ask for help!

Friend Request Board

Check out Our Beginner's Guide!


If it has been a while since you've played Pokemon UNITE, maybe it's a good time to check out the beginner's guide as a refresh!

Here are 20 Tips and Tricks to get you up to speed:

Beginner's Guide:
20 Tips and Tricks To Get Started

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

List of Events Partial Banner

List of Events

Tinkaton Commemorative Events

Event Name End Date
Tinkaton Commemoratve Challenge Guide.pngTinkaton Commemorative Special Challenge December 26, 2024
7:00AM UTC

Holiday Event Pass

Event Name End Date
Holiday Event Pass.pngHoliday Event Pass January 1, 2025
12:00AM UTC
Holiday Event Pass Missions.pngHoliday Event Pass Missions January 1, 2025
12:00AM UTC

UNITE Holiday Events

Event Name End Date
Pokemon UNITE - Illumination Challenge Partial Banner.pngIllumination Challenge December 30, 2024
7:00AM UTC

Warm Events

Event Name End Date
Pokemon UNITE - Warm Challenge Missions Partial Banner.pngWarm Challenge Missions January 17, 2025
7:00AM UTC

Lucky Ice Pops Events

Event Name End Date
Lucky Ice Pops Event Partial.pngLucky Ice Pops January 9, 2024
12:00AM UTC

Solo Challenge Events

Event Name End Date
Pokemon UNITE - Solo Challenge Event Partial.pngSolo Challenge January 17, 2025
7:00AM UTC

Current Ranked and Battle Pass Seasons

Event Name End Date
Pokemon UNITE - Ranked Season 24 Partial Banner.pngRanked Season 24 January 16, 2025
3:30AM UTC
Pokemon UNITE - Battle Pass S28 Partial Banner.pngBattle Pass Season 28 January 17, 2025
7:00AM UTC

Repeating Events

Event Name Duration
Daily Missions Event GuideDaily Missions Resets daily.
Available everyday.
Score Challenge BannerScore Challenge Available during weekends from Saturday to Monday.
Intense Battle Training BannerIntense Battle Training Available Next Week
Pokemon UNITE - Total Score Challenge - Wigglytuff Partial BannerTotal Score Challenge Available This Week
Assist Crash Course! BannerAssist Crash Course! Available in 2 Weeks
Pokemon UNITE - Pokemon UNITE Weekend PartialUNITE Day Weekend Available every first wekeend of the month

Permanent Events

Event Name Duration
Pokemon UNITE - Gift Code Exchange Partial BannerGift Code Exchange Available on all platforms.
Codes can be redeemed.
Pokemon UNITE - Returning Players Event Partial BannerReturning Player Event Available for 14 days after returning from a 14 days or more absence from UNITE
Pokemon UNITE - 14-Day Welcome Gifts14-Day Welcome Gifts Log in for 14 days after account creation.
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner ChallengeBeginner Challenge Activates after Trainer level 3 for only 30 days.
Pokemon UNITE - Super Item Enhancement Missions Event GuideSuper Item Enhancement Missions Event Guide Available from
September 22, 2021
(no deadline)
Pokemon UNITE - Zeraora MissionZeraora Mission Available from
September 22, 2021
(no deadline)
Pokemon UNITE - Held Item Enhancement Support MissionsHeld Item Enhancement Support Missions Available from
September 22, 2021
(no deadline)
Pokemon UNITE - Max-Grade Trial Campaign GuideMax-Grade Trial Campaign Guide Available from
September 22, 2021
(no deadline)
You can link your account and claim a reward!You can link your account and claim a reward! Available from
November 16, 2021
(no deadline)
Pokemon UNITE - Weekly Log-In Bonus Partial Banner.pngWeekly Log-In Bonus Log In at least once every week
Pokemon UNITE - First Recharge Special Coin Exchange Partial Banner.pngFirst Recharge Special Coin Exchange Purchase any number of Aeos gems once


21 Anonymous4 months

Does it work if you have Pokémon account and delete the game.

20 Anonymous8 months

U can do this in 1 month, 14 day off and 14 day get the prize and repeat for 12 month


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