Pokemon UNITE

Greedent Guide: Builds and Best Items

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Greedent in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for the best builds, Held and Battle items, movesets, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, matchups, and more!

Greedent Pokemon Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Release Date Top Partial.pngGreedent Release Date Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Builds Top Partial.pngGreedent Builds

Greedent Latest Nerfs & Buffs (1/16)

Version Patch Notes

Greedent Changes (January 16, 2025)
Belch Image
• Damage decreased by 6%.

Tackle Cooldown increased.

Cheek Pouch HP Recovery reduced. Recovery per berry reduced 487 to 451. (-7%)

Covet Fixed a bug where Belch can be used more frequently that expected while using Covet under certain conditions. Cooldown lengthened from 9s to 11s (+2s), User effect duration decreased, User effect weakened. Unstoppable status effect duration shortened. Cooldown decreased from 11s to 10s.

Stuff Cheeks Shield provided is weakened.

Bullet Seed Damage increased from 4104 to 5568. (+36%) Fixed an issue that caused the move to freeze when interrupted. Damage increased by 15%. Bugfix. Cooldown decreased from 5s to 4.5s.

Belch Cooldown for second activation after getting full berries is increased by 1 second. Damage reduced from 2225 to 1916. (-14%) Movement speed reduction increased from 15% for 1s to 40% for 2s (decreases by 10% every 0.5s). Damage increased by 12%. Damage decreased by 6%.

Berry Belly Flop Fixed a bug that caused unintended behavior when using this UNITE move while using the jump panel. Energy needed decreased by 10%.

Greedent Basic Info

Tier Rating: B Rank Icon

Role: Defender
Attack Type: Melee
Damage Type: Physical
Difficulty: Expert
"A tricky Defender that stores and consumes berries to overcome any foe!"

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Greedent Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
4 Stars.png
3 Stars.png
4 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ Moveset has support capabilities.
✔︎ High-burst damage via Belch and Berry Belly Flop.
✔︎ High durability.
✔︎ High-synergy movesets.
✖︎ Complex mechanics.
✖︎ Relies too much on Berries.
✖︎ Moves are hard to aim.

Best Builds for Greedent

Greedent Builds

Scorer Build

Scorer Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +18
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
HP: +240
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Scorer Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build utilizes Greedent's mobility via Stuff Cheeks to constantly score points throughout the match but still help out during teamfights with Bullet Seed.
· Attack Weight gives Greedent a large damage boost, particularly for its moves.
· Aeos Cookie significantly boosts Greedent's HP, allowing the Pokemon to soak more damage.
· Focus Band makes Greedent more durable and acts as another source of healing.
· However, Score Shield can be a replacement for Focus Band, making it easier for Greedent to score without getting interrupted, especially while carrying high amounts of points. · Weakness Policy can also be a replacement for Aeos Cookie for HP and more damage.
· X Speed gives Greedent more mobility to roam the map an score points or escape quickly after scoring.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems for maximum HP and 6 Brown Emblems for additional damage.
· This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Brown.
· Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP or Movement Speed for more damage, durability, or mobility.
· Sp. Atk, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Belch Build

Belch Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +33
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Free Negative Stats:
Sp. Atk
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Belch Build Explanation

Build Explanation
This build is centered on disrupting fights with Covet while dealing burst damage to opponents using Belch.
· Attack Weight gives Greedent a large damage boost, particularly for its moves.
· Weakness Policy synergizes well with Greedent's frontline gameplay and high sustain, increasing its damage output as it takes hits from opponents. It also gives a decent amount of Attack and HP.
· Focus Band makes Greedent more durable and acts as another source of healing, especially during Covet.
· Energy Amplifier can be a replacement for Weakness Policy, giving Greedent more damage damage when it uses Berry Belly Flop and some cooldown reduction.
· Potion gives Greedent an additional source of healing, which can be used during Covet.
· Eject Button can also work for the build, giving Greedent a quick repositioning tool that can also be used during Covet.
· The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 White Emblems for maximum HP and 6 Brown Emblems for additional damage.
· This can be achieved by equipping at least two (2) Emblems that are both White and Brown.
· Equip Emblems that improve Attack or HP for more damage or durability.
· Sp. Atk, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Belch Build Damage Test

(Level 30)
(Per hit)
(@ Lvl 15)
(@ Lvl 15)
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
567 2227

Since the build is centered on Belch and Covet, equipping items that will maximize their damage is the ideal item combination. Focus Band is a core item for the build, leaving only two (2) items for consideration.

Out of all the item combinations, Weakness Policy and a fully-stacked Attack Weight will be the best for the build. The item combination produced the third highest results without depending on activating Berry Belly Flop.

As for alternatives, replacing Weakness Policy with Energy Amplifier would be the best choice. The item combination produced the highest damage results. However, it does require Greedent not only to fully stack Attack Weight first, but also to use Berry Belly Flop to maximize its damage.

These damage tests are conducted using the Training Dummy in Practice Mode.

(Level 30)
(Per hit)
(@ Lvl 15)
(@ Lvl 15)
Muscle Band
Razor Claw
491 1975
Muscle Band
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
535 2122
Muscle Band
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
517 2063
Muscle Band
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
583 2353
Razor Claw
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
535 2122
Razor Claw
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
517 2063
Razor Claw
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
583 2353
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
567 2227
Attack Weight
(6 stacks)
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
636 2531
Weakness Policy
(4 stacks)
Energy Amplifier
(Includes effect)
613 2455

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Greedent Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Attack Weight.pngAttack Weight Stacking Attack Weight bonuses significantly increase Greedent's damage output. Given its slippery nature, it likely won't have a problem getting the full stacks.
Score Shield.pngScore Shield Score Shield ensures that Greedent will be able to score goals uninterrupted. It also increases the Pokemon's HP, which gives it more durability.
Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier Buddy Barrier gives extra shields for Greedent as it jumps towards targets with its unite move. Having protection means that it can take advantage of its unite move's effect safely.
Energy Amplifier.pngEnergy Amplifier Energy Amplifier increases Greedent's damage after using its unite move. This makes the follow up attacks after lunging at opponents even more devastating.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band adds to Greedent's defenses. It also makes the Pokemon more problematic to fight when the HP recovery effect kicks in.
Weakness Policy.pngWeakness Policy Weakness Policy goes well with Greedent's high sustain, increasing the Pokemon's damage as it tanks damage from opponents. It also gives a decent amount of Attack and HP.

List of Held Items

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button gives Greedent extra mobility, which it can use to get out of tricky situations.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed gives Greedent extra mobility, making it harder to catch.
Potion.pngPotion Potion provides Gredeent with extra survivability so it can continue to run around and cause mayhem.

List of Battle Items

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
Stuff Cheeks ImageStuff Cheeks Stuff Cheeks gives Greedent a sudden burst of movement speed and healing, making Greedent hard to catch.
Bullet Seed ImageBullet Seed Bullet Seed deals considerable damage while slowing targets. It can also be aimed manually while moving.

Although any move combination will give Greedent healing and damage, this moveset is simpler to execute. Stuff Cheeks produces multiple Berries at once, which Greedent can then pick up to heal itself and stash to use for its moves. It's also simpler to use compared to Covet. However, it doesn't do any damage nor give Greedent Hindrance Resistance.

Bullet Seed deals significantly more damage compared to Belch and also slows targets. However, it can be hard to use compared to Belch since its button needs to be held down for the duration, but fortunately, it can be used while moving and also be recast.

Which Moveset Do You Think Is Best For Greedent?

Belch & Covet 8
Belch & Stuff Cheeks 3
Bullet Seed & Covet 2
Bullet Seed & Stuff Cheeks 33

Let us know why in the comments!

Previous Poll Result

Belch & Covet 33
Belch & Stuff Cheeks 6
Bullet Seed & Covet 2
Bullet Seed & Stuff Cheeks 39

How to Play Greedent

Jump to Section

Always Max Out Berries

Greedent's gameplay is centered around managing Berries. Apart from the healing it gives, it increases Bullet Seed's damage and reduces Belch's cooldown with max Berries. Given this, always max out Berries before using moves.

Furthermore, as much as possible, always get Berries that are lying on the floor. However, if it's too dangerous to get it, it's best to just leave it.

Choose Stuff Cheeks for Efficiency

Learn Stuff Cheeks if you want the most efficient way to fill up on Berries. Keep using it whenever its available for a consistent source of Berries.

Choose Covet for Crowd Control

Although Covet takes a lot of time before you can fill up on Berries, it does give you a teamfight tool instead. Use Covet when a fight breaks or initiate a fight, just make sure to hit enemies as you maneuver around.

Pick Up Yellow or Green Berries

You can also pick up Yellow or Green Berries to fill up on your stash.

Utilize Greedent's Unique Mechanic with Yellow Berries

Greedent has a unique mechanic of being able to pick up Yellow Berries even at full HP and add them to the Berry stacks (as shown above).

Be Mindful of Where Berries Land

One downside to Greedent's Berry mechanic is that enemy Pokemon can also pick them up and heal. With this, it is important to be mindful of where your Berries land, especially when using Stuff Cheeks.

Stuff Cheeks: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Utilize Initial Moveset

Utilize Tackle and Defense Curl in the early game to get an advantage as the game progresses.

Sneak Goals and Steal Yellow Berries with Tackle

One way to utilize Tackle is by using it to sneak pass enemies to score goals, then using it again to escape. You can achieve this if you have 3 to 5 Berries stored, reducing the move's cooldown enough to use it again after scoring. This is becomes more effective if you're using the Score Stack Build.

Moreover, if there are Yellow Berries present behind the enemy's goal zone, you can use Tackle to steal the them. It's best to do this after scoring points to waste the enemies' time since they'll be chasing you.

Tackle: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Take or Steal Wild Pokemon with Tackle

Using Tackle to take wild Pokemon or steal them from your enemies is also a great way to utilize the move.

Tackle: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Take Early Engagements with Defense Curl

Use Defense Curl to take and win early engagements. The shield and healing effects allow you to prolong fights and trade blows with an enemy.

Defense Curl: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Control Bullet Seed Direction

While casting Bullet Seed, you can control where Greedent is firing towards. Use this mechanic to stick to your targets and maximize the damage.

For Nintendo Switch, use the right analog stick to control the direction. As for mobile, use your right thumb to control the direction while pressing down on the move.

Bullet Seed: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Re-Cast Bullet Seed

Bullet Seed has the unique mechanic of allowing Greedent to stop firing seeds without ending the move itself. Use this mechanic to reposition or re-aim when needed.

Kite Enemies

Bullet Seed is also great for kiting enemies, especially against melee Pokemon. Although its range is shorter than other kiting moves, it can slow enemies to a crawl.

Go in Circles During Covet

Although it is difficult to maneuver during Covet, it is nonetheless an effective crowd control move. The trick to maximize its stun is to go in circles around the enemy, providing constant stuns, especially in teamfights. Moreover, with the berries healing Greedent, opponents will have a hard time catching up.

Covet: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Focus on Scoring Points

Because of Covet or Stuff Cheeks, Greedent can quickly roam around the map and score points. Use these moves to constantly score points for your team, putting pressure on the enemy to defend their goal zones and creating space for your team to level up and take objectives.

Utilize Berry Belly Flop's Unlimited Berries

After using Berry Belly Flop, Greedent gains unlimited Berries for the duration, allowing you to constantly activate Belch or deal increased damage with Bullet Seed without losing Berries as long as the Unite move's effect is still active. Remember this when diving down into groups of enemies!

Berry Belly Flop: Greedent Move Effect and Cooldown

Progression and Leveling Guide

Top or Bottom Lane Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Secure as many Wild Pokemon as you can and get EXP to reach level 5.
  • Once at level 5, learn either Covet or Stuff Cheeks.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon and level up, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents.

Level 6 to 9

  • Once at level 7, learn Belch if you selected Covet, or Bullet Seed if you selected Stuff Cheeks, and start to get aggressive.
  • Continue to farm wild Pokemon, defend the lane, score points, and knock out opponents to level up.
  • Help your allies secure Regieleki and/or Regice, Registeel, or Regirock.
  • Once at level 9, learn Berry Belly Flop to get all moves.

Level 10+

  • Continue to farm and level up.
  • Stick with allies to defend or push lanes, secure objectives, and win teamfights.
  • Reach at least level 13 on or before Rayquaza spawns for a full-upgraded moveset.
  • Help your allies win a team fight and secure Rayquaza.
  • After securing Rayquaza, just score points to gain the score lead, then immediately return to base and just defend the remaining goal zones until the match ends.

Greedent Combos

Early Game Combos

This set of combos can be perfromed in the early game. It takes advantage of Greedent's innately high defenses, constant healing, and slippery moves to give opponents a hard time.

Tackle Harass Combo

Tackle Harass Combo
Tackle IconStandard Attack Icon x3Tackle IconDefense Curl Icon Optional

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Tackle Combo 1
TackleStandard Attack x3Tackle
This is an early game combo centered around Tackle and is useful for harassing enemies in lane. Max out your Berries first. Initiate with Tackle to get close to your target. Follow-up with three basic attacks. Finish with another Tackle to escape or finish your target. You can use Defense Curl for healing and shielding when you need it.

High Sustain Tackle Combo

High Sustain Tackle Combo
Stuff Cheeks IconTackle IconStandard Attack Icon x3Tackle Icon

Pokemon UNITE - GreedentTackle Combo 2
Stuff CheeksTackleStandard Attack x3Tackle
This is the same with the previous combo. However, you instead use Stuff Cheeks first to quickly max out your Berries and gain increased movement speed and shields. This gives Greedent more durability for disrupting the enemy team.

Belch Burst Combos

This set of combos utilizes Belch to burst down targets.

Double Belch Combo

Double Belch Combo
Stuff Cheeks IconBelch Icon x2

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Double Belch Combo
This is your standard damage-dealer combo if your using Belch. Start by using Stuff Cheeks to max out your Berries, then use the movement speed bonus to get close to your target. Once your close enough, use Belch twice in quick succession.

Belcher Combo

Belcher Combo
Covet IconBelch Icon Constantly

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Belcher Combo
CovetBelch Constantly
This is a crowd-control combo with high damage potential and is your core combo for the Belcher Build. Max out Berries first before initiating with Covet. Keep casting Belch whenever it's available while your maneuvering.

Ultimate Endless Belch Combo

Ultimate Endless Belch Combo
Berry Belly Flop IconCovet IconBelch Icon Constantly

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Ultimate Belcher Combo
Berry Belly FlopCovetBelch Constantly
This is an improved version of the Belcher combo. Initiate with Berry Belly Flop, then cast Covet immediately. Keep using Belch until the unlimited-berry effect expires.

Bullet Seed Pressure Combos

This set of combos utilizes Bullet Seed to apply constant pressure towards an opponent.

Drive-By Combo

Drive-By Combo
Covet IconBullet Seed Icon

Pokemon UNITE - Run and Gun Combo
This is a quick and easy Bullet Seed combo that takes advantage of the extra mobility and hindrance resistance you get from Covet. Start by Initiating the fight with Covet, then hold down Bullet Seed while maneuvering around the target.

Reload Combo

Reload Combo
Bullet Seed IconStuff Cheeks IconBullet Seed Icon

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Reload Combo
This combo gives you more Bullet Seed using Stuff Cheeks. Max out your Berries first. Stay close to your target while casting Bullet Seed. When your Berries run out, cast Stuff Cheeks to quickly max out your Berries again, then use the remaining duration of Bullet Seed.

Ultimate Run and Gun Combo

Ultimate Run and Gun Combo
Berry Belly Flop IconCovet IconBullet Seed Icon

Pokemon UNITE - Greedent Rambo Run and Gun Combo
This is an improved version of the Drive-By combo. Initiate with Berry Belly Flop, then use Covet immediately. Hold down Bullet Seed while your maneuvering.

Matchups & Counters for Greedent

All Greedent Matchups

Hard Counter
DragapultGlaceonMega Mewtwo YMr. MimeUmbreonVenusaur
Fair Matchup
AbsolAegislashAlolan NinetalesArmarougeAzumarillBlastoiseBlazikenBlisseyBuzzwoleCeruledgeCharizardCinderaceClefableCramorantCrustleDarkraiDodrioDragoniteEldegossEspeonFalinksGalarian RapidashGarchompGardevoirGengarGoodraGreninjaGyaradosHo-OhInteleonLaprasLeafeonLucarioMachampMamoswineMega Mewtwo XMeowscaradaMetagrossMewMimikyuMiraidonPikachuPsyduckScizorSlowbroSnorlaxSuicuneSylveonTalonflameTinkatonTrevenantTsareenaTyranitarUrshifuWigglytuffZacianZeraoraZoroark
Good Matchup
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Greedent.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Counter With Persistent Moves

Greedent has an affinity to be very playful with its moveset, opting for a more pesky method of outpacing enemy pokemon with its mobility. The best way to outplay this is to disrupt its movement, especially when it has Covet.

Best Counters

Pokemon Explanation
Glaceon ImageGlaceon Rating: ★★★★★
• Can shred through Greedent's durability using Icicle Spear or Icy Wind.
• Can kite Greedent with fast attacks using Ice Shard.
Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Rating: ★★★★
• A well-placed Barrier can disrupt Greedent's movement.
• Can constantly pressure Greedent with Power Swap and Confusion or Psychic.
Umbreon ImageUmbreon Rating: ★★★★
• Can completely cut off Greedent's movement using Mean Look.
• Can steal Greedent's shield from Berries with Moonlight Prance.

Even Matchups for Greedent

Making sure that Greedent's stash of Berries is always full to enhance its moves is the only way for it to get the upper hand against these Pokemon.

Close the Gap

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Alolan Ninetales Image Armarouge Image Cinderace Image Cramorant Image Espeon Image Gardevoir Image Greninja Image Inteleon Image Mew Image Miraidon Image Pikachu Image Suicune Image Sylveon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Greedent. However, Greedent has ways to get close to them and take them down.
• Close the gap using either Covet or Stuff Cheeks or Berry Belly Flop, then take them out using Belch or Bullet Seed.

Disrupt Them Using Covet or Kite Them With Bullet Seed

Aegislash Image Azumarill Image Blaziken Image Buzzwole Image Ceruledge Image Charizard Image Falinks Image Garchomp Image Gyarados Image Lucario Image Machamp Image Mega Mewtwo X Image Metagross Image Mimikyu Image Scizor Image Tinkaton Image Tsareena Image Tyranitar Image Zacian Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Greedent's damage. However, they have to come close first to attack, making them susceptible to getting kited and disrupted.
• Use Covet to disrupt their attacks or combos all while using Belch.
• Alternatively, use Bullet Seed to slow and damage them while keeping distance from them to avoid getting attacked.
• As a last resort, use Berry Belly Flop to survive longer and quickly gain Berries and recover HP.

Slow Them Down Using Covet or Bullet Seed

High-mobility Pokemon with Burst Damage
Absol Image Darkrai Image Dodrio Image Galarian Rapidash Image Gengar Image Leafeon Image Meowscarada Image Talonflame Image Zeraora Image Zoroark Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are incredibly agile and deal high burst damage. However, Greedent can tank their damage and disrupt their assault.
• Use Covet to disrupt their moves while using Belch.
• Alternatively, use Bullet Seed to slow and gun them down. Use Stuff Cheeks to stay on top of them and recover HP.

Utilize Their Numbers

Blissey Image Clefable Image Eldegoss Image Psyduck Image Wigglytuff Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Greedent, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• Take advantage of them being in close proximity to each other by using Covet and Belch to disrupt them or Bullet Seed to slow them.
• Alternatively, use Berry Belly Flop at their position to force them to scatter.

Group Up with Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Blastoise Image Crustle Image Goodra Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Mamoswine Image Slowbro Image Snorlax Image Trevenant Image
How to Beat
• Much like Greedent, these Pokemon are extremely durable, making it difficult for Greedent to take them down alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Greedent.
• Use Covet to disrupt their moves while using Belch.
• Use Bullet Seed to slow and gun them down. Use Stuff Cheeks to stay on top of them and recover HP.

Easy Matchups for Greedent

Make use of Greedent's slippery nature to give these Pokemon a hard time fighting. Throw in a couple of Belch or Bullet Seed triggers while running around with Covet or Stuff Cheeks and they'll be overwhelmed.

Close the Gap

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Chandelure Image Decidueye Image Delphox Image Duraludon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Greedent. However, Greedent has ways to get close to them and take them down.
• Close the gap using either Covet or Stuff Cheeks or Berry Belly Flop, then take them out using Belch or Bullet Seed.

Utilize Their Numbers

Comfey Image Hoopa Image Sableye Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Greedent, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• Take advantage of them being in close proximity to each other by using Covet and Belch to disrupt them or Bullet Seed to slow them.
• Alternatively, use Berry Belly Flop at their position to force them to scatter.

Best Teammates for Greedent

Pokemon Explanation
Machamp ImageMachamp Pikachu ImagePikachu Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Non-Defender Disablers
Pokemon with AoE or single-target disabling moves who are not Defenders can synergize well with Greedent. They can stun enemies using moves like Volt Tackle and Sing to make it easier for Greedent to land Belch, Covet, and Berry Belly Flop, especially in teamfights. If they're frontline Pokemon, they can cause chaos alongside Greedent during fights, which puts heavy pressure on enemies. On the other hand, if they're fragile Pokemon, Greedent can use Bullet Seed to keep enemies away from them, keeping them safe and allowing them to dish out damage safely behind Greedent.
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Can Heal, Shield, and Buff
Although Greedent can keep itself alive just fine, having additional sources of healing, shielding, and buffs from other Pokemon improves Greedent's gameplay a lot. Moves like Cotton Guard are the most reliable sources of healing that are perfect for Greedent's playstyle due to their simplicity. Meanwhile, moves such as Power Swap provides potentially infinite healing and buffs as long as Greedent is tethered, which makes the Pokemon a lot harder to knock out.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Greedent Moves

Move Slot 1 (R)

Tackle ImageTackle
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Dash
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 481
Final Damage: 629
Has the user leap to the designated area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this move is used while Covet is active, no area can be designated for the user to leap to. Instead, while the user is running, damage is dealt in an area to opposing Pokemon in front of it. If the user has any Berries stashed in its tail at this time, it consumes all of them. The more Berries the user had stashed away, the more this move's cooldown is reduced.
Belch ImageBelch
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 5s
Starting Damage: 1370
Final Damage: 2006
Deals damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreases their movement speed for a short time. If the user has any Berries stashed in its tail at this time, it consumes all of them. The more Berries the user had stashed away, the more this move's cooldown is reduced.
Upgrade: Increases damage dealt by this move.
Bullet Seed ImageBullet Seed
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 4.5s
Starting Damage: 4224
Damage per seed: 176, Number of seeds: 24
Final Damage: 6384
Damage per seed: 266, Number of seeds: 24
Has the user spit Berry seeds in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. The more Berries the user had stashed away, the more damage this move deals.
Upgrade: Increases damage dealt by this move.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Defense Curl ImageDefense Curl
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Buff
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: N/A
Final Damage: N/A
Grants the user a shield for a short time. In addition, a Berry will drop in front of the user
Covet ImageCovet
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 10s
Starting Damage: 309
Damage per hit: 309
Final Damage: 473
Damage per hit: 473
Has the user run with all its might, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and throwing them. The user then becomes resistant to hindrances for a short time. While running, the user drops Berries from its body. If the user eats a dropped Berry, its movement speed is increased for a short time. The more Berries the user eats, the more its movement speed is increased. In addition, Tackle, Belch, or Bullet Seed can also be used while the user is running. Using this move will reset the cooldown of Tackle or Belch.
Upgrade: Increases damage dealt by this move and increases the frequency at which Berries drop.
Stuff Cheeks ImageStuff Cheeks
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Buff
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: N/A
Final Damage: N/A
Has the user drop several Berries, which can be eaten to recover HP. Any HP recovered that exceeds the user's max HP will be converted to a shield effect. If the user catches sight of a Berry while using this move, its movement speed is increased for a short time.
Upgrade: Increases the number of Berries the user drops from its tail.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Berry Belly Flop ImageBerry Belly Flop
(Lv. 9)
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Physical
Cooldown: 100s
Starting Damage: 1804
Final Damage: 2189
Has the user eat a Berry to recover HP and then leap to the designated area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in the area of effect and throwing them. The user then eats a special Berry, which resets the cooldown of all the user's moves and for a short time prevents the amount of Berries stashed in its tail from decreasing.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage when it hits and causing one Berry to drop from the user's tail.

Ability (Passive)

Cheek Pouch ImageCheek Pouch All Evolution Stages
When the Pokemon eats a Berry, it also recovers HP after receiving the original effects of the Berry. At the same time, it stealthily stashes another Berry in its tail. Being hit by a single attack or combination of attacks will cause a Berry to drop from the Pokemon's tail.

Greedent Stats & Evolutions

Greedent Evolutions

1st Evolution Final Evolution
(Lv. 1)
(Lv. 5)

Greedent Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3000 75 60 170
2 3135 83 67 174
3 3290 92 75 178
4 3469 103 84 183
5 4285 151 124 206
6 4522 165 136 213
7 4794 181 149 221
8 5107 199 164 230
9 5467 220 182 240
10 5882 244 202 252
11 6359 272 225 266
12 6908 304 252 282
13 7539 341 283 300
14 8265 384 319 321
15 9099 433 360 345

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Greedent In-Game Stat Listings

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
1.5 Stars.png 5 Stars.png 2 Stars.png 1 Star.png 3.5 Stars.png

Greedent Skins (Holowear)

GreedentTraining StyleTraining Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 400 / Holowear Ticket 18
GreedentTuxedo StyleTuxedo Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 400
GreedentFrontier StyleFrontier Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1200
GreedentBerry StyleBerry Style
GreedentMasked StyleMasked Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1050
GreedentTree StyleTree Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 2199
GreedentMarine StyleMarine Style

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Greedent Character Spotlight

Greedent Achievements

Belch Achievement

Pokemon Move
Greedent ImageGreedent Belch ImageBelch
In a single battle, hit Pokemon from the opposing team 10 or more times with Blech or Belch+ while running under the effect of Covet or Covet+ (5/10/20 battles total)
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Defender Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

All Pokemon Guides and Builds

Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
Pokemon UNITE - AzumarillAzumarill Pokemon UNITE - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon UNITE - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon UNITE - BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon UNITE - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon UNITE - CeruledgeCeruledge Pokemon UNITE - ChandelureChandelure Pokemon UNITE - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon UNITE - CinderaceCinderace Pokemon UNITE - ClefableClefable Pokemon UNITE - ComfeyComfey Pokemon UNITE - CramorantCramorant
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon UNITE - GoodraGoodra Pokemon UNITE - GreedentGreedent Pokemon UNITE - GreninjaGreninja Pokemon UNITE - GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Unite - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon UNITE - UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon UNITE - TrevenantTrevenant Pokemon UNITE - UrshifuUrshifu Pokemon UNITE - WigglytuffWigglytuff
Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Alolan Raichu (No Role)Alolan Raichu
(April 2025)
Alcremie (No Role)Alcremie

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


31 Anonymousabout 1 year

A continuation of my message down below: Belch + Covet is not worth it. It's a build that leaves you vulnerable with the 10 monstrous second CD of Covet, and to make things worse Belch makes Greedent stay in place and attack after a moment of casting it if it's not used with Covet. Being optimistical here, you will only land 1 out of 3 belches you'll be able to do while in Covet if the enemy is wary of your very obvious come-close strategy

30 Anonymousabout 1 year

I first just Greedent after getting to lvl 45. I can say he is very fun to use because nobody knows how he plays lol He's a menace to speedsters that'd like to gank him because he can pursuit with his speed buff and do constant damage with his seeds. The thing is, it is somewhat difficult to aim his attacks, but at least you'll be able to escape death lots of times and recover somewhat fast to enter the team fight once again


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