Pokemon UNITE

How to Surrender

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender Banner

There are advantages and disadvantages when surrendering a match. Knowing when to surrender and when to fight on is a must for any player in Pokemon UNITE. This guide explains how to surrender a match in Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn how to surrender a match, when to surrender, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of surrendering.

How to Surrender a Match

Wait For 5 Minutes From the Start of the Match

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender - Wait 5 minutes
The option to surrender is only available 5 minutes after the game starts (05:00 time remaining). If the game does not go well for the team, consider first to try to turn things around.

Steps on How to Surrender

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch
1 How to Surrender - Screen ObstructionPress the + button. Be sure to go back to base first before bringing up the menu, it takes up a lot of space in the screen.
2 Surrender Settings ScreenPress the - button open the Settings screen.
3 How to Surrender - Press X to initiate SurrenderPress the X button to initiate a surrender.


1 Pokemon UNITE - Tap to Bring Up Settings MenuPress the Settings Icon
2 Pokemon UNITE - Tap the Surrender ButtonTap the Surrender button

A Successful Surrender Requires 4 Votes

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender - Requires 4 Votes

A total of 4 Yes votes is required to successfully surrender, it is indicated by the green circles. Once this happens, the match ends, resulting to an automatic defeat.

Disconnecting from the match while voting for a surrender causes the team to be at a disadvantage, and can ruin other player's games.

Requires 3 Votes in Mer Stadium and Shivre City, and 2 Votes in Auroma Park

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender - Requires 3 Votes

In both Mer Stadium and Shivre City, it takes a total of 3 Yes votes to successfully surrender. This is due to them being 4v4 maps.

Auroma Park, on the other hand, it takes 2 Yes votes to successfully surrender, since it is only a 3v3 map.

The Surrender Option Has a 40 Second Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender - Has a 40 second cooldown

When the vote to surrender fails, it goes on a 40 second timer before it can be selected again. The timer is displayed beside the surrender button.

Surrendering Can Only Use Up to 3 Times

Pokemon UNITE - How to Surrender - Maximum Uses

A team can only vote to surrender a total of 3 times per match, so be sure not to waste it. The remaining surrender votes is displayed beside the surrender button.

Automatically Say NO in Surrender Votes

Pokemon UNITE - New Surrender Option

A setting has been added that allows players to automatically oppose surrender votes in battles. Be sure to set this to your preference.

List of Settings

When to Surrender a Match

There is a Huge Level Gap

Pokemon UNITE - When to Surrender a Match - Huge Level Difference
A good reason to surrender is when there is a huge difference between the enemy Pokemon level and the team's level. Higher level Pokemon have access to higher stats, more powerful moves, and their unite move. In this scenario, the enemy can simply take you and your teammates out as soon as they see you.

Team Goal Zones Are Gone or Are Outnumbered

Pokemon UNITE - When to Surrender a Match - Allied Goals are Outnumbered

The number of goal zones captured indicates how far the enemy team is or how far behind the allied team is in terms of points. If you find that your team's goal zones are all gone and the enemies' goal zones remain untouched, it may be a good time to consider surrender.

How to Check Team Score

Zapdos is Taken By the Enemy

Pokemon UNITE - When to Surrender - Enemy Takes Zapdos

Zapdos is often regarded as an objective that can either turn the tide of battle for a losing team or guarantee the victory for a winning team. Defeating Zapdos grants a large amount of Aeos Energy to the team that defeats it, and renders the enemies' goal zones defenseless. If you find yourself in the losing team and the enemy manages to take Zapdos, it might be best to consider surrender as the odds of making a comeback from this scenario is close to impossible.

Zapdos Buff and How to Steal

AFK or Disconnected Teammates

Having teammates that are AFK (Away From Keyboard), or are disconnected from the game places the team at a huge disadvantage. There is nothing the rest of the team can do about this other than to wait for them to come back if ever they do. However, even if players come back, the enemy is mostly likely too far ahead in terms of levels.

It's not to say that winning a 4v5 match is impossible, but the odds of it happening are really low unless you've somehow managed to gain an overwhelming advantage against your opponents. If not, consider surrendering.
What Happens When You Go AFK?

Advantages of Surrendering

Start Another Match Quickly

The only benefit of surrendering is being able to start another match quickly. When it's confirmed that the match you're playing is a lost cause, surrendering is the best option. This is so players can waste less time playing a match they know they'll lose, and can instead focus on winning the next match.

Toxic Teammates

Much like other MOBA games, there can be toxic players that generally give their teammates a bad time, or just ruin the match entirely. They often intentionally give takedowns to the enemy team, or do not cooperate with teammates. When it comes to a point where your toxic teammates are giving the opponent an overwhelming advantage, it's best to just surrender and start another match. When dealing with toxic teammates, remember that you can report them at the Results Screen at the end of the match.

Sometimes bad mannered players use voice chat to harass others. However, there is a way to mute or ignore players who abuse voice chat.
How to Use Voice Chat and Best Apps

Disadvantages of Surrendering

Game-Changing Last Minutes

Pokemon UNITE - Last Minutes

It's very common to find yourself in matches where your team gets put at a disadvantage. While surrender seems like a viable option in these times, take note that the team's victory or defeat usually hangs on the last 2 minutes of the match , where points scored are doubled and Zapdos appears on the map. By surrendering before you've even reached this point of the game, you eliminate any possibility of turning the match around.

It's therefore recommended to surrender only if your team is at an EXTREME disadvantage compared to the opposing team.

Decrease in Rank

Pokemon UNITE - Ranks
When playing Ranked Matches, losing a game decreases player rank by 1. Surrendering has the same effect as losing a game, so think of ways to turn things around first before deciding.
Ranks & Ranked Match: How to Unlock and Rules

Risk of Screen Obstruction

Pokemon UNITE - Surrender Obstructs Screen
When voting for a surrender, a pop-up appears in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. Although small, this still blocks a part of the other player's screen, making it harder to see their surroundings.

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Pokemon UNITE - Game Mechanics Partial Banner

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Game Setup Guides

Game Setup Guides
List of Controls.pngList of Controls List of Settings.pngList of Settings
How to Change Your Name.pngHow to Change Your Name How to Change Your Gender.pngHow to Change Your Gender
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Do You Need Nintendo Online.pngDo You Need Nintendo Online? Server Reset Time.pngServer Reset Time
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7 Anonymous9 months

Automatically surrender vote if a toxic gengar is in your vicinity. also surrender if the opposing team has solar blade leaf blade leafeon


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