Pokemon UNITE

List of Achievements and How to Complete

Pokemon UNITE - List of Achievements.png

Achievements is a new feature from the patch update, providing a new rewards system in Pokemon UNITE. Read this article to learn what achievements are, the types of achievements, and how to complete achievements.

Trainer Achievements

Pokemon UNITE - Trainer Achievements

Trainer Achievements delves into finishing general Pokemon UNITE battle tasks like achieving a certain number of KOs, knocking out objectives in the map, scoring goals, and more.

For the list of all Trainer Achievements, check out:

List of Trainer Achievements

Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE - Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon Achievements are more Pokemon move-centric. These achievements will task you to finish missions related to individual moves from each Pokemon.

For the list of Pokemon achivements, per role, check out the following links:

Pokemon Achievements
Pokemon UNITE - Supporter Achievements IconSupporter Achievements Pokemon UNITE - All Rounder Achievements IconAll-Rounder Achievements Pokemon UNITE - Attacker Achievements IconAttacker Achievements
Pokemon UNITE - Defender Achievements IconDefender Achievements Pokemon UNITE - Speedster Achievements IconSpeedster Achievements

What are Achievements?

Pokemon UNITE - Achievements

Achievements are missions or objectives that players can accomplish in the game, recieving rewards as they complete each of them. Achievement missions can range from obtaining a certain number of items to using a move in a specific way during matches.

Has Three Levels

Pokemon UNITE - Achievements Levels

Each Achievement has three levels: Beginner, Expert, and Master, increasing in difficulty and giving a different reward than the previous level.

Progress is Accumulative

Pokemon UNITE - Achievements Progression

After completing one level of achievement, your progression accumulates and does not reset. For example, if your mission is to knock out Zapdos 3 times in the first level and 10 times in the second level, once you complete the first level, you only need to knock out Zapdos 7 more times to complete the second level.

In other words, the 3 times you defeated Zapdos in the first level is counted and accumulated in the second level.

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6 Anonymousover 2 years

Same, also wierd that no one mentions this achievement in the first place!

5 Anonymousover 2 years

Anyone else not getting the stick collection after doing a unite squad event? I have the first rank done but the 2nd rank after getting a new sticker is not unlocking.


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