Pokemon UNITE

Shivre City Map and Rules

Shivre City Map Guide

This is a guide for Shivre City in Pokemon UNITE! Read on to learn unique map features of Shivre City, Shivre City rules, all wild Pokemon found in Shivre City, instant scoring and events related to this map.

Shivre City Latest Map Changes

February 24 Patch Notes Ver. (03/24/2022)

February 24 Update Patch Notes

Shivre City Map Changes (February 24)
Aeos Energy Changes • Aeos Energy provided when Wild Pokemon are defeated increased.
• Amount of Aeos Energy dropped by opposing Pokemon when knocked out adjusted.
EXP. Gain Changes • Exp. Points gained by Pokemon that are very far behind in level adjusted.

Shivre City Map Layout

Shivre City Minimap Clear

Shivre City is a small, rectangular map in Pokemon UNITE.

There are two Goal Zones for each team in this mode. Unlike the other maps, these Goal Zones will not break after scoring a set amount of points.

Sitrus Berries can be found scattered throughout the Speed Flux Zone lanes, which makes it easier to keep fighting

Shivre City Rules

Game Mode

Match Type

Number of Players 4v4
Match Type Quick Battle

Shivre City is one of the available maps for the Quick Battle mode in Pokemon UNITE. Trainers will go head to head in teams of 4 players each.

Match Time

Match Length 5 Minutes
Wild Pokemon Evolution 1 Minute Left

Aligning with the Quick Battle mode, the total match time will only be 5 minutes.

Trainers can expect Wild Pokemon to evolve when there's only 1 minute left.

Map Mechanics

Goal Zones

Goal Zones in Shivre City
Shivre City Goal Zone

There is 1 Goal Zone in Shivre City for each team.

By assisting in or defeating enemy Pokemon, you can increase your goal-scoring speed.

During the final stretch at 1 minute left, any point scored will have double the amount!

Scoring points in the enemy Goal Zone will Heal you. You can also heal yourself and gain a small shield while inside your team's Goal Zone, just like the other maps.

Instant Scoring

Meter found underneath your total Aeos Energy held

Shivre City has a unique mechanic where you build a meter by fighting other players.

When this meter fills up completely, you can instatly dunk your points into a Goal Zone.

You also gain a small amount of meter throughout the match.

Speed Flux Zone

Speed Flux Zone marked as blue lines on the minimap
Shivre City Speed Flux Zones

Each lane has a Speed Flux Zone that increases the speed of all Pokemon on it. They also contain Yellow Berries that can heal you!


Shivre City Yellow Berry ingameYellow Berry Spawn Locations
Spawn 4:30
Respawn 30 seconds
Effect Percent of your total max HP

In Shivre City, there are up to 8 Yellow Berries per lane. This is a useful method to recover HP since you cannot teleport back to base.

Base Protection

Base Split

The base will be protected by 2 barriers. Compared to other maps, this lets players choose where to exit the base. Enemies will not be able to pass through this barrier, nor will their attacks be able to go through.

Shivre City Wild Pokemon

All Wild Pokemon Loactions

Spawn Location


Pokemon UNITE Electrode.pngElectrode
Spawn Time After 25 seconds.
Respawn Time 45 seconds
Points Earned 10 - 13
Effect Provides points for the team that defeats it.

Electrode Moves

Electrode About to Self-Destruct
Pokemon UNITE Electrode Self destruct.png

When Electrode has 60% of its HP left, it will start casting a self-destruct move which will make it explode and stun any enemies near the blast radius.

When Electrode explodes, it will not drop any points. However, it will still provide XP to the team who last did damage to it.

Electrode Guide


Spawn Time 1 Minute
Respawn Time 60 seconds
Points Earned 20
Effect Provides points for the team that defeats it.

Avalugg Buffs

Goal Zone Barrier
Pokemon UNITE Avalugg Goal Protection

The team that defeats Avalugg will get a barrier around their Goal Zone that will prevent the enemy from scoring points unless it gets destroyed or until its duration expires.

Avalugg's Shield Buff
Pokemon UNITE Avalugg Shield Buff

Avalugg will also spawn shields on the team that defeats him. The shields will only last for a fixed duration.

Avalugg Guide

Shivre City Related Events

Quick Battle Challenges: Shivre City

Rewards Mission
Wristwatch (Brown)Wristwatch (Brown) In Shivre City, defeat Electrode a total of 6 times.
Aeos Ticket.png 90 Aeos Tickets In Shivre City, KO 10 opponents in total inside speed flux zones.
Short Socks (Orange)Short Socks (Orange) In Shirvre City, pick up a total of 20 Sitrus Berries.
Aeos Ticket.png 90 Aeos Tickets In Shivre City, pick up 150 Energy points off the ground.

This event partly centers around the exploration of Shivre City. Sitrus Berries can be found scattered throughout the Speed Flux Zone. so completing this event is relatively easy.

Shivre City Quick Battle Challenges

Shivre City Tips

Fight More Often

Avalugg Team Clash.png
Shivre City's unique mechanic of increasing your Goal Scoring speed from defeating or doing assists helps dictate the pace of the match.

After building up to the maximum amount of points you can carry, try focusing on hunting down enemy Pokemon or help other teammates.

Once your meter reaches max capacity, you will be able to instantly dunk all of the points you're carrying!

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