Pokemon UNITE

List of Passive Abilities and Effects

List of Abilities.png

This is a list of the passive Abilities of all Pokemon in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of each passive Ability and how they are used in the game!

List of Passive Abilities and Effects

List of Passive Abilities by Pokemon

Move Pokemon Effect
Adaptability ImageAdaptability Eevee ImageEevee Every time the Pokemon deals or receives damage, its Sp. Atk is increased for a short time.
Anticipation ImageAnticipation Eevee ImageEevee When the Pokemon would be affected by a hindrance, the hindrace is negated, and the Pokemon becomes immune to hindrances for a short time. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Beast Boost ImageBeast Boost Buzzwole ImageBuzzwole When this Pokemon knocks out or assists in knocking out a Pokemon from the opposing team, its movement speed and basic attack speed increase for a short time. Also, each time this Pokemon hits opposing Pokemon with basic attacks or certain moves, its muscle gauge charges. Conversely, when the Pokemon is not in combat, the muscle gauge depletes by 1 muscle gauge increments whenever a set amount of time passes. Up to 6 muscle gauge increments can be stored.
Blaze ImageBlaze Charizard ImageCharizard When its HP is below half, its Critical Hit rate increases.
Blaze  ImageBlaze Cinderace ImageCinderace When the Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack becomes a boosted attack. When the Pokemon hits an opposing Pokemon with a basic attack or move, a cinder is placed on that opposing Pokemon. Attacking a cindered opposing Pokemon a certain number of times will cause to cinder to flare, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. When the Pokemon with this Ability is at half HP or less, its critical-hit rate and basic attack speed are increased for a short time.
Blaze ImageBlaze Delphox ImageDelphox When the Pokemon uses a move while at a low remaining HP, it deals additional damage with a fireball to opposing Pokemon. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Cheek Pouch ImageCheek Pouch Greedent ImageGreedent When the Pokemon eats a Berry, it also recovers HP after receiving the original effects of the Berry. At the same time, it stealthily stashes another Berry in its tail. Being hit by a single attack or combination of attacks will cause a Berry to drop from the Pokemon's tail.
Clear Body ImageClear Body Dragapult ImageDragapult Reduces the duration of debuff effects inflicted on the Pokemon.
Cotton Down ImageCotton Down Eldegoss ImageEldegoss Damages an opponent and decreases its movement speed for a short time after the Pokemon with this Ability receives a certain amount of damage. When that happens,the Pokemon also recovers HP and has its movement speed increased for a short time.
Cute Charm ImageCute Charm Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff When the Pokemon is hit by an opposing Pokemon's attack at close range, it makes that opposing Pokemon infatuated for a short time. Infatuated opposing Pokemon become enthralled and approach the infatuating Pokemon against their will. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Filter ImageFilter Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime Reduces damage received by the Pokemon for a short time after it uses a move.
Gale Wings ImageGale Wings Talonflame ImageTalonflame When the Pokemon is at high HP, its movement speed is increased.
Gluttony ImageGluttony Snorlax ImageSnorlax Increases the Pokemon's movement speed when moving toward Berries. Increases the effects gained from eating Berries.
Gulp Missile ImageGulp Missile Cramorant ImageCramorant When the Pokemon uses certain moves, it catches some form of prey in its mouth. Afterward, when the Pokemon receives damage, it spits the prey out as a counterattack at an opposing Pokemon. The type of prey and effect differ based on the user's remaining HP
Guts ImageGuts Machamp ImageMachamp Increases the Pokemon's Attack when the Pokemon is afflicted by a status condition.
Guts ImageGuts Larvitar ImageLarvitar When the Pokemon receives a certain amount of damage, its Attack increases for a short time. The Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Heavy Metal ImageHeavy Metal Duraludon ImageDuraludon Prevents the Pokemon from being thrown or shoved once. This ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Huge Power ImageHuge Power Azumarill ImageAzumarill When this Pokemon hits only a single opposing Pokemon with a basic attack, a move, or its Unite Move, the hit is always a critical hit. However, when this Pokemon hits two or more opposing Pokémon at once with a basic attack, a move, or its Unite Move, the hits are never critical hits.
Illusion ImageIllusion Zoroark ImageZoroark The Pokemon takes form of a random wild Pokemon or Pokemon from the opposing team. The Pokemon returns to its original form when it takes damage or uses a basic attack or move.
Inner Focus ImageInner Focus Kubfu ImageKubfu Reduces the duration of hindrance effects applied to the Pokemon.
Intrepid Sword ImageIntrepid Sword Zacian ImageZacian If the goal scoring button is held down, the Pokemon with this Ability has its sword charged with Aeos energy, and for a short time, its basic attacks become boosted attacks. In addition, during the effect duration, the Pokemon can use a boosted version of one of its moves once. The longer the goal scoring button is held down, the more Aeos energy is charged into the sword, lengthening the duration of the boos effect on basic attacks and moves. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered. Boosted basic attacks have an increased area of effect and deal additional damage proportional to the opposing Pokemon's HP. When this Pokemon knocks out or assists in knocking out a Pokemon on the opposing team, that Pokemon will drop more Aeos energy than it normally would.
Levitate ImageLevitate Gengar ImageGengar When the Pokemon is not in combat, its movement speed is increased
Long Reach ImageLong Reach Decidueye ImageDecidueye Deals increased damage to distant opposing Pokémon.
Magic Bounce ImageMagic Bounce Espeon ImageEspeon When the Pokemon would be affected by a hindrance, the hindrace is negated, and the Pokemon becomes immune to hindrances for a short time. At the same time, this Ability deals damage to the opposing Pokemon that attempted to inflict the hindrance and decreases its movement speed for a short time. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Magic Guard ImageMagic Guard Clefable ImageClefable The Pokemon receives a shield effect when it restores ally Pokemon's HP. The strength of this shield is proportional to the amount of HP restored.
Magician ImageMagician Hoopa ImageHoopa In battles where the map is divided into an ally team side and an opposing team side, this Ability creates a hole under one of the Berries on the opposing team’s side (chosen at random) and warps it to right in front of Hoopa. If there are no Berries on the opposing team’s side but there a is Aeos energy on the ground, then some energy is warped in front of Hoopa instead. In the event that no Berries are warped, the cooldown until this ability’s next use is reduced.
Marvel Scale ImageMarvel Scale Dratini / Dragonair ImageDratini / Dragonair Increases the Pokemon's Defense when the Pokemon is afflicted by Status Condition
Multiscale ImageMultiscale Dragonite ImageDragonite Reduces the damage the Pokemon recieves for a short times and goes on cooldown after being triggered
Natural Cure ImageNatural Cure Blissey ImageBlissey Removes all status conditions from the Pokemon. This ability goes on a 5 second cooldown after it's triggered.
Natural Cure ImageNatural Cure Trevenant ImageTrevenant When the Pokémon with this Ability is at low HP, a continuous HP recovery effect is triggered for a short time. This effect also reduces the cooldowns of the Pokémon’s moves. When this HP recovery effect ends, there is a delay until it can trigger again. However, this delay is reduced each time one of the Pokémon’s moves hits an opposing Pokémon.
No Guard ImageNo Guard Honedge / Doublade ImageHonedge / Doublade Increases received damage and dealt damage.
Oblivious ImageOblivious Slowbro ImageSlowbro Has the Pokemon store up lost HP for a short time. When hitting an opposing Pokemon with a move, the Pokemon recovers some of its HP using the stored-up HP, and it also decreases the opposing Pokemon's Sp. Def for a short time.
Oblivious ImageOblivious Bounsweet / Steenee ImageBounsweet / Steenee When a hindrance is inflicted on the Pokemon, decreases the duration of its effects.
Overgrow ImageOvergrow Venusaur ImageVenusaur When the Pokemon is at low HP, the damage it deals is increased.
Pixilate ImagePixilate Sylveon ImageSylveon Every time the Pokemon deals or receives damage, its Sp. Atk and SP. Def is increased for a short time.
Prankster ImagePrankster Sableye ImageSableye When the Pokemon with this Ability is outside the visual range of Pokemon from the opposing team, it enters stealth and its movement speed increases. When the Pokemon with this Ability enters the visual range of a Pokemon from the opposing team, it does not immediately become visible but instead remains in stealth for a short time. The Pokemon with this Ability exits stealth when it attacks.
Queenly Majesty ImageQueenly Majesty Tsareena ImageTsareena When a hindrance is inflicted on the Pokemon, decreases the duration of its effects. After using any combination of three boosted basic attacks or moves, the next boosted basic attack or move used will apply the Queenly Majesty buff effect to the Pokemon (not including UNITE moves).
Rough Skin ImageRough Skin Garchomp ImageGarchomp When the Pokemon is struck by a melee attack, a portion of the damage recieved is reflected back at the attacker.
Run Away ImageRun Away Dodrio ImageDodrio The Pokemon's movement speed increases when opposing Pokemon are nearby. While the Pokemon is moving, its sprint gauge charges. When its sprint gauge is full, the Pokemon starts running with increased movement speed. If the Pokemon's movement speed decreases below a set speed, the sprint gauge will rapidly deplete. When Doduo scores a goal, it evenly divides the collected Aeps Energy into two portions and deposits them into the goal one at a time. After Doduo evolves into Dodrio, when it scores a goal, it evenly divides its collected Aeos Energy into three portions and deposits them into the goal one at a time.
Sand Stream ImageSand Stream Tyranitar ImageTyranitar Summons a sandstorm around the Pokemon for a short time after it uses a move. This increases the Pokemon's Defense and Sp. Def and deals damage to nearby opposing Pokemon.
Shed Skin ImageShed Skin Pupitar ImagePupitar When the Pokemon receives a certain amount of damage, all of its status conditions are nullified and it is granted a shield. This Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Snow Warning ImageSnow Warning Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales Causes snow to fall on an enemy, dealing damage to it and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. Boosted attacks and moves (except Aurora Veil) sling snow, and hitting the same target with snow multiple times will freeze it for a short time.
Stance Change ImageStance Change Aegislash ImageAegislash Allows the Pokémon to switch between Blade Forme and Shield Forme. Using a blade move changes the user to Blade Forme, which increases the user’s movement speed, Attack (+20), and basic attack speed. Using a shield move changes the user to Shield Forme, and its Defense and Sp. Def are increased.
Static ImageStatic Pikachu ImagePikachu Paralyzes all opponents near the Pokemon for a short time when the Pokemon receives damage. The Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.
Steadfast ImageSteadfast Lucario ImageLucario When the Pokemon is at low HP, it is granted a shield and its movement speed is increased.
Sturdy ImageSturdy Crustle ImageCrustle Every time the Pokemon loses a certain amount of HP, its Defense and Sp. Def are increased.
Super Luck ImageSuper Luck Absol ImageAbsol Increases the Pokemon's critical hit-rate.
Synchronize ImageSynchronize Gardevoir ImageGardevoir When an opponent inflicts decreased movement speed or a damage-over-time condition on Gardevoir, the same is inflicted on the opponent. This Ability goes on a cooldown after it's triggered.
Synchronize ImageSynchronize Mew ImageMew Each time the Pokemon uses a move, it and nearby ally Pokemon have their movement speed increased for a short time. When the Pokemon reaches Lvl. 5, the Move Reset icon can be used to reset the Pokemon's moves and learn new ones. This icon goes on cooldown after it's used. Each time the Pokemon knocks out or makes an assist on a Pokemon on the opposing team or scores a goal, the cooldown of Move Reset is reduced. Using Move Reset reduces the cooldown of the Pokemon's Unite Move.
Technician ImageTechnician Scizor ImageScizor After this Pokemon uses a move, its next basic attack will change and deal two consecutive basic attacks instead. The second of these deals decreased damage.
Thick Fat ImageThick Fat Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Every time the Pokemon deals damage, its Defense and Sp. Def are increased for a short time (up to three times). When the Pokemon uses Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, or Ice Fang, its next basic attack becomes a Boosted Attack. In addition, if any of these moves creates a freezing area of effect inside an ally Goal zone, it decreases the goal-scoring speed of opposing Pokemon inside that goal zone.
Torrent ImageTorrent Blastoise ImageBlastoise When the Pokemon is at half HP or less, its Attack and Sp. Atk are increased.
Torrent ImageTorrent Greninja ImageGreninja When the Pokemon is at half HP or less, its Attack and movement speed are increased.
Triage ImageTriage Comfey ImageComfey The Pokemon gains one flower whenever a set amount of time passes. The Pokemon gains four flowers when it enters tall grass. The Pokemon can have a maximum of eight flowers. When the Pokemon uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss, all flowers attached to it are consumed, and the effects of those moves are boosted. Also, this Pokemon's movement speed increases when near an ally Pokemon at half remaining HP or less. The Pokemon can attach itself to an ally when it uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss. While attached, the Pokemon with this Ability is not affected by attacks, and it gradually recovers HP. When the ally Pokemon this Pokemon is attached to gains more Aeos energy than the maximum it can hold, this Pokemon takes the excess. When the ally Pokemon this Pokemon is attached to scores a goal, this Pokemon scores with the same amount of energy.
Unseen Fist ImageUnseen Fist Urshifu ImageUrshifu When the Pokemon deals damage to an opposing Pokemon with a shield effect, it pierces part of the shield and deals damage.
Volt Absorb ImageVolt Absorb Zeraora ImageZeraora The Pokemon gains an electric charge whenever it receives damage, converting a portion of that damage into additional Attack.

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1 Absolitaryalmost 3 years

Hoopas ability is magician not rings unbound


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