Pokemon UNITE

Sp. Atk. Specs Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Sp. Atk. Specs Banner

Sp. Atk. Specs is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Sp. Atk. Specs' stats and effects, how to get Sp. Atk. Specs, and which Pokemon are best for Sp. Atk. Specs!

Sp. Atk. Specs Stats and Effect

Sp. Atk. Specs.pngSp. Atk. Specs
Held Item
Tier Ranking
B Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Sp Attack +24 -
When the Pokemon scores a goal, its Sp. Attack increases by (8/12/16).

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Sp. Atk. Specs Stats Per Level

Level 10 Sp. Attack +8
Level 20 Sp. Attack +16
Level 30 Sp. Attack +24

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Sp. Attack +0.8
2 Sp. Attack +1.6
3 Sp. Attack +2.4
4 Sp. Attack +3.2
5 Sp. Attack +4
6 Sp. Attack +4.8
7 Sp. Attack +5.6
8 Sp. Attack +6.4
9 Sp. Attack +7.2
10 Sp. Attack +8
11 Sp. Attack +8.8
12 Sp. Attack +9.6
13 Sp. Attack +10.4
14 Sp. Attack +11.2
15 Sp. Attack +12
16 Sp. Attack +12.8
17 Sp. Attack +13.6
18 Sp. Attack +14.4
19 Sp. Attack +15.2
20 Sp. Attack +16
21 Sp. Attack +16.8
22 Sp. Attack +17.6
23 Sp. Attack +18.4
24 Sp. Attack +19.2
25 Sp. Attack +20
26 Sp. Attack +20.8
27 Sp. Attack +21.6
28 Sp. Attack +22.4
29 Sp. Attack +23.2
30 Sp. Attack +24

Sp. Atk. Specs Damage Stacking

Scoring a goal with Sp. Atk. Specs equipped will increase your Sp. Attack stat by a flat amount, regardless of how many points you score per goal. This effect can stack up to 6 times.

There's also no cooldown for this item's effect upon scoring a goal, meaning you could do something like scoring 6 goals within 30 seconds and still gain the bonus stat per goal.

Also Affects Boosted Attack

No Goal 1 Goal

If a Pokemon's Boosted attack has a Sp. Attack stat like Pikachu, the effect of Sp. Atk. Specs will be applied only to the final attack.

Does Not Raise Attack Stat

Keep in mind that the Sp. Atk. Specs does not increase your Attack stat, meaning normal attacks (excluding enhanced normal attacks) and Physical Attacker type Pokemon remain unaffected. It is therefore, recommended to give this item to a Special Attacker type Pokemon.

Attack Vs. Special Attack

Effect Lasts Until End of the Match

The Sp. Attack stat raised with Sp. Atk. Specs will continue until the end of the match. The effect does not disappear over time, and it does not disappear when your Pokemon gets knocked down.

How to Get Sp. Atk. Specs

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Sp. Atk. Specs

Blastoise.jpgBlastoise Clefable.jpgClefable Comfey.jpgComfey
Delphox.jpgDelphox Gardevoir.jpgGardevoir Gengar.jpgGengar
Glaceon.jpgGlaceon Inteleon.jpgInteleon Lapras.jpgLapras
Mr. Mime.jpgMr. Mime

All Builds for Sp. Atk. Specs

Builds that Use this Held Item
Blastoise Image Blastoise
Rapid Spin Build
Gengar Image Gengar
Lane-Scorer Build
Mr. Mime Image Mr. Mime
Item-Stacker Build

Sp. Atk. Specs Test

Damage Stacking Test

Number of Goals Damage
Initial Damage
1 Goal
2 Goals
3 Goals
4 Goals
5 Goals
6 Goals
7 Goals
(No Change)

This test is to determine how many times the Sp. Atk. Specs can stack. We used a Level 15 Sp. Atk. Specs for this test.

We first took note of a move's initial damage without stacking the item yet. Then, we kept scoring a goal and noting the move's damage using the Substitute doll until it stops increasing.

After testing, we found that Sp. Atk. Specs can only be stacked up to 6 times.

Points Per Goal Test

Initial Damage
2 Points
50 Points

We also tested if the amount of points scored affected the damage increase effect. We also used a Level 15 Sp. Atk. Specs for this test.

We first took note of the move's initial damage without stacking the item. We then scored two points and measured the move's damage using the Substitute doll, respectively. We left the Practice Area and entered a new Practice game to reset the test. We repeated the previous steps using the same Pokemon and move but scored fifty points instead. Lastly, we compared the damage from the two-point test with the fifty-point test and see if there is a difference.

After testing, we found that there were no difference in damage from the two tests. This means that the amount of points scored won't affect the damage increase from the item.

Reset Upon Death Test

Initial Damage
Damage with 1 Stack
Damage After Respawn

The purpose of this test is to see if the damage stacks from the item resets upon the Pokemon's death. We used Gengar as our test subject for the test.

We first noted the initial damage of the move without stacking the item yet using the Substitute doll. Then, we scored one goal to stack the item once. Afterwards, we let wild Pokemon defeat our Pokemon. Upon respawn, we measured the move's damage again to see if it decreased or remained the same.

After testing, we found that the damage stacks does not reset upon the Pokemon's death and remains up to the end of the match.

Attack Damage Test

Without Stacks With One Stack

This test is to verify if the Sp. Atk. stack increases the attack damage of Special Attack type Pokemon. We used Venusaur, a Special Attack Pokemon, as our test subject.

We first leveled up the Pokemon to Level 15 to prevent it from leveling up as the test proceeds. Then, we noted its attack damage without any stacks yet using the Substitute doll. Afterwards, we scored a single goal and went back to the Substitute doll to measure the Pokemon's attack damage, respectively.

After testing, we found that the Sp. Atk. bonus from the item does not increase a Special Attack type Pokemon's attack damage.

Boosted Attack Test

Number of Goals Boosted Attack Damage
Initial Damage Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (0).png
1 Goal Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (1).png
2 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (2).png
3 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (3).png
4 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (4).png
5 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (5).png
6 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (6).png
7 Goals Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (7).png
(No Change)

We also tested if the Sp. Atk. bonus increases the boosted attack damage.

We first noted the boosted attack damage of the Pokemon using the Substitute doll. Then, we scored a goal to stack the bonus damage. Finally, we went back to the Substitute doll to measure the boosted attack damage to see if it increased. We did this process 6 times until the boosted attack damage stopped increasing.

After testing, we found that the boosted attack of the Special Attack type Pokemon increased each time the item was stacked. This effect can be powerful for Pokemon that can unleash boosted attacks at a faster rate, or have means of getting boosted attacks freely like Alolan Ninetales.

Boosted Attack Test (Attack Type Pokemon)

Number of Goals Boosted Attack Damage
Initial Damage Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (Attack Type) (0).png
1 Goal Pokemon UNITE - Sp. Atk. Specs Boosted Attack Test (Attack Type) (1).png
No change

Due to the positive result of the Boosted Attack Test above, we decided to do the same test on Attack type Pokemon to see if it works.

After testing, we found that the item does not affect (increase) the boosted attack of Attack type Pokemon. This means that only Special Attack type Pokemon can benefit from the item.

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

What level is the sp. atk Spec upgraded to?


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