Pokemon UNITE

Muscle Band Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Muscle Band Banner

Muscle Band is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Muscle Band's stats and effects, how to get Muscle Band, and which Pokemon are best for Muscle Band!

Muscle Band Buffs & Nerfs (3/12)

Version Patch Notes

Bugfixes • Fixed the issue with Scyther’s boosted attack activating Muscle Band twice.
• Fixed the issue with Hoopa Unbound's basic attack, which only activated Muscle Band once when it hit a single Pokémon.
• We are planning to fix several other issues for Muscle Band in the future. Fixed a bug where Muscle Band was not acting as intended when equipped by Charizard.
1.1.1 Muscle Band now grants +50% damage based on missing health Attack increasing effect will only activate once for every normal attack and boosted attack instances only Fixed the issue with Scyther’s boosted attack activating Muscle Band twice. Fixed the issue with Hoopa Unbound's basic attack, which only activated Muscle Band once when it hit a single Pokémon.

Muscle Band Stats and Effect

Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band
Held Item
Tier Ranking
S Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
Attack +15 Attack Speed + 7.5%
When basic attacks hit, the damage is increased by 1%/2%/3% of the opposing Pokemon's remaining HP.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Muscle Band Stats Per Level

Level 10 Attack +5, Attack Speed +2.5%
Level 20 Attack +10, Attack Speed +5%
Level 30 Attack +15, Attack Speed +7.5%

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 Attack +1, Attack Speed +0%
2 Attack +1, Attack Speed +0.5%
3 Attack +2, Attack Speed +0.5%
4 Attack +2, Attack Speed +1%
5 Attack +3, Attack Speed +1%
6 Attack +3, Attack Speed +1.5%
7 Attack +4, Attack Speed +1.5%
8 Attack +4, Attack Speed +2%
9 Attack +5, Attack Speed +2%
10 Attack +5, Attack Speed +2.5%
11 Attack +6, Attack Speed +2.5%
12 Attack +6, Attack Speed +3%
13 Attack +7, Attack Speed +3%
14 Attack +7, Attack Speed +3.5%
15 Attack +8, Attack Speed +3.5%
16 Attack +8, Attack Speed +4%
17 Attack +9, Attack Speed +4%
18 Attack +9, Attack Speed +4.5%
19 Attack +10, Attack Speed +4.5%
20 Attack +10, Attack Speed +5%
21 Attack +11, Attack Speed +5%
22 Attack +11, Attack Speed +5.5%
23 Attack +12, Attack Speed +5.5%
24 Attack +12, Attack Speed +6%
25 Attack +13, Attack Speed +6%
26 Attack +13, Attack Speed +6.5%
27 Attack +14, Attack Speed +6.5%
28 Attack +14, Attack Speed +7%
29 Attack +15, Attack Speed +7%
30 Attack +15, Attack Speed +7.5%

Bonus Damage is Done After the Attack

Without Muscle Band With Muscle Band

The bonus damage effect of Muscle Band is done after the attack, not at the same time. You're essentially doing damage twice in one attack.

Bonus Damage is Affected by the Defense Stat

The bonus damage dealt decreases as the Defense stat of the target Pokemon increases.

Bonus Damage Activates Once Per Instance

The bonus damage effect will activate once for every normal attack and boosted attack instances only.

For example, Charizard's normal attack will only activate Muscle Band's effect once and Urshifu's Rapid Style boosted attack activates it twice.

How to Get Muscle Band

Beginner's Challenge Day 1 Award

Pokemon Unite - Beginner
Completing the tutorial (Basics 1 and 2) will award players with a free Muscle Band or 1000 Aeos Coins if it has already be purchased.

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Muscle Band

Absol.jpgAbsol Aegislash.jpgAegislash Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales
Armarouge.jpgArmarouge Azumarill.jpgAzumarill Blaziken.jpgBlaziken
Blissey.jpgBlissey Buzzwole.jpgBuzzwole Ceruledge.jpgCeruledge
Charizard.jpgCharizard Cinderace.jpgCinderace Decidueye.jpgDecidueye
Dodrio.jpgDodrio Dragapult.jpgDragapult Dragonite.jpgDragonite
Duraludon.jpgDuraludon Eldegoss.jpgEldegoss Falinks.jpgFalinks
Garchomp.jpgGarchomp Greninja.jpgGreninja Gyarados.jpgGyarados
Ho-oh.jpgHo-oh Hoopa.jpgHoopa Lucario.jpgLucario
Machamp.jpgMachamp Mamoswine.jpgMamoswine Mega Mewtwo X.jpgMega Mewtwo X
Mega Mewtwo Y.jpgMega Mewtwo Y Meowscarada.jpgMeowscarada Metagross.jpgMetagross
Mimikyu.jpgMimikyu Scizor.jpgScizor Scyther.jpgScyther
Snorlax.jpgSnorlax Tinkaton.jpgTinkaton Tsareena.jpgTsareena
Tyranitar.jpgTyranitar Umbreon.jpgUmbreon Urshifu.jpgUrshifu
Venusaur.jpgVenusaur Zacian.jpgZacian Zeraora.jpgZeraora

All Builds for Muscle Band

Builds that Use this Held Item
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Sacred Sword Build
Aegislash Image Aegislash
Shadow Claw Build
Alolan Ninetales Image Alolan Ninetales
Aurora Veil Build
Armarouge Image Armarouge
Spin-Charge Build
Azumarill Image Azumarill
Aqua Tail Build
Blaziken Image Blaziken
Attack-Focused Build
Ceruledge Image Ceruledge
Psycho-Charge Build
Charizard Image Charizard
Seismic Slam Build
Charizard Image Charizard
Ranged DPS Build
Cinderace Image Cinderace
Pyro Ball Build
Cinderace Image Cinderace
Attack-Damage Build
Decidueye Image Decidueye
Spirit Shackle Build
Decidueye Image Decidueye
Razor Leaf Build
Dragapult Image Dragapult
Dragon Dance Build
Dragapult Image Dragapult
Phantom Force Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Outrage Build
Dragonite Image Dragonite
Hyper Beam Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Flash Cannon Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Dragon Pulse Build
Eldegoss Image Eldegoss
Offense Build
Eldegoss Image Eldegoss
Utility Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Earthquake Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Double Dragon Build
Glaceon Image Glaceon
Ice Shard Build
Greninja Image Greninja
Assassin Build
Greninja Image Greninja
Ranged Build
Gyarados Image Gyarados
Aqua Tail Build
Gyarados Image Gyarados
Dragon Breath Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Hyperspace Hole Build
Hoopa Image Hoopa
Trick Build
Lucario Image Lucario
Extreme Speed Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Disabler Build
Mega Mewtwo X Image Mega Mewtwo X
Future Sight Build
Mega Mewtwo X Image Mega Mewtwo X
Psystrike Build
Mega Mewtwo Y Image Mega Mewtwo Y
Future Sight Build
Meowscarada Image Meowscarada
Night Slash Build
Metagross Image Metagross
Gyro Ball Build
Metagross Image Metagross
Meteor Mash Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Flail Build
Tinkaton Image Tinkaton
Thief-Smack Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Triple Axel Build
Tyranitar Image Tyranitar
Ancient Power Build
Umbreon Image Umbreon
Mean Look Build
Urshifu Image Urshifu
Rapid Strike Build
Zacian Image Zacian
Metal Claw Build
Zacian Image Zacian
Sacred Sword Build
Zeraora Image Zeraora
Wild Charge Build
Zoroark Image Zoroark
Night Slash Build

Muscle Band Test

Damage Test

This test is to determine how the bonus damage from Muscle Band is calculated. We used a level 30 Muscle Band on Machamp, then recorded the first non-critical hit on 4 different Pokemon. After testing, we've found some interesting things.

Same HP and Defense Pokemon

HP and Defense Bonus Damage Dealt

HP: 5152 | Def: 250

101 Damage

HP: 5152 | Def: 250

101 Damage
Expected Damage: 5152 x 0.03 = 154.56

The first set of Pokemon we tested on have the same HP and Defense stat at level 15. We found that the bonus damage dealt on both Pokemon are the same.

The expected damage is ~155 but results show 101. From this, we can deduce that there is something affecting the bonus damage dealt.

Same HP But Different Defense Pokemon

HP and Defense Bonus Damage Dealt

HP: 6300 | Def: 290

120 Damage

HP: 6300 | Def: 175

175 Damage
Expected Damage: 6300 x 0.03 = 189

The second set of Pokemon we tested on have the same HP but different Defense stat at level 15. We tested if the Defense stat affects the bonus damage dealt. We found that the bonus damage dealt on the Pokemon with the higher Defense stat was lesser than the one dealt on the other Pokemon.

The expected damage is 189 but results show 120 and 175. From this, we can now conclude that the Defense stat is the factor that is affecting the bonus damage dealt.

Bonus Damage is Affected by Defense Stat

Based on the result of both tests, we can conclude that the bonus damage from Muscle Band is affected by the Defense stat and are inversely proportional. Therefore, the higher the Defense stat, the lower the bonus damage dealt.

It's important to note that we do not know how the exact calculation for the Defense stat.

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1 Anonymousover 3 years

It's odd that the order of items results in decreased damage. I hope this is a bug that gets fixed soon.


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