Pokemon UNITE

Buddy Barrier Effect and How to Get

Held Item - Buddy Barrier Banner
Buddy Barrier is a Held Item found in Pokemon UNITE for the Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Read on to learn more about the Buddy Barrier's stats and effects, how to get Buddy Barrier, and which Pokemon are best for Buddy Barrier!

Buddy Barrier Latest Buffs and Nerfs (04/28)

April 28 Update (Version

Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier • Bonus HP decreased from 600 to 450 (-25%)
• Shielding effect decreased from 20%/30%/40% to 15%/20%/25%
• Shield stacking removed Bonus HP decreased from 600 to 450 (-25%). Shielding effect decreased from 20%/30%/40% to 15%/20%/25%. Shield stacking removed

Buddy Barrier Stats and Effect

Buddy Barrier.pngBuddy Barrier
Held Item
Tier Ranking
A Rank.png
Stat Boost 1 Stat Boost 2
HP + 450 -
When the Pokemon uses its Unite Move, that Pokemon and the nearby ally Pokemon with the lowest HP are each granted a shield equal to (15/20/25)% of their max HP.

Held Item Tier List: Best Items to Upgrade

Buddy Barrier Stats Per Level

Level 10 HP +150
Level 20 HP +300
Level 30 HP +450

How to Upgrade Items

Lvl. Stat Boosts
1 HP +15
2 HP +30
3 HP +45
4 HP +60
5 HP +75
6 HP +90
7 HP +105
8 HP +120
9 HP +135
10 HP +150
11 HP +165
12 HP +180
13 HP +195
14 HP +210
15 HP +225
16 HP +240
17 HP +255
18 HP +270
19 HP +285
20 HP +300
21 HP +315
22 HP +330
23 HP +345
24 HP +360
25 HP +375
26 HP +390
27 HP +405
28 HP +420
29 HP +435
30 HP +450

Lasts for About 4 Seconds

Buddy Barrier - Lasts for 4 Seconds

The shield from Buddy Barrier lasts for about 4 seconds. This means that the shield from the item can expire while the shield from using the Unite Move itself persists, although this differs from case to case.

Stacks with Shields from Other Sources

Buddy Barrier - Stacks with Other Sources

The shield from Buddy Barrier stacks on top of shields from moves like Cotton Guard, and other held items like Assault Vest. It can also stack with the shield given by your own goal zones. Having multiple shields from various sources can definitely help you survive longer in fights, and discourage enemies from attacking you.

Has a 30-second Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - Buddy Barrier Cooldown

Buddy Barrier goes on a 30-second cooldown after triggering it. A timer will show up at the bottom right corner of the screen.

How to Get Buddy Barrier

Purchased in the Shop

Aeos Coins
Aeos Coins x1000
Aeos Tickets
Aeos Ticket x625

Shop Purchases Guide and Price List

Best Pokemon for Buddy Barrier

Absol.jpgAbsol Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales Azumarill.jpgAzumarill
Blastoise.jpgBlastoise Blissey.jpgBlissey Charizard.jpgCharizard
Cinderace.jpgCinderace Clefable.jpgClefable Comfey.jpgComfey
Cramorant.jpgCramorant Crustle.jpgCrustle Dragapult.jpgDragapult
Dragonite.jpgDragonite Duraludon.jpgDuraludon Eldegoss.jpgEldegoss
Espeon.jpgEspeon Garchomp.jpgGarchomp Gengar.jpgGengar
Glaceon.jpgGlaceon Goodra.jpgGoodra Greedent.jpgGreedent
Greninja.jpgGreninja Hoopa.jpgHoopa Lucario.jpgLucario
Mamoswine.jpgMamoswine Mew.jpgMew Mr. Mime.jpgMr. Mime
Pikachu.jpgPikachu Slowbro.jpgSlowbro Snorlax.jpgSnorlax
Sylveon.jpgSylveon Talonflame.jpgTalonflame Trevenant.jpgTrevenant
Tsareena.jpgTsareena Tyranitar.jpgTyranitar Venusaur.jpgVenusaur

All Builds for Buddy Barrier

Builds that Use this Held Item
Absol Image Absol
Backstab Build
Absol Image Absol
Blink-Striker Build
Azumarill Image Azumarill
Whirlpool Build
Blissey Image Blissey
Double Egg Build
Blissey Image Blissey
Full Support Build
Buzzwole Image Buzzwole
Sustain Build
Clefable Image Clefable
Provoke Build
Clefable Image Clefable
Full Support Build
Cramorant Image Cramorant
AoE Disabler Build
Crustle Image Crustle
Item-Stacker Build
Crustle Image Crustle
Disruptor Build
Duraludon Image Duraludon
Dragon Pulse Build
Eldegoss Image Eldegoss
Utility Build
Garchomp Image Garchomp
Defensive Build
Greedent Image Greedent
Tank DPS Build
Greedent Image Greedent
Score Stack Build
Machamp Image Machamp
Initiator Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Item-Stacker Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Tank Build
Mamoswine Image Mamoswine
Initiator Build
Mew Image Mew
Support-Focused Build
Mew Image Mew
Defense-Focused Build
Pikachu Image Pikachu
Disruptor Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Disabler Build
Snorlax Image Snorlax
Frontline Build
Talonflame Image Talonflame
High Mobility Build
Talonflame Image Talonflame
Sniper Build
Trevenant Image Trevenant
Tank-Supporter Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Jungle Build
Tsareena Image Tsareena
Brawler Build
Tyranitar Image Tyranitar
Crowd Control Build
Wigglytuff Image Wigglytuff
Initiator Build
Wigglytuff Image Wigglytuff
Singing Support Build

Buddy Barrier Test

Duration Test

Duration Test
Buddy Barrier Test - Duration
The shield duration is about 4 seconds. It is displayed as the white part of the HP bar.

The purpose of this test was to determine how long the shield from Buddy Barrier lasts. The test was conducted by simply taking note of how long it takes before the shield disappers.

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the Buddy Barrier shield lasts for about 4 seconds.

Range Test

Range Test
No Shield With Shield
The range of the Buddy Barrier shield effect is about 3 to 4 Pokemon.

The purpose of this test was to determine how far the effect of Buddy Barrier can get. The test was conducted by having an allied Pokemon start beside the bearer, then continuously get farther from it while the bearer keeps activating the Buddy Barrier effect for each distance until the effect can no longer reach the ally.

As a result of the test, the range is about 3 to 4 Pokemon. With this in mind, it is best to stay near the Pokemon who needs the shield the most during battles.

Overlap Test

Overlap Test
After 40% Shield... 20% shield granted

The purpose of this test was to determine if two instances of shields from two Buddy Barrier can overlap. The test was conducted by having two allied Pokemon equip Buddy Barrier each, then activating the effect consecutively to see if the shields add up.

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that multiple instances of Buddy Barrier overlap. The best strategy for this is by having the Pokemon equipped with Buddy Barrier stick together to ensure their shields always overlap. This can be extremely useful in big fights.

No More Than Two Shields Can Stack

Buddy Barrier's effects received a nerf in the Update. After testing, it's found that no more than two instances of shields can stack on top of each other, unlike before.

Shield Stack Test

Buddy Barrier Test - Cotton Guard Full Stack

The purpose of this test was to determine if shields from other sources like moves and other held items stack on top of the shield from Buddy Barrier. The test took note of 5 instances of shields for each source of shield: (1) the shield from the other source only, (2) the shield from the other source and Unite Move but without Buddy Barrier, (3) the shield from the Unite Move only without Buddy Barrier, (4) the shield from the Unite Move with Buddy Barrier, and (5) the shield from the other source and Unite Move with Buddy Barrier.

Cotton Guard Test

Cotton Guard Only
Cotton Guard and Unite Move without Buddy Barrier
Unite Move without Buddy Barrier Only
Unite Move with Buddy Barrier Only
Cotton Guard and Unite Move with Buddy Barrier

Cotton Guard: Eldegoss Move Effect and Cooldown

Assault Vest Test

Assault Vest Only
Buddy Barrier Only
Assault Vest with Buddy Barrier

Assault Vest Effect and How to Get

Score Shield test

Score Shield Only
Buddy Barrier Only
Score Shield with Buddy Barrier

Score Shield Effect and How to Get

Goal Zone Shield Test

Goal Zone Only
Goal Zone and Unite Move without Buddy Barrier
Unite Move without Buddy Barrier Only
Unite Move with Buddy Barrier Only
Goal Zone and Unite Move with Buddy Barrier

Shields can Stack

As a result of the tests, apart from stacking shields from two Buddy Barrier, it is confirmed that the shield from Buddy Barrier stacks with other sources of shields like in moves and other held items. Since shields from two Buddy Barrier can overlap, the best scenario is if two allies have Buddy Barrier equipped, and at least one of them picked a Pokemon which have moves that generate shields for the entire team like Eldegoss, it is possible to have triple shields on at least two players.

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3 Anonymous@Game8about 3 years

Hi! Thank you for your comment. After doing a test, we arrived at a 30-second cooldown for Buddy Barrier. We've updated the page that includes that info. You can check it out!

2 Anonymousabout 3 years

does anyone know the cooldown for buddy barrier (not the shield duration, but the cooldown in the bottom right)


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