Pokemon UNITE

X Attack Effect and How to Get

Battle Item - X Attack Banner.png
This page is about the Battle Item X Attack in the game Pokemon UNITE. Read on to learn more about the Battle Item's effects and how to get them in the game!

X Attack Latest Buffs and Nerfs (01/20)

Version Patch Notes (January 20)

X Attack.pngX Attack • X Attack now increases the speed of your Pokemon's basic attacks, its Sp. Atk, and Attack. Effect duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds (+60%). Basic attack damage multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.2 times (+9%). Damage multiplier for moves varies from 1.05 to 1.15 times depending on the Move. X Attack now increases the speed of your Pokemon's basic attacks, its Sp. Atk, and Attack.

X Attack Stats and Effect

X Attack.pngX Attack
Battle Item
Tier Ranking
A Rank.png
Increases your Pokemon's basic attack damage by 1.2x, move damage by 1.05~1.15x for 8 seconds, and increases your standard attack speed.

Battle Item Tier List: Best Items to Use

X Attack Duration

X-Attack's damage boost duration lasts 8 seconds upon activation.

X Attack Damage Multiplier

Upon activation, the damage multiplier for basic attacks increases by 1.2 times, and the damage multiplier for moves varies from 1.05 to 1.15 times depending on the Pokemon.

Stacks with Rapid-Fire Scarf

X Attack works beautifully when paired with Pokemon holding a Rapid-Fire Scarf. The attack speed effect provided by that Held Item stacks with X Attack's attack speed bonus so you can deal an insane amount of standard attack damage!

Rapid-Fire Scarf Effect and How to Get

How to Get X Attack

Obtain by Increasing Trainer Level

Trainer Level Unlocked at Level 7

Trainer Level: How to Raise Fast

Best Pokemon for X Attack

Absol.jpgAbsol Alolan Ninetales.jpgAlolan Ninetales Azumarill.jpgAzumarill
Decidueye.jpgDecidueye Dodrio.jpgDodrio Dragapult.jpgDragapult
Dragonite.jpgDragonite Duraludon.jpgDuraludon Eldegoss.jpgEldegoss
Gardevoir.jpgGardevoir Greninja.jpgGreninja Machamp.jpgMachamp
Mega Mewtwo X.jpgMega Mewtwo X Mega Mewtwo Y.jpgMega Mewtwo Y Meowscarada.jpgMeowscarada
Urshifu.jpgUrshifu Zacian.jpgZacian Zeraora.jpgZeraora

When to Use X Attack

Applying Heavy Damage

Use X Attack before going all-in with your attacks and moves to deal greater damage to enemy Pokemon. It's particularly lethal in the hands of burst damage Pokemon such as Absol or Zeraora as the added damage boost lets them instantly obliterate squishy opponents with a single combo. You can also use it to increase damage in a teamfight or gain the upper hand in a 1-on-1 duel with an enemy Pokemon.

Farming Wild Pokemon

Use X Attack when farming to speed up the process and get levels as fast as possible. The damage bonus coupled with the attack speed increase allows all Pokemon to farm faster. Using it early on is not a problem since players are more focused on farming in the early phases of a match.

X Attack Damage Boost Test

Damage Damage Boost Test

Pokemon Basic Attack Avalanche Unite Move
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales 289
Increase 1.2 1.1 1.1
Pokemon Basic Attack Leaf Tornado Unite Move
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss 310
Increase 1.2 1.14 1.14
Pokemon Basic Attack Power-Up Punch Unite Move
Lucario ImageLucario 440
Increase 1.2 1.11 1.15
Pokemon Basic Attack Double Slap Unite Move
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff 310
Increase 1.2 1.05 1.05

The test was conducted in the Practice Area using Wigglytuff, which has a physical attack, and Alolan Ninetales, which has a special attack, to raise the attack and special attack for a duration. The damage was computed with and without the X Attack effect at level 15 against a Pokemon with no Held Items. The test has shown that the increase differs depending on the move.

Basic Attack Increased from 1.1 to 1.2 Times, and Moves Vary

As a result of the test, the damage multiplier for basic attacks increased from 1.1 to 1.2 times after the August 8 Patch Update. The damage multiplier for moves vary from 1.05 to 1.15 times depending on the Move.

Pokemon Basic Attack Avalanche Unite Move
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales 289
Increase 1.15 1.08 1.08
Pokemon Basic Attack Leaf Tornado Unite Move
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss 310
Increase 1.15 1.1 1.1
Pokemon Basic Attack Dragon Rush Unite Move
Garchomp ImageGarchomp 496
Increase 1.15 1.1 1.1
Pokemon Basic Attack Power-Up Punch Unite Move
Lucario ImageLucario 440
Increase 1.15 1.08 1.11
Pokemon Basic Attack Heavy Slam Unite Move
Snorlax ImageSnorlax 345
Increase 1.15 1.08 1.08
Pokemon Basic Attack Fly Unite Move
Talonflame ImageTalonflame 623
Increase 1.15 1.08 1.08
Pokemon Basic Attack Double Slap Unite Move
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff 310
Increase 1.15 1.04 1.04

Increased Healing for Shell Bell Test

Without X Attack With X Attack
Healing is 511 Healing is 598
Healing increased by about 17%.

The purpose of this test was to determine if the healing effect from Shell Bell increases when X Attack is activated since it increases the Sp. Atk. of the Pokemon. The test was conducted in Practice Area by ordering the Pokemon to cast a move on the dummy with and without X Attack activated, and note if there is an increase in the healing from Shell Bell (Level 20). The healing from Shell Bell (Level 20) without X Attack activated was 511. When X Attack was activated the healing increased to 598, about a 17% increase.

As a result of the test, it is confirmed that the healing from Shell Bell increases when X Attack is activated. Pikachu is one of the ideal Pokemon to pick that can maximize this interaction. Having the bonus attack and special attack from X Attack, the enhanced healing from Shell Bell, and Pikachu's low cooldown moves increases not only its kill potential but also its sustainability within the 8 second duration of X Attack.

Shell Bell Effect and How to Get

X Attack Patch Note Updates

X Attack Stat Changes Effect duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds (+60%). Basic attack damage multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.2 times (+9%). Damage multiplier for moves varies from 1.05 to 1.15 times depending on the Move. X Attack now increases the speed of your Pokemon's basic attacks, its Sp. Atk, and Attack.

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List of Battle Items


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