Pokemon UNITE

Armarouge Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

The best guide on how to play Armarouge in Pokemon UNITE for Nintendo Switch and Mobile. Check here for Armarouge best build, its price, cost, and role, Held and Battle items, moveset and skills, as well as the latest nerfs, buffs, counters, matchups, and more!

Armarouge Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Release Date Navigation Banner.pngRelease Date Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Guide Page Navigation Banner (New).pngBuilds & Guide
Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Event Pass Navigation Banner.pngArmarouge Event Pass Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Special Event Navigation Banner.pngArmarouge Special Event
Get Armarouge Trial Unite License here:
Armarouge Commemorative Event Pass

Armarouge Latest Nerfs & Buffs (5/12)

Version Patch Notes

Armarouge Changes (December 5)
Psykaboom Image
• Changed the attack range control during activation to movement input (left stick/direction panel).

Armor Cannon Damage reduced by 10%. Damage decreased by 10%. Cooldown increased from 6s to 7s.

Psyshock Cooldown decreased from 8s to 7s. Special Defense-piercing effect decreased from 50% to 35%.

Fire Spin Increases movement speed when used, with further speed increases when moving towards opposing Pokémon. Each time the user deals damage, a shield effect is applied, which can stack up to 6 times. Removed Defense and special defense boosts on hit. Damage decreased by 20%. Shield decreased by 25%.

Flame Charge Shield reduced by 50%.

Psykaboom Changed the attack range control during activation to movement input (left stick/direction panel).

Armarouge Basic Info

Tier Rating: S Rank Icon

Role: Attacker
Attack Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Special
Difficulty: Intermediate
"Blast opponents and set them ablaze with this armored Attacker!"

Pokemon Unite Tier List

Armarouge Best Lanes

Top Icon.pngTop Jungle Icon.pngJungle Bot Icon.pngBottom
4 Stars.png
3 Stars.png
5 Stars.png

Tips & Strategies for Every Lane

Armarouge Price and Cost

Pokemon UNITE - Armarouge Unite License.pngUNITE License: Armarouge
Aeos Coin Icon 13,000
Aeos Gems 790

As of September 20, 2024, Armarouge is now purchasable for 13000 Aeos Coins or 790 Aeos Gems! This comes about a week after it Armarouge was first released and was only obtainable via Aeos Gems.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
✔︎ High damage
✔︎ Versatile moveset
✔︎ Lots of crowd control
✖︎ Low durability

Best Builds for Armarouge

Armarouge Builds

Psyshock-Cannon Build

Psyshock-Cannon Build
Pokemon UNITE - Best Build Icon
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Sp. Atk: +108
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Jungle Recommendation Yes Jungle
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Sp. Atk
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Psyshock-Cannon Build Explanation

This build revolves around bursting targets down using Amor Cannon and Psyshock. The key to this build is using Psyshock to knock up opponents and set up Armor Cannon.

  • Wise Glasses provides Armarouge with a large Sp. Atk. boost, increasing its overall damage output, particularly for its moves.
  • Choice Specs gives Armarouge more Sp. Atk. and adds a nice flat amount of damage to its moves.
  • Slick Spoon further improves Armarouge's Sp. Atk. and allows it to ignore a portion of its target's Sp. Def., dealing more damage as a result.
  • Sp. Atk. Specs or Energy Amplifier can be a replacement for Slick Spoon for more damage.
  • Eject Button gives Armarouge a reliable repositioning tool for offense or defense purposes.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 Green Emblems for more damage and 7 Black Emblems for cooldown reduction. This can be achieved by equipping at least three (3) Emblems that are both Green and Black.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Sp. Atk. to further boost Armarouge's damage output.
  • Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Psyshock-Cannon Build Damage Test

(Level 30)
Armor Cannon
(@ Lvl 15)
(@ Lvl 15)
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
(Includes Effect)
Slick Spoon
2020 886
(Per Wave)

Since the build is centered on Armor Cannon and Psyshock, equipping items that will maximize their damage is the ideal item combination.

Out of all the item combination, Wise Glasses, Choice Specs, and Slick Spoon will be the best for the build. Although the item combination did not generate the highest results, it is the safest build since it doesn't require Armarouge to stack an item in order to get the maximum bonuses.

As for alternatives, replacing Wise Glasses with Sp. Atk. Specs would be the best choice. This will maximize Armor Cannon's damage, which is Armarouge's primary damage move. However, it does require Armrarouge to fully stack Sp. Atk. Specs first to gain the full damage boost.

These damage tests are conducted in Practice Mode with Goodra as the Training Partner. The Pokemon is set to level 15 and has no items equipped. The results are taken by substracting the Pokemon's max HP and its HP after taking damage.

The numbers in bold are the highest result for a specific test.
(Level 30)
Armor Cannon
(@ Lvl 15)
(@ Lvl 15)
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
(Includes Effect)
Slick Spoon
2020 886
(Per Wave)
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
(Includes Effect)
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 Stacks)
2024 845
(Per Wave)
Wise Glasses
Slick Spoon
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 Stacks)
1917 934
(Per Wave)
Choice Specs
(Includes Effect)
Slick Spoon
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 Stacks)
2065 900
(Per Wave)

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Spin-Charge Build

Spin-Charge Build
Moveset Held Items
Battle Item
Item Effects
(at Level 30)
Recommended Lane
Attack: +15
Sp. Atk: +30
Defense: +30
Sp. Def: +30
Attack Speed: +7.50%
HP: +210
Pokemon UNITE - Top Lane Recommendation Yes Top Lane
Pokemon UNITE - Jungle Recommendation Yes Jungle
Pokemon UNITE - Bot Lane Recommendation Yes Bot Lane
Emblem Color Combination Target Emblem Stats
Positive Stats:
Sp. Atk
Free Negative Stats:
Critical-Hit Rate
The emblem color and stats here are suggestions only. The builds are still viable even without the suggested emblems.

Spin-Charge Build Explanation

This build revolves around getting close to targets using Flame Charge and burning them with Fire Spin. The key to this build is prolonging Fire Spin's duration by continuously attack opponents with basic attacks, utilizing its defense buffs to tank damage, and taking advantage of Flame Charge's boosted attack effect. This build is best used as a jungler.

  • Muscle Band improves Armarouge's attacks via increased damage and attack speed, which works nicely with Fire Spin's effect.
  • Slick Spoon further improves Armarouge's Sp. Atk. and allows it to ignore a portion of its target's Sp. Def., dealing more damage as a result. It also provides a nice HP boost for more durability.
  • Focus Band enhances Armarouge's durability via increased defenses and passive healing, which works great during Fire Spin.
  • Rapid-Fire Scarf can be a replacement for Muscle Band for better attack speed.
  • For more offense, Curse Incense can be a replacement for Focus Band. The item works well with Fire Spin's prolonging effect.
  • X Speed allows Armarouge to stay on top of opponents during Fire Spin.
  • Eject Buttoncan also work with the build for the same purpose.
  • The build's Boost Emblem loadout should consist of 6 Green Emblems for more damage and 6 White Emblems for more HP. This can be achieved by equipping at least three (3) Emblems that are both Green and Black.
  • Equip Emblems that improve Sp. Atk. or HP to further boost Armarouge's damage output and HP.
  • Attack, and Critical-Hit Rate can be freely traded for the other stats.

Spin-Charge Build Damage Test

(Level 30)
Fire Spin
(@ Lvl 15)
Flame Charge
(@ Lvl 15)
Boosted Attack
(@ Lvl 15)
Boosted Attack
(@ Lvl 15)
Slick Spoon 261

Since the build is centered on Fire Spin and Flame Charge, equipping items that will maximize their damage and effects is the ideal item combination.

Out of all the item combination, Muscle Band, Slick Spoon, and Focus Band will be the best for the build. The item combination generated the best overall damage results. Moreover, the bonus HP from Slick Spoon also helps Armarouge tank more damage during Fire Spin.

As for alternatives, replacing Focus Band with Curse Incense would be the best choice. This adds more damage, and Curse Incense's effects work well with Fire Spin.

These damage tests are conducted in Practice Mode with Goodra as the Training Partner. The Pokemon is set to level 15 and has no items equipped. The results are taken by substracting the Pokemon's max HP and its HP after taking damage.

The numbers in bold are the highest result for a specific test.
(Level 30)
Fire Spin
(@ Lvl 15)
Flame Charge
(@ Lvl 15)
Boosted Attack
(@ Lvl 15)
Boosted Attack
(@ Lvl 15)
Wise Glasses 253
Choice Specs
(Includes Effect)
Slick Spoon 261
Sp. Atk. Specs
(6 Stacks)
Curse Incense 243

The tests above does not use any Emblems yet so it will scale higher if equipped.

Armarouge Best Items & Moveset

Best Held Items

Item Explanation
Sp. Atk. Specs.pngSp. Atk. Specs Sp. Atk. Specs provides Armarouge with a large amount of Sp. Atk., particularly when it's full stacked.
Focus Band.pngFocus Band Focus Band improves Armarouge's durability via increased defenses and survivability, which works well with Fire Spin and Flame Charge.
Wise Glasses.pngWise Glasses Wise Glasses provides Armarouge with a nice flat amount of Sp. Atk., increasing its overall damage output.
Muscle Band.pngMuscle Band Muscle Band improves Armarouge's attacks via increased damage and attack speed, which goes well with its boosted attack mechanics.
Choice Specs.pngChoice Specs Choice Specs gives Armarouge a decent amount of Sp. Atk. and increases its minimum move damage.
Rapid-Fire Scarf.pngRapid-Fire Scarf Rapid-Fire Scarf gives Armarouge a massive attack speed boost that goes well with its boosted attack mechanics and Fire Spin.
Slick Spoon.pngSlick Spoon Slick Spoon increases Armarouge's Sp. Atk. and HP stats, giving a well-balance bonus.
Curse Incense.pngCurse Incense Curse Incense grants Armarouge a nice amount of Sp. Atk. and the ability to weaken the opponents' HP recovery. Its effect also work nicely with Fire Spin.

Held Item Tier List

Best Battle Items

Item Explanation
Eject Button.pngEject Button Eject Button allows Armarouge to quickly reposition to create distance or chase targets.
X Speed.pngX Speed X Speed improves Armarouge's mobility for a short duration, which can be used offensively and defensively.

Battle Item Tier List

Best Moveset

Move Explanation
Armor Cannon ImageArmor Cannon Armor Cannon is Armarouge's strongest damage move and naturally works better for the Pokemon's Attacker role.
Psyshock ImagePsyshock Psyshock gives Armarouge a useful, ranged crowd control move and synergizes well with Armor Cannon.

This moveset is easier to execute and keeps Armarouge away from danger during fights. Armor Cannon gives Armarouge a powerful AOE burst damage move that is useful for teamfights and farming. Meanwhile, Psyshock allows Armarouge to easily set up Armor Cannon due to its area stun effect, which is also useful for teamfights and farming.

Which Moveset Do You Think is Best for Armarouge?

Armor Cannon & Psyshock 33
Armor Cannon & Flame Charge 3
Fire Spin & Psyshock 7
Fire Spin & Flame Charge 49

Let us know why in the comments!

How to Play Armarouge

Play Safe Until Level 5

Armarouge is frail and doesn't do much in the early game. It will only start to become a threat once it reaches level 5 and learns its first damage move. It's best to play safe in the early game and focus on leveling up as fast as possible.

Utilize Armarouge's Initial Moveset in the Early Game

Incinerate and Will-O-Wisp are great for getting a foothold in th early game due to their damage and effects. Use them to harass opponents in the lane to force them to become defensive and give Armarouge and its lane partner a decent start.

Related Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Incinerate (Armarouge) Icon.pngIncinerate Pokemon UNITE - Will-O-Wisp (Armarouge) Icon.pngWill-O-Wisp

Match Up Against Sp. Atk. Opponents

Thanks to Armarouge's ability, Flash Fire, whenever it takes Sp. Atk.-based damage from opposing Pokemon, the damage is reduced for a short time. Its next basic attack will also deal more damage. Take advantage of this effect whenever Armarouge is up against Sp. Atk. Pokemon.

Utilize Psyshock or Flame Charge's Boosted Attack Mechanic

When Armarouge uses Psyshock or Flame Charge, its cannon gauge becomes full and will not decrease after boosted attacks are used. Take advantage of this mechanic by always following up with attacks after using either of the moves.

Related Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Psyshock (Armarouge) Icon.pngPsyshock Pokemon UNITE - Flame Charge (Armarouge) Icon.pngFlame Charge

Mark Targets with Attacks for Extra Damage

Whenever Armarouge hits opponents with basic attacks, it applies a blazing mark on them. Hitting an opponent with three (3) blazing marks with Fire Spin or Armor Cannon will consume all marks and deal additional damage. Utilize this effect to deal even more damage using Fire Spin or Armor Cannon.

Related Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Fire Spin (Armarouge) Icon.pngFire Spin Pokemon UNITE - Armor Cannon (Armarouge) Icon.pngArmor Cannon

Set Up Armor Cannon Using Psyshock

When using Armor Cannon, it's best to set it up first using Psyshock. This makes it easier for Armarouge to hit targets with Armor Cannon and maximize its damage. Remember that only the last wave of Psyshock knocks up targets, so make sure to aim the move properly.

Related Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Armor Cannon (Armarouge) Icon.pngArmor Cannon Pokemon UNITE - Psyshock (Armarouge) Icon.pngPsyshock

Utilize Flame Charge's Shield During Fire Spin

When using Fire Spin, use Flame Charge to get close to opponents and generate a shield, allowing Armarouge to set up the move and tank damage.

Related Pages
Pokemon UNITE - Fire Spin (Armarouge) Icon.pngFire Spin Pokemon UNITE - Flame Charge (Armarouge) Icon.pngFlame Charge

Prolong Fire Spin's Duration Using Basic Attacks

Remember that Armarouge can prolong Fire Spin's duration by attacking opponents with basic attacks. This increases Fire Spin's overall damage.

Initiate Fights With Psykaboom

Psykaboom is a great crowd control move. It first creates an area where targets get stunned, then shoots a large fireball at the center of that area, dealing damage to all enemies hit. Given how the move works, it's best to use it to initial fights rather than as a finisher. Doing so gives Armarouge and its allies a better chance in winning teamfights.

Psykaboom: Armarouge Move Effect and Cooldown

Armarouge Progression and Leveling Guide

Top and Bottom Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Learn Will-O-Wisp to quickly clear out the Bunnelbies in the lane.
  • Keep farming wild Pokemon in the lane to reach level 5 and learn Armor Cannon or Fire Spin.
  • At bottom lane, prioritize taking Indeedees for more exp.
  • Try to get early kills or score when possible but don't overextend.

Level 6 to 9

  • Upon reaching level 7, pair Psyshock with Armor Cannon or Flame Charge with Fire Spin and start to get aggressive.
  • Keep hunting Wild Pokemon to gain more EXP from farming Altaria and Swablus.
  • Invade enemy camps and try to get buffs when possible, then help allies secure Regice, Registeel, or Regirock when it spawns at bottom lane, otherwise secure Regieleki at top lane.
  • Upon reaching level 9, learn Psykaboom.

Level 10+

  • Roam around and assist allies in hunting down targets, securing objectives, and pushing lanes.
  • Reach level 13 before or when Rayquaza spawns for a fully-upgraded moveset
  • Make sure to have Psykaboom available when Rayquaza spawns.
  • Help allies win a teamfight and secure Rayquaza.

Jungle Guide

Level 1 to 5

  • Learn Will-O-Wisp and quickly deal with the Xatu.
  • Clear the first wave of jungle camps and reach level 5 to learn Armor Cannon or Fire Spin.
  • Help the top lane first or whatever lane needs help the most by securing Altaria and Swablus, getting knockouts, and scoring points.

Level 6 to 9

  • Clear the second wave of jungle camps and reach at least level 7 to learn Psyshock or Flame Charge.
  • Help the bottom lane by securing Altaria and Swablus, getting kills, and scoring points.
  • If possible, reach level 9 and learn Psykaboom before or when Regice, Registeel, or Regirock spawns.
  • Help allies secure Regice, Registeel, or Regirock at the bottom lane, with Registeel being the highest priority since it gives a damage buff to the party.

Level 10+

  • Stick with allies to hunt targets, secure objectives, and push lanes.
  • Reach at least level 13 or max level if possible before or when Rayquaza spawns for a fully-upgraded moveset.
  • Make sure that Psykaboom is available when Rayquaza spawns.
  • Help teammates win a teamfight and secure Rayquaza.

Armarouge Combos

Early Game Combos

These are combos that Charcadet can use in the early game.

Scorching Shot Combo

Scorching Shot Combo
Incinerate IconWill-O-Wisp IconStandard Attack Icon (Boosted Attack)

IncinerateWill-O-WispStandard Attack (Boosted Attack)
Start the combo by slowing the target using Incinerate, then immediately follow up with Will-O-Wisp. End the combo by using the Boosted Attack you get after using Will-O-Wisp.

Main Combos

These are combos that Armarouge can use during fights for maximum damage.

Psycho Bombardment Combo

Psycho Bombardment Combo
Psyshock IconArmor Cannon IconPsykaboom Icon

Initiate the combo by using Psyshock, making sure that the target is within the third wave's radius, then charge up Armor Cannon. Once the target gets knocked up, fire Armor Cannon immediately, then finish the combo with Psykaboom.
Psykaboom is only optional. Psyshock and Armor Cannon will work just fine.

Blazing Blaster Combo

Blazing Blaster Combo
Flame Charge IconFire Spin IconStandard Attack Icon ~

Flame ChargeFire SpinStandard Attack ~
Start by dashing towards and hitting the target with Flame Charge, then activate Fire Spin. Stay close to the target while attacking it to prolong Fire Spin's duration. The combo ends when Fire Spin expires.

Matchups & Counters for Armarouge

Armarouge Matchups

Hard Counter
AbsolCeruledgeDarkraiDodrioGalarian RapidashGengarLeafeonLucarioMachampMeowscaradaMimikyuScizorTalonflameUrshifuZacianZeraoraZoroark
Fair Matchup
AegislashAlolan NinetalesAzumarillBlastoiseBlazikenBuzzwoleChandelureCharizardCinderaceCramorantCrustleDecidueyeDelphoxDragapultDragoniteDuraludonEspeonFalinksGarchompGardevoirGlaceonGoodraGreedentGreninjaGyaradosHo-OhInteleonLaprasMamoswineMega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo YMetagrossMewMiraidonPikachuSlowbroSnorlaxSuicuneSylveonTinkatonTrevenantTsareenaTyranitarUmbreonVenusaur
Good Matchup
BlisseyClefableComfeyEldegossHoopaMr. MimePsyduckSableyeWigglytuff
Matchup Notes
Hard CounterHard Counter Even MatchupEven Matchup Easy MatchupEasy Matchup
1. The chart is based on our own experience playing Armarouge.
2. Pokemon within each tier are unordered
3. Any Pokemon not shown here are still under investigation.

Hard Couner with Burst Damage and Mobility

Just like other ranged damage dealers, Armarouge needs to keep a safe distance away from opponents due to its low durability. Pokemon that can quickly get close to Armarouge and burst it down fast are the best counters against it.

Best Counters

Pokemon Explanation
Leafeon ImageLeafeon Rating: ★★★★★
• Can quickly get close and burst down Armarouge using any of its moves.
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Rating: ★★★★
• Can quick get close to Armarouge using Shadow Sneak.
• Can deal high damage using Play Rough or Shadow Claw.
• Can lock down Armarouge with Play With Me...
Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Rating: ★★★★
• Can quickly get to Armarouge using Phatom Force or Flame Charge, or Revenant Rend and burst it down with Psycho Cut or Bitter Blade.

Even Matchups

Armarouge has a great crowd control moves that it use to gain the upper hand against these Pokemon.

Strike First

Ranged, Fragile Pokemon with High Damage
Alolan Ninetales Image Chandelure Image Cinderace Image Cramorant Image Decidueye Image Delphox Image Dragapult Image Duraludon Image Espeon Image Gardevoir Image Glaceon Image Greninja Image Inteleon Image Mega Mewtwo Y Image Mew Image Miraidon Image Pikachu Image Suicune Image Sylveon Image Venusaur Image
How to Beat
• Much like Armarouge, these Pokemon prefer to keep their distance from opponents when fighting. They also have high damage potential that can be dangerous for Armarouge. Winning against them is a matter of striking first.
• When using Psyshock and Armor Cannon, use Psyshock from a distance to stun them first, then follow up with Armor Cannon.
• When using Fire Spin and Flame Charge, get close to them using Flame Charge or Eject Button, then burn them down with Fire Spin and attacks.
• Alternatively, use Psykaboom first to chip off a large portion of their HP, then finish them off with the other moves.

Keep Them Stunned

Aegislash Image Azumarill Image Blaziken Image Buzzwole Image Charizard Image Dragonite Image Falinks Image Garchomp Image Gyarados Image Mega Mewtwo X Image Metagross Image Tinkaton Image Tsareena Image Tyranitar Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon excel in close combat and rely mostly on their attacks or combos to deal damage. They are also durable enough to tank Armarouge's damage. It's best to use Armor Cannon and Psyshock when facing against them.
• Use Psyshock to stun them, then follow up with Armor Cannon.
• Keep a safe distance away from them and avoid fightning them when they get close.
• Alternatively, use Psykaboom first to chip off a large portion of their HP and stun them, then finish them off with the other moves.

Group Up With Allies

Highly Durable Pokemon
Blastoise Image Crustle Image Goodra Image Greedent Image Ho-oh Image Lapras Image Mamoswine Image Slowbro Image Snorlax Image Trevenant Image Umbreon Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon are extremely durable, making it hard for Armarouge to take them out alone. With that, it's best to group up with allies to bring them down with the help of Armarouge.
• When using Armor Cannon and Psyshock, stun them with Psyshock, then follow up with Armor Cannon to chip off a decent portion of their HP.
• When using Fire Spin and Flame Charge, use Flame Charge to get close and knock them back, then burn through their HP using Fire Spin and attacks.

Easy Matchups

These Pokemon can fall quickly against Armarouge's crowd control moves.

Utilize Their Numbers

Blissey Image Clefable Image Comfey Image Eldegoss Image Hoopa Image Mr. Mime Image Psyduck Image Sableye Image Wigglytuff Image
How to Beat
• These Pokemon usually stick with their allies and rarely venture alone. Although they themselves pose no threat to Armarouge, their support capabilities makes them valuable during fights.
• When using Armor Cannon and Psyshock, stun them with Psyshock, then follow up with Armor Cannon to chip off a decent portion of their HP.
• When using Fire Spin and Flame Charge, use Flame Charge to get close and knock them back, then burn through their HP using Fire Spin and attacks.
• Alternatively, use Psykaboom first to chip off a large portion of their HP and stun them, then finish them off with the other moves.

Best Teammates for Armarouge

Pokemon Explanation
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff Slowbro ImageSlowbro Disablers
Pokemon with disabling moves makes it easier for Armarouge to set up its moves.
Comfey ImageComfey Blissey ImageBlissey Clefable ImageClefable Healers
Healing moves like Soft-Boiled and Moonlight can prolong Armarouge's life during fights, particularly when it's using Fire Spin.

Looking for teammates to synergize with you? Head over to our Friend Request Board to find other trainers to join you in your grind or just to hang out with!

Friend Request Board

Armarouge Moves

Move Slot 1 (R)

Incinerate ImageIncinerate
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Sure Hit
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 6s
Starting Damage: 704
Initial Damage: 264, Damage per instance: 88, Number of instances: 5
Final Damage: 882
Initial Damage: 332, Damage per instance: 110, Number of instances: 5
Has the user attack the designated opposing Pokemon with a flame, setting it ablaze and dealing damage over time for a short time. When a Pokemon on the opposing team that's ablaze picks up a Berry, the Berry's effects are halved.
Fire Spin ImageFire Spin
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 1232
Damage per instance: 176, Number of instances: 7
Final Damage: 2233
Damage per instance: 319, Number of instances: 7
Has the user generate a fierce vortex of fire around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and increasing the user's movement speed. When the user is moving toward Pokémon on the opposing team, its movement speed is further increased. Whenever the user deals damage, it receives a shield effect. This effect can stack up to 6 times. If the user hits opposing Pokémon with a basic attack, the duration of the vortex is increased.
Upgrade: Grants the user a shield when this move is used.
Armor Cannon ImageArmor Cannon
(Lv. 5)
Upgrade Lv. 11
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 7s
Starting Damage: 908
Bonus damage: 273
Final Damage: 2086
Bonus damage: 630
Has the user combine its shoulder armor and charge power, then fire a blazing ball of flame. The user releases a shock wave in front of itself when firing, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. The fired ball of flame explodes when it hits an opposing Pokemon or after it travels a set distance, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and leaving them unable to act. The user's Defense and Sp. Def. is decreased for a short time after using this move.
Upgrade: Increases the range of this move and basic attacks.

Move Slot 2 (ZR)

Will-O-Wisp ImageWill-O-Wisp
(Lv. 1 or 3)
Move Type: Ranged
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 9s
Starting Damage: 422
Initial damage: 248, Damage per instance: 58, Number of instances: 3
Final Damage: 590
Initial damage: 371, Damage per instance: 73, Number of instances: 3
Has the user shoot a flame of in the designated direction, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokemon it hits and leaving them burned for a short time. After using this move, the user's next basic attack becomes a boosted attack.
Flame Charge ImageFlame Charge
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Dash
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 518
Final Damage: 867
Has the user cloak itself in flame and charge in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and shoving them. When this move hits an opposing Pokemon, the user is granted a shield and this move's cooldown is reduced. For a short time after using this move, the cannon gauge becomes full and will not decrease after boosted attacks are used.
Upgrade: Reduces the damage the user receives for a short time after this move hits Pokemon on the opposing team.
Psyshock ImagePsyshock
(Lv. 7)
Upgrade Lv. 13
Move Type: Area
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 8s
Starting Damage: 638
Damage per instance: 638, Number of instances: 3
Final Damage: 1016
Damage per explosion: 1016, Number of explosions: 3
Has the user materialize odd psychic waves to attack in three areas of effect in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits while partially ignoring their Sp. Def. The third attack throws opposing Pokemon it hits. For a short time after using this move, the cannon gauge becomes full and will not decrease after boosted attacks are used.
Upgrade: Increases this move's area of effect.

Unite Moves (ZL)

Psykaboom ImagePsykaboom
(Lv. 9)
Move Type: Hindrance
Damage Type: Special
Cooldown: 113s
Starting Damage: 1,558
Final Damage: 2,574
Has the user jump up and charge psychic power, then create an area that leaves opposing Pokemon unable to move. While the user is charging psychic power, the position of the area can be adjusted. The user then fires a ball of flame towards the center of the area, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and throwing them outside of the area.

Standard Attack

Standard Attack Image Standard Attack Every time the user hits an opposing Pokemon with a basic attack, its cannon gauge increases. When the cannon gauge is full, the user's next basic attack consumes the entire gauge and becomes a boosted attack. When the user hits an opposing Pokemon with a basic attack, a blazing mark is applied to it. If the user hits an opposing Pokemon who has 3 blazing marks using Fire Spin or Armor Cannon, all the marks are consumed and additional damage is dealt to the opposing Pokemon.

Ability (Passive)

Flash Fire ImageFlash Fire
Armarouge IconArmarouge

When the Pokemon with this Ability takes Sp. Atk.-based damage from opposing Pokemon, the damage it takes is reduced for a short term, and its next basic attack deals additional damage. The Ability goes on cooldown after it's triggered.

Armarouge Stats & Evolutions

Armarouge Evolutions

1st Evolution Final Evolution
(Lv. 1)
(Lv. )

Armarouge Stats

Level HP Defense Special Defense Attack Damage
1 3300 60 40 174
2 3387 65 44 183
3 3486 71 49 193
4 3600 78 55 203
5 4122 110 82 233
6 4273 119 90 245
7 4447 130 99 258
8 4647 142 109 273
9 4878 156 121 289
10 5143 172 134 307
11 5448 191 150 326
12 5799 213 168 348
13 6203 238 189 372
14 6667 267 213 399
15 7200 300 240 430

Attack Damage is the damage of the Basic Attack as tested against the Training Dummy.

Armarouge In-Game Stat Listings

Offense Endurance Mobility Scoring Support
4 Stars.png 2 Stars.png 2.5 Stars.png 2 Stars.png 0.5 Stars.png

Armarouge Skins (Holowear)

ArmarougeNoble StyleNoble Style
Zirco Trading:
Aeos Gems 1290

All Pokemon Skins (Holowear)

Armarouge Character Spotlight

Armarouge Achievements

Psykaboom Achievement

Pokemon Move
Armarouge ImageArmarouge Psykaboom ImagePsykaboom
Use a Unite Move to throw a total of 60 opposing Pokemon.
Medals & Points Rewards
Pokemon UNITE - Beginner Achievement Medal Beginner
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png 5
Aeos Ticket IconAeos Ticket x100
Pokemon UNITE - Expert Achievement Medal Expert
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png5
Aeos Coin IconAeos Coin x300
Pokemon UNITE - Master Achievement Medal.png Master
Pokemon UNITE - Achievement Points.png10
Holowear Ticket IconHolowear Ticket x3

List of Attacker Pokemon Achievements

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon Partial Banner

List of All Pokemon

All Pokemon Guides and Builds

Best Build for Each Pokemon

Pokemon Roster
Pokemon UNITE - AbsolAbsol Pokemon UNITE - AegislashAegislash Pokemon UNITE - Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales Pokemon UNITE - ArmarougeArmarougue
Pokemon UNITE - AzumarillAzumarill Pokemon UNITE - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon UNITE - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon UNITE - BlisseyBlissey
Pokemon UNITE - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon UNITE - CeruledgeCeruledge Pokemon UNITE - ChandelureChandelure Pokemon UNITE - CharizardCharizard
Pokemon UNITE - CinderaceCinderace Pokemon UNITE - ClefableClefable Pokemon UNITE - ComfeyComfey Pokemon UNITE - CramorantCramorant
Pokemon UNITE - CrustleCrustle Pokemon UNITE - DarkraiDarkrai Pokemon UNITE - DecidueyeDecidueye Pokemon UNITE - Delphox Delphox
Pokemon UNITE - Dodrio SpeedsterDodrio Pokemon UNITE - DragapultDragapult Pokemon UNITE - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon UNITE - DuraludonDuraludon
Pokemon UNITE - EldegossEldegoss Pokemon UNITE - EspeonEspeon Pokemon UNITE - Falinks  (All-Rounder)Falinks Pokemon UNITE - Galarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
Pokemon UNITE - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon UNITE - GardevoirGardevoir Pokemon UNITE - GengarGengar Pokemon UNITE - GlaceonGlaceon
Pokemon UNITE - GoodraGoodra Pokemon UNITE - GreedentGreedent Pokemon UNITE - GreninjaGreninja Pokemon UNITE - GyaradosGyarados
Pokemon UNITE - Ho-OhHo-Oh Pokemon UNITE - HoopaHoopa Pokemon UNITE - InteleonInteleon Pokemon UNITE - LaprasLapras
Pokemon UNITE - LeafeonLeafeon Pokemon UNITE - LucarioLucario Pokemon UNITE - MachampMachamp Pokemon UNITE - MamoswineMamoswine
Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo XMega Mewtwo X Pokemon UNITE - Mega Mewtwo YMega Mewtwo Y Pokemon UNITE - MeowscaradaMeowscarada Pokemon UNITE - MetagrossMetagross
Pokemon UNITE - MewMew Pokemon UNITE - MimikyuMimikyu Pokemon UNITE - MiraidonMiraidon Pokemon UNITE - Mr. MimeMr. Mime
Pokemon UNITE - PikachuPikachu Pokemon UNITE - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon UNITE - SableyeSableye Pokemon UNITE - ScizorScizor
Pokemon UNITE - SlowbroSlowbro Pokemon UNITE - SnorlaxSnorlax Pokemon Unite - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon UNITE - SylveonSylveon
Pokemon UNITE - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon UNITE - TinkatonTinkaton Pokemon UNITE - TsareenaTsareena Pokemon UNITE - TyranitarTyranitar
Pokemon UNITE - UmbreonUmbreon Pokemon UNITE - TrevenantTrevenant Pokemon UNITE - UrshifuUrshifu Pokemon UNITE - WigglytuffWigglytuff
Pokemon UNITE - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon UNITE - ZeraoraZeraora Pokemon UNITE - ZoroarkZoroark -

Upcoming Pokemon

Upcoming Pokemon
Alolan Raichu (No Role)Alolan Raichu
(April 2025)
Alcremie (No Role)Alcremie

Upcoming and New Pokemon

Pokemon by Role

All Pokemon Roles
Attacker IconAttackers All-Rounder IconAll-Rounders Defender IconDefenders
Speedster IconSpeedsters Supporter IconSupporters

Pokemon by Characteristics

Attack Type
Pokemon UNITE - Melee Type Partial BannerMelee Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Ranged Type Partial BannerRanged Pokemon
Pokemon UNITE - Physical Type Partial BannerPhysical Pokemon Pokemon UNITE - Special Type Partial BannerSpecial Pokemon
Stat Rankings
Pokemon UNITE - HP Ranking Partial BannerHP Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Defense Ranking Partial BannerDefense Ranking
Pokemon UNITE - Special Defense Ranking Partial BannerSp. Def. Ranking Pokemon UNITE - Basic Attack Ranking Partial BannerBasic Attack Ranking


7 Anonymous24 days

I like psychock and fire spin bc it is very powerful

6 Anonymous3 months

Flame charge and Fire Spin usually work best for me. The other build is better for damage but it's harder to play in soloq lobbies.


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