Pokemon UNITE

UNITE World Championships 2023 Analysis

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Banner.png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the Pokemon UNITE World Championships 2023? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Only Day 2 matches (Championship Bracket) were recorded in this analysis page. Day 1 results are not included.

Championship Series Summary

Luminosity Reigns as 2023 World Champions!

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Champions.png

Luminosity members from starting from far left: elo, Overlord, Kyriaos, Slash, and Rhinne

Luminosity Gaming, who were the first world champions, reigned once again and is Pokemon UNITE's 2023 World Champions, making them the first back-to-back champions!

Luminosity's Winning Team Composition

Team Member Pokemon Lane
slash Umbreon ImageUmbreon Bottom
Rhinne Zacian ImageZacian Top
Overlord Zoroark ImageZoroark Jungle
kyriaos Mew ImageMew Bottom
elo Comfey ImageComfey Top

This is Luminosity's team comp that won them their second World Championships. It's a powerful, snowballing team comp filled with hard hitters and top-tier Pokemon.

Luminosity's Winning Builds

In the final game that cemented Luminosity's position in history as World Champions once again, these are the Pokemon builds they used:

Kyriaos' Mew

Kyriaos' Mew
Mew ImageMew Player: Kyriaos
Team: Luminosity
Lane: Bottom
Most Used Moves
Held Items
Battle Item

Slash's Umbreon

Slash's Umbreon
Umbreon ImageUmbreon Player: Slash
Team: Luminosity
Lane: Bottom
Move Choice
Held Items
Battle Item

Rhinne's Zacian

Rhinne's Zacian
Zacian ImageZacian Player: Rhinne
Team: Luminosity
Lane: Top
Move Choice
Held Items
Battle Item

Overlord's Zoroark

Overlord's Zoroark
Zoroark ImageZoroark Player: Overlord
Team: Luminosity
Lane: Jungle (Central Area)
Move Choice
Held Items
Battle Item

Elo's Comfey

Elo's Comfey
Comfey ImageComfey Player: Elo
Team: Luminosity
Lane: Bottom
Move Choice
Held Items
Battle Item

Championship Bracket Result

Place Team
Team Members
• elo
• Overlord
• kyriaos
• slash
• Rhinne
2nd OMO Abyssinian
(APAC - West)
• Luisss
• TempezT
• Jrabsnt
3rd Oyasumi Makuro
• Mame
• pyi
• Suix
• yume
• 1LevUP
4th MJK
• Peanty
• Nerie
• Lucapo
• sona
• Haguking
5th - 6th 00 Nation
• LeL
• Falb
• Mazø
• Souto
• Wulf99
5th - 6th Akjil
• S4L
• Chobo
• Mule
• ePe
• DaBeeN
7th - 8th Orangutan
• ZzzRay
• ikura
• Shingdi
• Ice
7th - 8th Peru
(Latin America - South)
• Khea
• Tempo
• Anemo
• Daystark
• YanG

World Championships Prize Allocation

Place Team Prize
1st Luminosity $100,000
2nd Omo Abyssinian $75,000
3rd Oyasumi Makuro $65,000
4th MJK $60,000
5th-6th 00 Nation $45,000
5th-6th Akjil $45,000
7th-8th Orangutan $25,000
7th-8th Perú $25,000
9th-12th Kumu $10,000
9th-12th Rex Regum Qeon $10,000
9th-12th Talibobo Believers $10,000
9th-12th Teammys $10,000
13th-16th Hoenn $5,000
13th-16th TimeToShine $5,000
13th-16th Team YT $5,000
13th-16th Amaterasu $5,000

Meta Highlights

Inteleon Debut

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Inteleon Debut.png

Inteleon makes its debut in the competitive scene. It garnered an impressive 41% pick rate, making it one of the most used Pokemonin the tournament, and a 36.4% win rate. The Pokemon was mainly played as a typical damage dealer and had a decent performance. It's well known for dealing tons of critical-hit damage and its unique camouflage mechanic.

Inteleon Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Zacian Debut

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Zacian Debut.png

Zacian also makes its competitive debut in the World Championships. Although the Pokemon was released early in the year (February 27, 2023), it was never picked in any tournament after its release due to how broken it was back then. However, after receiving numerous nerfs, it looks like it's balanced enough to be played competitively.

The Pokemon's excellent performance throughout the tournament was everything that's expected from a high-calibur Pokemon.

Zacian Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Eeveelution Meta

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Eeveelution Meta.png

The eeveelutions continue to be a meta pick in tournaments. Their early-game scaling and ease-of-use are what makes these Pokemon such a great and reliable pick.

Eeveelution Pick Rate Win Rate
Umbreon ImageUmbreon 41% 51.5%
Leafeon ImageLeafeon 29% 36.4%
Glaceon ImageGlaceon 23% 27.3%

Leafeon Debut

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Leafeon Debut.png

Leafeon makes its competitive debut in the World Championships. The Pokemon has been a top-tier pick in casual games since its arrival but was never picked in tournaments succeeding its release. It had a decent 29% pick rate that did fairly well with a 36.4% win rate. It was mostly played using Solar Blade as its primary damage move with Leaf Blade as its complimentary move.

Leafeon Builds: Guide and Moveset

Defender Meta

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Defender Meta.png

Defenders have been at the forefront of the meta in the World Championships, taking five (5) spots out of the top 10 most picked Pokemon in the tournament. Although they are not as sought after as damage dealers, the plays they create have been crucial in winning teamfights, which often ultimately leads to a team's victory.

Pokemon Pick Rate Win Rate
Umbreon ImageUmbreon 41% 51.5%
Blastoise ImageBlastoise 36% 27.3%
Lapras ImageLapras 27% 33.3%
Slowbro ImageSlowbro 26% 12.1%
Trevenant ImageTrevenant 24% 30.3%

List of Defenders: All Defender Pokemon and Best Builds

Hoopa Meta

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Hoopa Meta.png

Hoopa is one of the most consistent Supporter picks throughout the tournament, garnering an impressive 32% pick rate and 36.4% win rate. The mobility and utility it gives its team via its portals is what makes the Pokemon a unique and effective pick.

Hoopa Guide: Builds and Best Items

Blissey Meta

Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Blissey Meta.png

Blissey is not a stranger to the competitive scene and has always been the best healer in the game, and it showed why in this tournament. The Pokemon is the most picked and most successful Supporter in the tournament, amassing a 36% win rate and a 36.4% win rate. Its high HP and arsenal of healing, buffing, and cleansing moves makes the Pokemon such a high-value pick.

Blissey Guide: Builds and Best Items

Picks and Win Rates (2023 World Championships)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
41% 36.4%
41% 51.5%
36% 27.3%
36% 36.4%
33% 27.3%
32% 36.4%
29% 36.4%
27% 33.3%
26% 12.1%
24% 30.3%
23% 12.1%
23% 27.3%
14% 12.1%
12% 6.1%
12% 21.2%
11% 6.1%
11% 18.2%
11% 12.1%
9% 6.1%
6% 3%
6% 6.1%
6% 12.1%
5% 3%
5% 6.1%
5% 3%
3% 3%
2% 3%
2% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Inteleon and Umbreon are the most picked Pokemon for the 2023 World Championships, garnering a pick rate of 41%. However, Umbreon was the most successful not just from the two but for the entire tournament also.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the 2023 World Championships.

Pokemon Ban Rates (2023 World Championships)

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Lapras is the most banned Pokemon in the 2023 World Championships. The Pokemon's high durability and strong AoE moves makes it such a threat during teamfights.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the 2023 World Championships.

Most Picked Battle Item (2023 World Championships)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button is the most picked Battle Item in the tournament with X Speed following behind. This means that teams generally value mobility over anything else. However, with disablers being meta picks, Full Heal is also a great option.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during the 2023 World Championships.

Most Picked Held Item (2023 World Championships)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band is the most picked Held Item in the tournament, showing how teams value durability and survivability, particularly during teamfights. Exp. Share comes in second, suggesting that teams also value leveling up as fast as possible.

Held Items not shown here were not picked during 2023 World Championships.

Pokemon Lane Picks

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
-- -- 100%
70.8% -- 29.2%
83.3% -- 16.7%
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- 33.3% 66.7%
-- 100% --
100% -- --
100% -- --
11.1% 7.4% 81.5%
77.8% -- 22.2%
15.8% 26.3% 57.9%
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
11.8% -- 88.2%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
12.5% -- 87.5%
18.5% -- 81.5%
-- 100% --
-- 75% 25%
54.5% 40.9% 4.5%
-- 100% --

Where to Watch World Championships 2023

The Pokemon UNITE World Championship Series was livestreamed on August 11 & August 12, 2023! The stream started on 12:00AM UTC!

2023 World Championships Live Streams
Day 1
Day 1 - B Stream (No Commentary)
Day 2
Day 2 - B Stream (No Commentary)

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Pokemon UNITE - 2023 Unite World Championships Partial Banner.png

2023 World Championship Series

2023 Championship Series Analysis

2023 World Championship Series Analysis
Pokemon UNITE - World Championships 2023 Partial Banner.pngWorld Championships 2023
Pokemon UNITE - NA February Finals -Partial Banner.pngFebruary Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - EU February Finals - Partial Banner.pngFebruary Finals
Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 NA - Partial Banner.pngMarch Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 EU - Partial Banner.pngMarch Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Aeos Cup Finals 2023 (NA) Partial Banner.pngAeos Cup
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Aeos Cup Finals 2023 (EU) Partial Banner.pngAeos Cup
Pokemon UNITE - April Finals 2023 (North America) Partial Banner.pngApril Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - April Finals 2023 (Europe) Partial Banner.pngApril Finals
Pokemon UNITE - May Finals 2023 NA Partial Banner.pngMay Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Partial.pngMay Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Group Stage Partial Banner (North America).pngRegional Finals Group Stage
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
(North America)

All Pokemon UNITE Tournament and Analysis


6 DeeJayover 1 year

I'm sure my "1." point is wrong, as this would be the relative win rate. The losing teams pokemon shouldn't be calculated in the absolute win rate. So it should be: 1. A pokemon with a 100% pick rate automatically has a 100% win rate. (Because it is always present in the winning team) The win/pick-rate ratio still gets skewed (not screwed :D) though, if we also calculate matches where the pokemon was in both teams. Still would be nice to see the relative win rate without those.

5 DeeJayover 1 year

Espeon (0,6000), Scizor (0,6000), Clefable (0,5545), Alolan Ninetales (0,5261), Eldegoss (0,5083), Buzzwole (0,5000), Slowbro (0,4654), Lucario & Snorlax & Talonflame (0,0000)


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