Pokemon UNITE

Regional Finals Analysis (Europe) | UNITE World Championship Series

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Banner.png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the Regional Finals for Europe? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Regional Finals Summary (Europe)

Tali Believers Takes Home the Crown!

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Champions.png

Tali Believers sweeps the entire tournament and are Europe's regional finals champions, beating Team Peps in a thrilling 5-game series and proving once again why they are the best team in Europe!

Team Peps Shocks Europe!

Team Peps shocks Europe as they eliminate the fan-favorite Nouns Esports from the finals, which earned them a shot at the Championship.

Group Stage Results

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Group Stage Results.png

Teams in bold letters are the qualified teams for their group.
Group A
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Tali Believers 3 - 0
Plush Keepers 2 - 1
Vegetablegarden 1 - 2
TiltedXDeviant 0 - 3
Group B
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Nouns Esports 3 - 0
Gigachard Retired 2 - 1
Intercontinental 1 - 2
Do Not Disturb 0 - 3
Group C
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Team Peps 3 - 0
Los Pipistrelos 2 - 1
Sentient Esports 1 - 2
Compismolonguis 0 - 3
Group D
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
TimeToShine 2 - 1
Random5s 2 - 1
Gigachad Gaming 1 - 2
Team Allegiance 1 - 2

Teams Qualified for Worlds

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Qualified Teams.png

As a result of the Regional Finals, the following are the European teams qualified for the World Championship:

Qualified Teams for Worlds (Europe)
# Team Total Points
1 Tali Believers 10200
2 Nouns Esports 8391
3 Team Peps 6519
4 TimeToShine 4672

Meta Highlights (Europe)

Jungle Urshifu

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Urshifu Meta.png

Picking and playing Urshifu as the jungler was the go-to strategy teams love to run in the tournament. Teams also heavily favor using the Single Strike Style, although both styles were used. The Pokemon had a pick rate of 37% with a 52.2%, making it the most successful pick in the tournament.

Urshifu Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Jungle Zoroark

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Zoroark Meta.png

Zoroark is also a recurring jungler pick for teams in the tournament. It had a pick rate of 28% with a win rate of 26.1% and a ban rate of 30.4%. Although the Pokemon did not have much screen time compared to Urshifu, it's clear it was a meta pick for teams.

Zoroark Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Supporter Top Lane

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Supporter Top Lane.png

Another recurring strategy teams love to run is pairing one Supporter with any Pokemon at the top lane. The Supporter's main job is to help its lane partner to level up quickly and safely by providing constant healing, shielding, and/or buffing.

Below are the commonly picked Supporters for the top lane:

Pokemon Pick Rate Top Lane Rate
Eldegoss ImageEldegoss 41% 94.7%
Blissey ImageBlissey 30% 100%
Hoopa ImageHoopa 28% 100%

Top Lane Guide: How to Play Top

Defender-Attacker Bot Lane Duo

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Bot Lane Duo.png

Having a Defender-Attacker duo at the bot lane was also a prominent startegy teams heavily utilized. The purpose of the strategy is to have an aggressive duo at the bot lane to defend the goal zone there as long as possible and give the team a positional advantage whenever the objective spawns.

Below are the commonly picked Pokemon in the bottom lane:

Pokemon Pick Rate Top Lane Rate
Slowbro ImageSlowbro 39% 94.4%
Mew ImageMew 37% 100%
Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales 28% 93.3%
Lapras ImageLapras 30% 92.9%
Snorlax ImageSnorlax 15% 100%
Trevenant ImageTrevenant 15% 100%

Bottom Lane Guide: How to Play Bot

Picks and Win Rates (Europe)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
41% 47.8%
39% 39.1%
37% 39.1%
37% 52.2%
33% 34.8%
33% 21.7%
30% 43.5%
30% 21.7%
28% 26.1%
28% 26.1%
24% 30.4%
22% 8.7%
15% 13%
15% 8.7%
13% 21.7%
9% 13%
9% 8.7%
7% 8.7%
7% 4.3%
4% 4.3%
2% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eldegoss is the most picked Pokemon for the Europe Regional Finals, garnering a pick rate of 41% with a win rate of 47.8%.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the Regional Finals 2023 (Europe).

Pokemon Ban Rates (Europe)

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Lapras and Hoopa are the most banned Pokemon in the Europe Regional Finals 2023. Lapras' durability and damage potential and Hoopa's teleporting abilities are too much of a threat for teams to play against.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the Regional Finals Group Stage 2023 (Europe).

Most Picked Battle Item (Europe)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button is the most picked Battle Item in the tournament with X Speed following behind. This means that teams generally value mobility over anything else. However, with disablers being meta picks, Full Heal is also a great option.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during Regional Finals 2023 (Europe).

Most Picked Held Item (Europe)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band is the most picked Held Item in the tournament followed by Exp. Share. This shows that teams value survivability in teamfights and leveling up as fast as possible during the early game.

Held Items not shown here were not picked during Regional Finals 2023 (Europe).

Pokemon Lane Picks (Europe)

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
6.7% -- 93.3%
100% -- --
100% -- --
100% -- --
60% 10% 30%
-- -- 100%
66.7% -- 33.3%
50% 25% 25%
26.7% 60% 13.3%
100% -- --
94.7% -- 5.3%
94.7% -- 5.3%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
66.7% -- 33.3%
100% -- --
100% -- --
7.1% -- 92.9%
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
5.6% -- 94.4%
-- -- 100%
83.3% -- 16.7%
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
100% -- --
-- 100% --

Where to Watch Regional Finals 2023 (Europe)

The full livestream for the Regional Finals is available in the official YouTube channel of Pokemon UNITE. They usually stream the Regional Finals so try catching it on scheduled times!

For the full schedule of the Championship Series, check out this article:

2023 World Championship Series

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Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Group Stage Partial Banner (North America).pngRegional Finals Group Stage
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
(North America)

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