Pokemon UNITE

Regional Finals Group Stage Analysis (North America) | UNITE World Championship Series

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Group Stage (North America).png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the Group Stage of the Regional Finals for North America? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Regional Finals Summary (North America)

Qualified Teams for Regional Finals at NAIC

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As of the results of the Group Stage, there are 8 teams that have qualified to compete in the Regional Finals at the North America International Championships (NAIC) this June 30 to July 1.

- Qualified Teams
1 Amaterasu
2 Luminosity
3 Team YT
4 Spinal
5 Ginyu Force
6 Rogue
8 Oracle

Group Stage Results

Teams in bold letters are the qualified teams for their group.
Group A
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Amaterasu 3 - 0
Rogue 2 - 1
Andromeda 1 - 2
God Squad 0 - 3
Group B
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Ginyu Force 3 - 0
Luminosity 2 - 1
Team TOS 1 - 2
Purple Hearts 0 - 3
Group C
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
TTV 3 - 0
Spinal 2 - 1
Midnight Malders 1 - 2
Ikigai No Tsurugi 0 - 3
Group D
Team Record
(Win - Lose)
Team YT 3 - 0
Oracle 2 - 1
GT 1 - 2
Brace Birders 0 - 3

Meta Highlights (North America)

Double Defender Team Comp

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Double Defender Meta.png

A Double Defender team comp has been the go-to strategy throughout the group stage. Based on the games, the purpose of this strategy is to have a solid frontline duo that can tank tons of damage while providing the team with crowd control during teamfights.

List of Defenders: All Defender Pokemon and Best Builds

Lapras Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Lapras Meta.png

Lapras was the go-to Defender pick for teams but not just as part of the Double Defender team comp. The Pokemon is one of the most picked and successful Pokemon in the tournament, garnerning a pick rate of 36% with a 44.4% win rate. Its high durability, early-game presence, and crowd control moves makes it highly efficient from start to finish.

Lapras Guide: Builds and Best Items

Slowbro Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Slowbro Meta.png

Slowbro was also one of the go-to Defender pick for teams. Although it only had a pick rate of 25% with a 27.8% win rate, it is the most banned Pokemon in the tournament with a massive 50% ban rate. This shows how impactful the Pokemon can be when picked. Its high durability and arsenal of strong crowd control makes the Pokemon a high-value pick.

Slowbro Guide: Builds and Best Items

Blastoise Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Blastoise Meta.png

Blastoise was also a meta pick for the Double Defender team comp. The Pokemon had a pick rate of 28% with a 27.8% win rate. Apart from being a tank, the Pokemon's damage potential via Rapid Spin and Water Spout makes it deadly during teamfights. However, teams also run a Surf and Hydro Pump build for a traditional Defender, which works just as good as its counterpart.

Blastoise Guide: Builds and Best Items

Trevenant Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Trevenant Meta.png

Trevenant also shared the spotlight as a pick for the Double Defender team comp. The Pokemon had a pick rate of 22% with a 5.6% win rate, making it the least successful defender for the strategy. Nonetheless, its incredible sustainability and powerful crowd control moves still makes it viable pick.

Trevenant Guide: Builds and Best Items

Eldegoss Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Eldegoss Meta.png

Eldegoss was the meta-defining pick in the tournament. It had a pick rate of 39% with an outstanding win rate of 55.6%, making it the most picked and successful Pokemon in the tournament. Although fragile, its ability to constantly heal, shield, and buff its allies makes it extremely useful during teamfights.

Eldegoss Guide: Builds and Best Items

Hoopa Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Hoopa Meta.png

Hoopa was also a meta-defining pick in the tournament, garnering a pick rate of 36% with a 27.8% win rate and 22.2% ban rate. The Pokemon's unique ability to create portals and allow its team to rotate between lanes is what teams are always after when picking it.

Hoopa Guide: Builds and Best Items

Alolan Ninetales Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Alolan Ninetales Meta.png

Alolan Ninetales has been a staple pick in the past few tournaments, and it remains to be in this one. It had a pick rate of 33% with a win rate of 38.9%. The Pokemon's ability to deal high burst damage while freezing its opponents from range via Avalanche and Blizzard makes it great during teamfights.

Alolan Ninetales Guide: Builds and Best Items

Mew Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Mew Meta.png

Mew has long been a meta pick in the competitive scene for North America, and it showed in this tournament. The Pokemon had a pick rate of 33% with a win rate of 33.3%. The Pokemon's unique ability to change its moves willingly throughout the match allows it to provide its team with whatever the situation demands, whether it's saving allies or securing objectives.

Mew Guide: Builds and Best Items

Jungle Urshifu

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Urshifu Meta.png

Urshifu is the only All-Rounder that remains to be a staple pick in the tournament, accumulating a pick rate of 31% with a win rate of 33.3% and ban rate of 11.1%. There was no indication of a favored Urshifu style as some teams used Single Strike Style and some used Rapid Strike Style. However, it was clear that the Pokemon is mainly played as the jungler.

Urshifu Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Sableye Jungle Invade

Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Sableye Meta.png

Although rarely done, one strategy teams use when they pick Sableye is to have the Pokemon head straight to the opponent's jungle with the goal of stealing the enemy jungler's farm. Doing so delays the jungler's progression in the early game, especially when done successfully.

Sableye Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Picks and Win Rates (North America)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
39% 55.%
36% 44.4%
36% 27.8%
33% 38.9%
33% 33.3%
31% 33.3%
28% 33.3%
28% 22.2%
25% 27.8%
22% 25%
22% 5.6%
17% 16.7%
14% 11.1%
11% 16.7%
11% 11.1%
11% 5.6%
8% 11.1%
8% 5.6%
8% 0%
6% 11.1%
6% 0%
3% 5.6%
3% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eldegoss is the most picked Pokemon for the North America Regional Finals Group Stage, garnering a pick rate of 39% with a win rate of 55.6%.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the Regional Finals Group Stage 2023 (North America).

Pokemon Ban Rates (North America)

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Slowbro is the most banned Pokemon in the North America Regional Finals Group Stage 2023. The Pokemon's high durability and arsenal of disabling moves makes it incredibly effective in teamfights.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the Regional Finals Group Stage 2023 (North America).

Most Picked Battle Item (North America)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button is the most picked Battle Item in the tournament with X Speed following behind. This means that teams generally value mobility over anything else. However, with disablers being meta picks, Full Heal is also a great option.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during Regional Finals Group Stage 2023 (North America).

Most Picked Held Item (North America)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band is the most picked Held Item in the tournament followed by Exp. Share. This shows that teams value survivability in teamfights and leveling up as fast as possible during the early game.

Held Items not shown here were not picked during Regional Finals Group Stage 2023 (North America).

Pokemon Lane Picks (North America)

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
100% -- --
16.7% -- 83.3%
50% -- 50%
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- 50% 50%
100% -- --
60% -- 40%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
25% -- 75%
50% 30% 20%
85.7% -- 14.3%
-- 75% 25%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
61.5.7% -- 38.5%
33.3% -- 66.7%
16.7% 16.7% 66.7%
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- 62.5% 37.5%
25% -- 75%
-- 100% --
33.3% 33.3% 33.3%
-- -- 100%
33.3% 66.7% --

Where to Watch Regional Finals 2023 (North America)

The full livestream for the Regional Finals is available in the official YouTube channel of Pokemon UNITE. They usually stream the Regional Finals so try catching it on scheduled times!

For the full schedule of the Championship Series, check out this article:

2023 World Championship Series

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Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Group Stage Partial Banner (North America).pngRegional Finals Group Stage
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
(North America)

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