Pokemon UNITE

March Finals 2023 Analysis (Europe) | UNITE World Championship Series

Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 EU - Banner.png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the March Finals 2023? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Championship Series Summary (Europe)

Tali Believers Sweeps the Competition!

Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 EU - Champions.png

Tali Believers showed a brilliant performance and are Eruope's March Finals Champions! The team swept through the tournament, not losing a single game.

Meta Highlights (Europe)

Slowbro Meta

Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 EU - Slowbro Meta.png

Although Trevenant has the highest pick rate in the tournament, Slowbro has a higher win rate. The Pokemon is picked mostly in opposition to Trevenant, and since it has the highest win rate, it proved to be a better Defender.

Slowbro Guide: Builds and Best Items

Espeon Meta

Pokemon UNITE - March Finals 2023 EU - Espeon Meta.png

Espeon is one of the most picked Pokemon in the tournament but has the highest win rate. Known for stunning and bursting down targets from afar with Psyshock, it is the go-to damage dealer for teams in the tournament.

Espeon Guide: Builds and Best Items

Picks and Win Rates (Europe)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
50% 25%
44% 75%
44% 62.5%
44% 12.5%
38% 50%
38% 25%
38% 37.5%
19% 37.5%
19% 25%
13% 25%
13% 12.5%
13% 0%
6% 12.5%
6% 0%
4% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Trevenant is the most picked Pokemon for the Europe March Finals. However, Espeon had the highest win rate in the tournament, garnering a massive 75%.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the March Finals.

Pokemon Ban Rates

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Urshifu is the most banned Pokemon in the Europe March Finals with a whopping 100% ban rate. The Pokemon's versatile playstyles proved to be a nuisance for teams.

Pokemon not shown here were not banned during the March Finals.

Most Picked Battle Item (Europe)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button is the most picked Battle Item for the Europe March Finals followed by X Speed and Full Heal, suggesting that teams value mobility and anti-disable tools.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during the March Finals.

Most Picked Held Item (Europe)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band is the most picked Held Item in the Europe March Finals followed by Exp. Share. This shows that teams value survivability in teamfights and leveling up as fast as possible during the early game.

Held Item not shown here were not used during the March Finals.

Pokemon Lane Picks (Europe)

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
50% -- 50%
100% -- --
71.4% -- 28.6%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
66.7% -- 33.3%
100% -- --
16.7% -- 33.3%
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
50% -- 50%
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the March Finals.

Where to Watch March Finals 2023 (Europe)

For the start of the Europen March Finals stream, skip to the 00:10:18 timestamp.

The full livestream for the March Finals is available in the official YouTube channel of Pokemon UNITE. They usually stream the Monthly Finals so try catching it on scheduled times!

For the full schedule of the Championship Series, check out this article:

UNITE World Championship Series 2022 Schedule

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