Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

UNITE World Championships 2023 AnalysisComment

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries


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    6 DeeJayover 1 yearReport

    I'm sure my "1." point is wrong, as this would be the relative win rate. The losing teams pokemon shouldn't be calculated in the absolute win rate. So it should be: 1. A pokemon with a 100% pick rate automatically has a 100% win rate. (Because it is always present in the winning team) The win/pick-rate ratio still gets skewed (not screwed :D) though, if we also calculate matches where the pokemon was in both teams. Still would be nice to see the relative win rate without those.

    5 DeeJayover 1 yearReport

    Espeon (0,6000), Scizor (0,6000), Clefable (0,5545), Alolan Ninetales (0,5261), Eldegoss (0,5083), Buzzwole (0,5000), Slowbro (0,4654), Lucario & Snorlax & Talonflame (0,0000)

    4 DeeJayover 1 yearReport

    I still calculated the win/pick-rate ratio. However as mentioned previously it is not really that accurate/meaningful: Venusaur (2,0166), Urshifu (1,7666), Comfey (1,6545), Cramorant (1,5000), Trevenant (1,2625), Umbreon (1,2561), Leafeon (1,2552), Lapras (1,2333), Gardevoir (1,2200), Glaceon (1,1870), Hoopa (1,1375), Mew (1,1000), Goodra & Dodrio (1,0166), Blissey (1,0111), Machamp (1,0000), Inteleon (0,8878), Zoroark (0,8643), Zacian (0,8273), Blastoise (0,7583), Delphox (0,6777)

    3 DeeJayover 1 yearReport

    E.g.: Venusaur (pick rate: 6% and win rate: 12.1%). Venusaur was never in both teams and always in the winning team. This means that the win rate gets somewhat screwed if we also calculate matches where the pokemon was in both teams (50% win rate in the match no matter how the pokemon actually performed). That's why it would be really nice to see the relative win rate (relative to pick rate) calculated only based on the matches where the pokemon was only in one team.

    2 DeeJayover 1 yearReport

    The win and pick rate are absolute rates. Meaning the sum of both is 500% (not exactly because of rounding). Because both teams can pick the same pokemon this leads to interesting behaviour: 1. A pokemon with a 100% pick rate has automatically a 50% win rate. (Because it is always present in both the winning and the losing team) 2. A pokemon with a equal or less than 50% pick rate could have double the win rate. (If it is always in the winning team and never in the losing team).

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Your math is jusst wrong. How can every pokemon has below 50% winrate

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