Pokemon UNITE

May Finals 2023 Analysis (Europe) | UNITE World Championship Series

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Banner.png

Want to know a quick summary of the things that happened in the May Finals 2023 for Europe? Read on to see the most used Pokemon, the Pokemon with the best win rate, the most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

Championship Series Summary (Europe)

Tali Believers Reign Over Europe!

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Champions.png

The image above seems to contain a typographical error. It's suppose to show May Finals Bracket instead of April Finals Bracket.

Tali Believers are crowned as the May Finals Champions for Europe! The team showed a remarkable performance, winning every series up to the Grand Finals.

Championship Points Standings

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU CP Standings.png

As of the May Finals, the top 3 teams for Europe retains their respective place. Tali Believers takes the top spot with 7700 points. Nouns Esports comes in second with 6791 points. Lastly, Woof Woof sits at third place with 4519 points.

Meta Highlights (Europe)

Chandelure Debut

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Chandelure Debut.png

Chandelure finally makes its debut in the competitive scene! The Pokemon garnered a pick rate of 10% with a win rate of 20%. However, it needs more time to find its place in the meta.

Chandelure Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Lapras Debut

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Lapras Debut.png

Lapras also made its debut in the competitive scene! The Pokemon got a pick rate of 15%, a win rate of 30%, and a ban rate of 80%, which is the highest ban rate in the tournament! It's difficult to evaluate the Pokemon's performance in-game since it's mostly banned.

However, being the most banned Pokemon in the tournament does imply that teams view the Pokemon as a threat.

Lapras Guide: Builds and Best Items

Eldegoss Comeback

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Eldegoss Meta.png

One of the most beloved Supporters, Eldegoss, makes a big comeback in the competitive scene. It garnered a pick rate of 50% with a win rate of 60%, making it the most picked and most successful Pokemon in the tournament. The Pokemon's ability to provide both offensive and defensive support to its allies has become more and more viable in the meta.

Eldegoss Guide: Builds and Best Items

Alolan Ninetales Comeback

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Alolan Ninetales Comeback.png

Alolan Ninetales also made comeback in the competitive scene after remaining in the sidelines for a long time! The Pokemon has a pick rate of 30% with a win rate of 40%. Known for freezing opponents in place, the Pokemon has gained a foothold in the meta once again.

Alolan Ninetales Guide: Builds and Best Items

Urshifu Meta

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Urshifu Meta.png

Urshifu played a major role in defining the meta for the tournament. It has a pick rate of 45% with a win rate of 40%. The Pokemon's Single Strike Style is slowly making a comeback in the competitive scene, getting played 6 times out of the 10 games.

Urshifu Guide: Best Builds and Moveset

Slowbro and Mew Duo

Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Slowbro and Mew Duo.png

Slowbro and Mew was a constant duo pick in the tournament. Slowbro has a pick rate of 45% with a win rate of 60%. Meanwhile, Mew garnered a pick rate of 30% with a win rate of 20%. The synergy between the two is quite effective as there are various combos they can pull off.

Pokemon Pages
Mew ImageMew Slowbro ImageSlowbro

Picks and Win Rates (Europe)

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
50% 60%
45% 60%
45% 40%
35% 40%
30% 40%
30% 50%
30% 20%
25% 10%
20% 10%
20% 0%
15% 30%
15% 20%
15% 10%
10% 20%
10% 10%
10% 0%
5% 10%
5% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eldegoss is the most picked Pokemon for the Europe May Finals, garnering a pick rate of 50% with a win rate of 60%. It's rare to have a Supporter not only as the most picked Pokemon in a tournament but also the most successful.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the May Finals 2023 (Europe).

Pokemon Ban Rates (Europe)

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Lapras is the most banned Pokemon in the Europe May Finals 2023. The Pokemon's high durability, crowd control, and high damage output makes it a huge threat to play against.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during the May Finals 2023 (Europe).

Most Picked Battle Item (Europe)

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button is the most picked Battle Item in the tournament with X Speed following behind. This means that teams generally value mobility over anything else. However, with disablers being meta picks, Full Heal is also a great option.

Battle Items not shown here were not picked during May Finals 2023 (Europe).

Most Picked Held Item (Europe)

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band is the most picked Held Item in the tournament followed by Exp. Share. This shows that teams value survivability in teamfights and leveling up as fast as possible during the early game.

Held Items not shown here were not picked during May Finals 2023 (Europe).

Pokemon Lane Picks (Europe)

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
50% -- 50%
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
16.7% 83.3% --
-- 100% --
100% -- --
33.3 -- 66.7%
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
40% 40% 20%
50% -- 50%
-- 100% --
71.4% 28.6% --

Where to Watch May Finals 2023 (Europe)

For the start of the Europen May Finals stream, skip to the 00:09:52 timestamp.

The full livestream for the May Finals is available in the official YouTube channel of Pokemon UNITE. They usually stream the Monthly Finals so try catching it on scheduled times!

For the full schedule of the Championship Series, check out this article:

2023 World Championship Series

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Pokemon UNITE - April Finals 2023 (Europe) Partial Banner.pngApril Finals
Pokemon UNITE - May Finals 2023 NA Partial Banner.pngMay Finals
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - May FInals 2023 EU Partial.pngMay Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Group Stage Partial Banner (North America).pngRegional Finals Group Stage
(North America)
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals Europe Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
Pokemon UNITE - Regional Finals North America Partial Banner.pngRegional Finals
(North America)

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