Pokemon UNITE

Confuse Ray: Sableye Move Effect and Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - Sabeleye - Confuse Ray Banner

Confuse Ray is a Move learned by Sableye in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Confuse Ray, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Confuse Ray.

Confuse Ray Effects and Stats

Confuse Ray Basic Information

Confuse Ray ImageConfuse Ray
Level Learned Lv. 6
Move Slot Slot 2 (ZR) - Replaces Astonish
Move Type Hindrance
Damage Type Special
Status Effects Confusion, Stun, Movement Speed Up, Attack Speed Up
Cooldown 10s
Damage (Starting / Final)
Starting Level Damage: 668
Final Level Damage: 933
All Moves by Damage Dealt

Confuse Ray Effect

Confuse Ray In-Game.jpg

Has the user fire a sinister ray in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. If this move hits Pokemon from the opposing team, it also leaves them confused. While confused, Pokemon continuously attack nearby Pokemon with basic attacks. Confused Pokemon will target nearby Pokemon in the following order of priority: first, their ally Pokemon; then, wild Pokemon; last, Pokemon on the user's team.

Confused Target Priority List

Priority Level Target
1 Confused target's allies.
2 Wild Pokemon
3 User's allies

The confused target will first prioritize attacking its allies, then wild Pokemon, and lastly your allies.

How to Use Confuse Ray

Set Up Knockouts

Use Confuse Ray on an opponent to force them to attack a target, setting up a knockout for your team. However, remember that the confused target will attack and move faster once the move is upgraded, which can be good or bad depeding on the situation.

If you're the only target available or there are allies nearby, the confused opponents will target you or your allies, so make sure you or your nearby allies have enough HP to tank the damage. You can also just burst the target down quickly.

Use on Grouped Opponents

Use Confuse Ray on a target that is close to its allies, forcing the target to attack them instead of your team.

Prioritize Damage Dealers

It's best to target opponents that have a high damage output when using Confuse Ray since it can turn their damage against their team.

Confuse Ray Patch History Stun effect on opponents reduced from 2.5s to 2s. Cooldown increased from 8s to 10s. (+2s) Cooldown increased from 7s to 8s. (1s)

Updates and Patch Notes

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE - Sableye Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Sableye Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Confuse Ray Image Confuse Ray
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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