Pokemon UNITE

2023 Asia Champions League Day 6 Analysis

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2023 Asia Champions League continues with Day 6 of battles! Read on to see the most used Pokemon, best win rate, Pokemon ban rate, most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

All data is based only on the recent VOD stream released by the Official Pokemon Asia ENG YouTube channel.
The analysis also collectively covers the 6th day of tournament for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and India Leagues.

Day 6 Asia Champions League Summary

Day 6 Standings - East Asia

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As of Day 6, the final three (3) teams for East Asia are Hi5, T2, and Secret Ship. These teams will battle it out in Day 7 to determine the two (2) teams that will go to the finals. Hi5 has already secured the first slot in the finals, leaving just one slot left.

Day 6 Standings - Southeast Asia

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As of Day 6, the final three (3) teams for Southeast Asia are Team MYS, Renaissance, and Rise. These teams will battle it out in Day 7 to determine the two (2) teams that will go to the finals. Team MYS has already secured the first slot in the finals, leaving just one slot left.

Day 6 Standings - India

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As of Day 6, the final three (3) teams for India are Marcos Gaming, S8UL, and Revenant. These teams will battle it out in Day 7 to determine the two (2) teams that will go to the finals.

Meta Highlights

Hoopa's Comeback

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Hoopa has officially entered the competitive scene once again, garnering a decent pick and ban rate. The Pokemon used to be one of the most picked characters in earlier tournaments, particularly prior to the map change. It then suddenly disappeared from the meta once players got used to the new map.

The Pokemon resurfaced in recent tournaments, which is most likely due to the buffs it received in the update. However, it did not have much play time. Now, it's safe to say that Hoopa has made a comeback in tournaments as a mainstay pick.

Hoopa Guide: Builds and Best Items

Attacker and All-Rounder Meta

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Teams continue to rely on Attackers and/or All-Rounders as core picks in their team composition. They mostly act as the team's primary damage dealers and carry.

Standard Games

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Day 6 of the tournament was not far from previous days in terms of the strategies that teams use in their games. Regardless of their team composition, teams stuck with the tried-and-tested strategy of taking objectives, pushing lanes, winning teamfights, and preparing for the late game.

Picks and Win Rates

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
47% 53.3%
40% 40%
40% 33.3%
37% 46.7%
37% 40%
33% 40%
30% 40%
30% 33.3%
27% 13.3%
23% 26.7%
20% 26.7%
17% 13.3%
13% 20%
10% 13.3%
10% 6.7%
7% 13.3%
7% 0%
3% 6.7%
3% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Snorlax overtakes Slowbro as not only the most picked Pokemon but also the most picked Defender.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 6 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Ban Rates

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Urshifu remains as the most banned Pokemon in Day 6. The Pokemon's burst damage potential when using Single Strike Style or mobility and sustain when using Rapid Strike Style is just too effective during crucial teamfights.

Pokemon not shown here were not banned during Day 6 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Battle Item

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button and X Speed remained as the top two most picked Battle Items as of Day 6. This suggests that teams continue to value mobility.

Battle Items not shown here were not used during Day 6 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Held Item

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band continues to dominate as the go-to Held Items for generally all Pokemon.
Exp. Share coming in second means teams invest in leveling up as fast as possible.

Held Items not shown here were not used during Day 6 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Lane Picks

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
50% 20% 30%
100% -- --
100% -- --
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- 100% --
81.8% -- 18.2%
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- 50% 50%
9.1% 54.5% 36.4%
-- 100% --
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- 33.3% 66.7%
-- 88.9% 11.1%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
88.9% -- 11.1%
75% -- 25%
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
75% 25% --
-- -- 100%
14.3% -- 85.7%
33.3% -- 66.7%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
-- 66.7% 33.3%
100% -- --
50% 50% --

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 6 of Asia Champions League.

Where to Watch Asia Champions League Day 6

For the full schedule of Asia Champions League, check out this article:

Asia Champions League Schedule

Day 6 - East Asia League

Day 6 - Southeast Asia League

Day 6 - India League

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