Pokemon UNITE

2023 Asia Champions League Day 1 Analysis

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2023 Asia Champions League kicked off with Day 1 of battles! Read on to see the most used Pokemon, best win rate, Pokemon ban rate, most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

All data is based only on the recent VOD stream released by the Official Pokemon Asia ENG YouTube channel.
The analysis also collectively covers the 1st day of tournament for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and India Leagues.

Day 1 Asia Champions League Summary

Day 1 Standings - East Asia

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships East Asia Standings

As of Day 1, Hi5 and Eternity are tied on Rank 1, making them the top teams in East Asia on the first day of the tournament. Secret Ship follows up on 4th place and T2 comes in at last place. No Show has no ranking yet as they aren't scheduled to play a game for that day.

Day 1 Standings - Southeast Asia

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships SEA Standings

As of Day 1, TeamMYS and Renaissance are tied on Rank 1, making them the top teams in Southeast Asia on the first day of the tournament. Secret Rare follows up on 3rd place and Escape V comes in at last place. Rise has no ranking yet as they aren't scheduled to play a game for that day.

Day 1 Standings - India

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships India Standings

As of Day 1, True Rippers and Revenant are tied on Rank 1, making them the top teams in India on the first day of the tournament. These two teams were the only ones that were shown to have a ranking for Day 1, and Marcos Gaming has no ranking yet as they aren't scheduled to play a game for that day.

Meta Highlights

All-Rounder Meta

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships All-Rounder Meta.png

All-Rounders have become the core picks for teams throughout the tournament, having at least two (2) for each team per game. They act as the team's primary damage dealers and has the responsibility of carrying the team to victory. They are also quite versitile, being able to go to any lane without any issues.

List of All-Rounders

Bottom Lane Priority

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Bottom Lane Priority.png

Contrary to casual games, teams prioritize the bottom lane over the top lane. The reason for this is that the team that destroys their opponent's bottom goal zone will have a positional advantage to secure the boss Pokemon in the bottom lane.

Bottom Lane Guide

Securing Boss Pokemon for Better Teamfights

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Bottom Lane Objectives.png

Teams prioritize taking Regice, Regirock, or Registeel over Regieleki due to the EXP. and buffs they give to the entire team. Gaining more EXP and having the buffs gives a team a huge power advantage during teamfights, which they can leverage on as the game progresses.

Objectives Guide

Jungle Invades

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Jungle Invade Strategy.png

One strategy that teams use in some of their games is invading the opponent's jungle. It involves at least one Pokemon heading straight for the enemy jungle area once the game begins to steal or try to steal as many jungle camps as possible. The purpose of this strategy is to prevent the enemy jungler from leveling up quickly, crippling its progression and forcing it to fall behind.

Jungle Splitting

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Jungle Split Strategy.png

Splitting the jungle is also a strategy teams use in their games. It's when teams split their jungle area into upper and lower halves where the upper part is given to one of the top laners while the lower part is taken by the jungler. The point of this strategy is to give more EXP to one of the top laner since Pokemon gain less EXP in the top lane compared to the bottom lane and the jungle area.

Eldegoss with Rapid-Fire Scarf

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Eldegoss Rapid-Fire Scarf Build.png

There were teams that equip Rapid-Fire Scarf on Eldegoss. The point of this build is to give Eldegoss a massive attack speed boost, which allows the Pokemon to perform a Boosted Attack and attach a cotton fluff to targets as often as possible. Eldegoss can then deal more damage with its basic attacks to enemies with cotton fluff attached to them.

Eldegoss Guide: Builds and Best Items

Alolan Ninetales with Rapid-Fire Scarf

Pokemon UNITE - Asia Championships Alolan Ninetales Rapid-Fire Scarf Build.png

Similar to Eldegoss, team are also equipping Rapid-Fire Scarf to Alolan Ninetales. The reason for this also centers on the Pokemon's Boosted Attacks. Since Alolan Ninetale's Boosted Attacks apply a stack of Snow Warning, having the massive attack speed boost from Rapid-Fire Scarf allows the Pokemon to freeze targets quickier while also dealing increased damage. However, this build only is only effective if Alolan Ninetales learns Aurora Veil since using it turns all of the Pokemon's attacks into Boosted Attacks.

Alolan Ninetales Guide: Builds and Best Items

Picks and Win Rates

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
50% 33.3%
46% 41.7%
42% 41.7%
38% 50.0%
38% 41.7%
29% 50.0%
25% 25.0%
25% 25.0%
25% 16.7%
21% 25.0%
17% 0%
13% 25.0%
13% 8.3%
13% 16.7%
8% 16.7%
8% 8.3%
8% 0%
4% 8.3%
4% 0%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Mr. Mime continues to dominate as the premier supporter even with all the nerfs. It is then followed by two new comers: Scizor and Dodrio at second and third.
Dodrio basically jungles effectively while racking up scores for their team - which means we might be entering Scoring Meta for competitions.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 1 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Ban Rates

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Sableye continues to live up to its reputation of being the most annoying Pokemon!
With the introduction of Draft Picks and Ban Picks, this prankster is the Pokemon that even pro players hate to fight!

Pokemon not shown here were not banned during Day 1 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Battle Item

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes X Speed takes top spot as the most picked battle item in the first leg of Asia Champions League!
It is followed by Eject Button and Full Heal, showing that players prefer mobility than any other utility.

Battle Items not shown here were not used during Day 1 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Held Item

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band continues to dominate as the go-to Held Items for generally all Pokemon.
Attack Weight coming in second means we're really entering a Scoring Meta!

Held Items not shown here were not used during Day 1 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Lane Picks

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
-- -- 100%
33.3% -- 66.7%
100% -- --
88.9% -- 11.1%
100% -- --
33.3% -- 66.7%
-- 33.3% 66.7%
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
-- 100% --
100% -- --
100% -- --
-- 50% 50%
100% -- --
-- 100% --
100% -- --
100% -- --
33.3% -- 66.7%
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
36.4% 63.6% --
50.0% -- 50.0%
22.2% -- 77.8%
100% -- --
100% -- --
33.3% 33.3% 33.3%
16.7% -- 83.3%

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 1 of Asia Champions League.

Where to Watch Asia Champions League Day 1

For the full schedule of Asia Champions League, check out this article:

Asia Champions League Schedule

Day 1 - East Asia League

Day 1 - Southeast Asia League

Day 1 - India League

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