Pokemon UNITE

2023 Asia Champions League Day 3 Analysis

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 Banner.png

2023 Asia Champions League continues with Day 3 of battles! Read on to see the most used Pokemon, best win rate, Pokemon ban rate, most used battle and held items, lanes for each Pokemon, where to watch the stream, as well as highlights that defined this tournament!

All data is based only on the recent VOD stream released by the Official Pokemon Asia ENG YouTube channel.
The analysis also collectively covers the 3rd day of tournament for East Asia, Southeast Asia, and India Leagues.

Day 3 Asia Champions League Summary

Day 3 Standings - East Asia

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 - East Asia Standings

As of Day 3, Hi5 remains as the top ranking team in East Asia. No Show rises up to 2nd place, while T2 falls to 3rd place. Eternity is at 4th place and Secret Ship falls to last place.

Day 3 Standings - Southeast Asia

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 - Southeast Asia Standings

As of Day 3, TeamMYS remains as the top ranking team in Southeast Asia. Renaissance stays at 2nd place, followed by Escape V on 3rd place. Secret Rare comes up at 4th place, while Rise goes down to last place.

Day 3 Standings - India

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 - India Standings

As of Day 3, True Rippers remain as the top ranking team in India. Marcos Gaming rises to take 2nd place while Revenant and S8UL are tied for 3rd place, and God's Reign remains on last place.

Meta Highlights

All-Rounder Meta

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 - All-Rounder Meta.png

Teams continue to rely on All-Rounders as their core picks for each game. They can fit in every lane and can be paired with any lane partner due to their versitility. However, they're mainly played as the team's primary damage dealer and carry.

List of All-Rounders

Standard Games

Pokemon UNITE - ACL Day 3 - Standard Gaming.png

Much like in Day 2, teams played normally in Day 3. There were hardly any games where teams tried out new strategies or tactics outside of securing objectives and going to the late game. The games that did have some tactic did little to no impact to the outcome of the match.

Picks and Win Rates

Pokemon Most Picked % Win Rate %
50% 53.8%
38% 53.8%
38% 30.8%
35% 30.8%
31% 30.8%
31% 23.1%
27% 46.2%
27% 30.8%
23% 15.4%
19% 23.1%
15% 23.1%
12% 23.1%
12% 7.7%
12% 0%
8% 7.7%
8% 0%
4% 7.7%
10% 13.3%
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Scizor has become the core All-Rounder pick while Snorlax is the core Defender pick in Day 3. Mr. Mime has dropped from the top spot.
Teams actually prefer Scyther over Scizor and put the Pokemon in any lane. It functions as an assassin for the team, picking off targets quickly during teamfights.

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 3 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Ban Rates

Pokemon Ban Rate %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Mew has taken over the spot for most banned Pokemon in Day 3.
The Pokemon's ability to adapt to any situations makes it such a hard pick to go against.

Pokemon not shown here were not banned during Day 3 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Battle Item

Battle Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Eject Button has taken over the spot as the most equipped Battle Item after being only second in Day 1 and Day 2!
It is followed by X Speed and Full Heal, showing that players prefer mobility than any other utility.

Battle Items not shown here were not used during Day 3 of Asia Champions League.

Most Picked Held Item

Held Item Most Picked %
Pokemon UNITE Game8 TwitterGame8 Notes Focus Band continues to dominate as the go-to Held Items for generally all Pokemon.
Exp. Share coming in second means teams invest in leveling up.

Held Items not shown here were not used during Day 3 of Asia Champions League.

Pokemon Lane Picks

The percentage in bold is the most picked lane for that specific Pokemon.
Pokemon Top % Jungle % Bot %
-- 100% --
50% -- 50%
20% -- 80%
69.2% -- 30.8%
-- 100% --
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- 100% --
-- 71.4% 28.6%
-- 60% 40%
-- 100% --
80% -- 20%
-- 33.3% 66.7%
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
33.3% -- 66.7%
100% -- --
-- -- 100%
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
25% 75% --
25.0% -- 75%
22.2% -- 77.8%
-- 100% --
-- -- 100%
100% -- --
100% -- --
70% 10% 20%
50% -- 50%

Pokemon not shown here were not picked during Day 3 of Asia Champions League.

Where to Watch Asia Champions League Day 3

For the full schedule of Asia Champions League, check out this article:

Asia Champions League Schedule

Day 3 - East Asia League

Day 3 - Southeast Asia League

Day 3 - India League

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