Pokemon UNITE

Smokescreen: Greninja Move Effect and Cooldown

Greninja - Smokescreen Banner

Smokescreen is a Move learned by Greninja in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Smokescreen, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Smokescreen.

Smokescreen Effects and Stats

Smokescreen Basic Information

Smokescreen ImageSmokescreen
Level Learned Lv. 5 (Upgrade: Lv. 13)
Move Slot Slot 2 (ZR) - Replaces Substitute
Move Type Dash
Damage Type Status
Status Effects Attack Up, Movement Speed Up, Invisible, Obstruction
Cooldown 13s

While invisible, standard attacks will still hit you.

Smokescreen Effect

Smokescreen In-Game.jpg

Creates a smokescreen and has the user roll away from its current location. Immediately afterward, the user begins sneaking and has its movement speed increased for a short time. This also makes its next basic attack a boosted attack.

How to Use Smokescreen

Utilize Screen Obstruction

Pokemon UNITE - Greninja Smokescreen Obstructing Screen

Enemies who are caught within the smoke will have their screen obstructed by black masking, limiting their vision. Utilize this screen obstruction to make plays and get the upper hand in fights.

Use Inside Grass When Escaping

Pokemon UNITE - Greninja Using Smokescreen

Use Smokescreen inside grass to confuse enemies who are chasing you. Enemies won't see the smoke from outside the grass, making it look as if your just standing inside, then make your escape while your invisible.

As seen above, Greninja went inside the grass, used Smokescreen, then reappeared somewhere else.

Follow Up After Boosted Attack

Pokemon UNITE - Greninja Using Smokescreen and Attacking Venusaur

Smokescreen turns your next attack into boosted attack, allowing you to perform two boosted attacks consecutively with the proper setup. The combo is attack x3 times, cast Smokescreen, then attack again.

Remember that your boosted attack depends on whether you're at long range or close range. Long-ranged boosted attacks slow your target, while close-ranged boosted attacks deal more damage.

Smokescreen Patch History Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger. Fixed a bug causing the Smokescreen+ effect to trigger even before the move is upgraded. Boosted Attack damage increased by 12%. Attack damage boost after using decreased from about 1.75x to about 1.2x (-75%). Increased the cooldown period from 11 seconds to 13 seconds (+18%).

Updates and Patch Notes

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE Greninja Banner

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Greninja Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Smokescreen Image Smokescreen
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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