Pokemon UNITE

Meteor Mash: Lucario Move Effect and Cooldown

Lucario - Meteor Mash Banner

Meteor Mash is a Move learned by Lucario in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Meteor Mash, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Meteor Mash.

Meteor Mash Effects and Stats

Meteor Mash Basic Information

Meteor Mash ImageMeteor Mash
Level Learned Lv. 1 or 3
Move Slot Slot 2 (ZR)
Move Type Melee
Damage Type Physical
Status Effects Stun
Cooldown 7s
Damage (Starting / Final)
Starting Level Damage: 447
Final Level Damage: 585
All Moves by Damage Dealt

Meteor Mash Effect

Meteor Mash In-Game.jpg

Blasts forward with a punch like a comet, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and shoving them.

How to Use Meteor Mash

Push Back Retreating Enemies

Pokemon UNITE - Lucario Pushing Back Zeraora with Meteor Mash

Though Meteor Mash has relatively low damage, its main use is to push opponents into displace opponents to an unfavorable position. Quickly get infront of retreating opponents by using Quick Attack or Extreme Speed then immediately push them back back for to continue the pressure.

Reposition Wild Pokemon Spawns

Pokemon UNITE - Lucario Pushing Back Wild Pokemon Camps
Use Meteor Mash to reposition key Wild Pokemon spawns like the Vespiquen and in Combees in the middle of the lane to your teams side to guarantee the EXP and points. Thanks to Lucario's passive ability, Steadfast, you can sustain a bit more damage to position yourself as you push.

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE Lucario Banner

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Lucario Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Meteor Mash Image Meteor Mash
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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