Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Garchomp Guide: Builds and Best ItemsComment

Showing 1-20 of 55 entries


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    55 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I think this is biased against him, I main him and I think he should be at least A tier, the unite love isn’t that hard it just takes practice and skill, the right emblem build (I go for full health) works amazing giving him the early game durability needed, with drain crown, sash, and muscle band, the recent nerf wasn’t even that bad

    54 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Gary got buffed after i posted this and took a break, now he's a proper diver. glass cannon dragon build is pretty scary, i was on the receiving end and it HURT.

    53 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    victim of power creep. has the kit of a stat stick but not the stats to back it up. takes time to ramp up, has to stop for each attack, makes him too vulnerable to kiting. earthquake partially compensates, but he doesnt have the durability to get back in after dig/dragon rush is used. for SoloQ its absolutely a C tier pick. no guarantee that your team will set up for you to do your stuff. no setup = useless near Ultra ranks. against less experienced players he's terrifying tho

    52 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    it's there is

    51 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    There was a no reason for it to in C tier

    50 THE GARCHOMP MAINalmost 2 yearsReport

    Muscle band Drain crown Atk weight Thank me when you reach higher ranks

    49 Justice4Vaporeon almost 2 yearsReport

    Garchomp would be a lot better if it had a HP/speed/attack boost. For some reason it's known as THE MACH Pokemon, but it's so slow. I used to main Garchomp, and he was great. Unfortunately the addition of Zacian, Urshifu and literally every other Pokemon added after him made him much less viable when there's better choices around.

    44 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Use dragon rush to move opponents to your side of the field then dragon claw for damage. I run BA build and do not consider myself to be a good Garchomp player but he got me to Master so I’ll give him that

    43 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    So you are saying that Rush+quake is the best Chomp moveset, yet not a single videoclip you posted has that moveset? 💀 Wouldn't it be because not even you believe in that bullshit?

    42 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    I personally think that garchomp is a very good pokemon, maybe it doesn't have as many mechanics as tsareena to heal and get shields, but even without them it works very well and I think it's better than other more complicated all-rounders to me.

    41 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Dragon rush and dragon claw

    40 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport


    39 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    dig and earthqauke is amazing, i run it with leftovers muscle band and scope lens with my free negative stat being sp.attack it lets me win fights outnumbered and sometimes it can kill people in their shield. it is soooooo op when you can use it right. i go bottom lane and sometimes we get farmed but if not we can dominate. i might try jungle with garchomp soon idk

    38 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Me using initiator build, can easily down most all-rounders on one-on-one match. The thing with dig is, it slows enemy and quickly fills up your boosted atk bar since the dmg is done several times, with more enemies in vicinity, it shines out more when your friend is supporting you. I've done 2 vs 3 with complete annihilation on enemy side with more hp to stall for my reinforcement. The only caveat is it is prone to disable so full heal is just a better item against all others

    37 furyofthestormover 2 yearsReport

    Nah, It's not. This pokemon needs an entire rework.

    36 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    garchomp is actually real op

    35 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Garchomp is good if you know how to use it and u have the correct teammate. Their just ranking it C 'cause they don't know how to use it. No offense Game8.

    34 Zoketoover 2 yearsReport

    He's the easiest of the all rounders to shut down. Others can create shields stun /throw pokemon/ hold them from their boosted attack etc. Garchomp can only stun with dig. And has no shield potential ontop of that if he stops auto attacking for any reason. he loses his healing/ damage. Even worse if an enemy can stand out of his range while slowing him down. He requires strong support to really shine.

    33 Rayquaza49almost 3 yearsReport

    True but the technique is if ur opponent is stronger outsmart him

    32 Rayquaza49almost 3 yearsReport

    Use the line up that I used Claw,Aeos Cookies and Rocky Helmet with x attack boost

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