Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Mimikyu Guide: Best Builds and MovesetComment

Showing 1-15 of 15 entries


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    15 Anonymous3 monthsReport


    14 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    double shadow has AOE and can dish out lots of continuous damage with the cooldown resets

    13 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    It heals, has aoe, and cooldown reset, making it sooo good for farming muktiple squoshy opponents

    12 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    I love playing mimikyu and shadow build is a much better build ,I usually get anywhere from 15 to 20 KOsin a match and when there's big group fights mimikyu can deal insane amounts of damage even if it is KOd the other team mates can easily pick the rest of the opponents off and if ur high enough leveled u can basicly take anything down including bulky defenders like blastoise and snorlax

    11 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Yes play rough + shadow sneak is best, shadow sneak allows you to get to opponents surprisingly fast, and the play rough gives invincibility temporarily. with attack weight and weakness policy and sharp claw, which all boost attack strength, play rough is an insanely buff attack with huge damage

    10 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Me too. Try going with a supporter to disable it, or fight near goalposts.

    9 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Try to use your unite move or disabling moves

    8 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    for the longest time mimikyu was so f**king BUSTED. (still is) every time I would play even freaking blastoise, mimikyu would chase after me with X speed, use shadow sneak to reach me, burst dmg like crazy and kill me. can anyone help me?

    7 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Play rough

    6 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Okay rough is actually the better build it just got buffed

    5 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    i just spam basic attack and shadow claw(works suprisingly well)

    4 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I agree

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    and shadow sneak cool down reset when you kill the opponent when it's on him. So if you use it at the good moment, you can always reset cooldown like shadow claws.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Full shadow build is the best for him. He can spam shadow claws with his basic attack, this attack heal, as a clave so can touch multiple pokemon, very effective to face two pokemon or more, and in 1v1 it stay more effective than play-trough which have more cool down, with shadow claws you can spam and kill very fast, specially with shadow sneak

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Mimikyu can only last long enough in battle if it can deal enough damage to survive, and can be incredibly good with a partner. But play rough sucks for it because it does no damage, and shadow sneaks cooldown is too long. I have had little success using the Mobility build in battle.

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