Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Leafeon Builds: Guide and MovesetComment

Showing 1-20 of 27 entries


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    27 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Leaf blade and solar blade are amazing even though solar blade is slow

    26 U3 monthsReport

    Yes I agree So good

    25 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Ariel ace and razor lef is better I just got 28 kills in ranked

    24 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    agreed, i've use this build since the first i bought the lisence cause logically i could use the aerial ace as an escape plan and i could use the boost attack/x speed than the eject button

    23 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Solar blade and leaf blade

    22 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    And solar blade

    21 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Leaf blade does negative damage in late game nowadays...

    20 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    100% agreed

    19 Leafeon is my main8 monthsReport

    I'm a Leafeon main and, man, it's STRONG. The strongest build is definitely Aerial Ace and Razor Leaf. It's trickier to master, but, trust me, it's WAY better. Aerial Ace takes a lot of damage AND gives you really good mobility to run away if needed (from an attack or even Unites like Delphox). Razor Leaf gives you a shield which may not seem much, but makes a HUGE difference. Leaf Blade is a good skill to steal Rayquaza

    18 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I have +200.000

    17 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    I honestly can't blame you. I absolutely Abhor leafeon in all its unholiness. just one combo after another. then he solos your whole team and secures ray by himself before you know it. Why do I always have to lose against this thing...

    16 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I think people overlook airial ace, it is faster than leaf blade and has two uses, I prefer it with both moves. But I do play a more assassin like leafeon.

    15 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Should I put float stone on leafeon?

    14 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    It has an ability of that with Dodrio but BETTER with a built in Boosted Attack. Mediocre? I wonder what his reaction was when Leafeon dominated. The only Eevee that's weak? It levels up at 4! The monster destroys at early game, Great secure with Leaf & Solar Blade, securing XP, and having a higher level wins a game. Yes, it has some flaws like Umbreon at S Tier, but it's mostly at baseline level. Yeah.........because the event and the pokemon WAS new so maybe THINK!

    13 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    really? leaf's ability gives it a big movement speed boost, i tested it out its almost as fast as snorlax flail

    12 stierover 1 yearReport

    you should play more

    11 theKEETover 1 yearReport

    well SOME people like playing it

    10 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Razor leaf/Leaf blade gives better mobility with great damage. You can use the chlorophyll as a boosted dash attack, which recharges quickly with leaf blade. You also don't have to aim and time solar blade (kinda like Sylveon's hyper voice), which can take a lot of practice and may not be suited to your playstyle.

    9 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    A at best

    8 Anonymous almost 2 yearsReport

    I've never found a single leafon that was broken (and im at master), and they put it in SS tier?? What a fanbase site....

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