Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

List of All Purple Boost Emblems and EffectComment

Showing 1-14 of 14 entries


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    14 UNITE Walkthrough Team@Game8over 1 yearReport

    Hi! Thank you for pointing this one out. We've made the changes and updated the pages.

    13 Strateg1st over 1 yearReport

    Lugia is Green and white, not purple and white

    6 Dragonover 2 yearsReport

    Here is lickitung

    5 Dragonover 2 yearsReport

    Here is ditto

    4 Dragonover 2 yearsReport

    Here is zapdos

    3 Dragonover 2 yearsReport

    Here is aerodacytl

    2 MissKalinaover 2 yearsReport

    better view

    1 MissKalinaover 2 yearsReport

    Gold Haunter Defense -5 Movement Speed +35

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