Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

List of All Yellow Boost Emblems and EffectComment

Showing 1-8 of 8 entries


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    2 Anonymous@Game8over 2 yearsReport

    Hi, thank you for your comment. We've updated our Boost Emblem Guide page to reflect this mechanic. As to your question, you are absolutely correct, it seems to be impossible to get the seven (7) Yellow Emblem special effect. Unfortunately, we do not know any fix to this issue, but we'll update our page if there's any official news about the it.

    1 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    So how are you supposed to get the full buff from the yellow emblems (requires 7 emblems) when there is only (4) different yellow emblems and duplicate emblems even of different ranks while usable for the emblems base stats, still won't count towards the color amount for the big % buff??

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