Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Aegislash Guide: Builds and Best ItemsComment

Showing 1-20 of 48 entries


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    48 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    But Sacred sword is a crowd control move

    47 Anonymous10 monthsReport


    46 t0asterabout 1 yearReport

    I ment wide guard not kings sheild

    45 t0asterabout 1 yearReport

    I think Aegislash should be moved up to at least S tier just because they have a high skill ceiling doesn't mean at their full potention they arn't insane with being able to block damage with kings sheild and suddenly pick up a kill with either sacred sword or shadow claw paired with stored boosted attacks.

    44 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I consider the best build Wide Guard and shadow claw because the win rate of this build is high and shadow claw stun more than sacred Sword. Is very good but the problem is that in early game has low durability and for play it medium skill is needed

    43 King Strangeralmost 2 yearsReport

    you clearly don't know how to sword n board. May I suggest you stick to playing attacker as that requires less thought process. Something you are scarce on.

    42 Sunhandalmost 2 yearsReport

    Having played Slash extensively since his release because ghosts are my thing. Shadow claw and wide guard is a powerhouse of a moveset. I use a crit build and while yeah his dorito attack is great cc claw's crit increase and it throws them with every hit makes that my go to. Plus when it's 3v1 in ranked and I'm the 1 as slash I pop off with some crits and the 3 is now 2 and they retreat with like 15-20 percent of their HP. They also need to add Golisopod~

    35 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Aegislash is definitely one of the most versatile All Rounder in game. It combine the sustainability and tankiness of Defender and the damage burst from Attacker. It pretty hard to master this pokemon, but once you do, it incredibly strong. The only weakness it has is the early game.

    34 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Extreme skill issue

    33 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    skill issue he is 100 percent made of crack

    32 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    This pokemon is absolutely nutty. I would defo recommend jungle as you get deleted in lane when contesting. Also would recommend shadow claw as it deals a lot more dmg when it crits than sacred sword and pretty much guarantees a crit after usage. Both and all moves on this pokemon are great. Would recommend getting if you haven't already!

    31 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    My suggestion is to let buzzwole get close and right as it uses its combos use wide guard then sacred sword then boosted attacks then u pretty much have a dead buzzwole

    30 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    2 words: to op

    29 stinkytofualmost 3 yearsReport


    28 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Aegislash is soo good. You can use wide guard to eat unite moves without consequence. Then annihilate them with boosted atttacks

    27 kewlboialmost 3 yearsReport

    why the heck is shadow claw called "dragon claw" and leads to garchomps dragon claw page instead of aegislash's shadowclaw page in the 'How to play Aegislash" section

    26 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Please nerf him it is too powerful now 😔

    25 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    one last thing, if his shield form had something like a ~5% damage reduction, or if he got his shield moves off cooldown quickly after his burst so that he could tank long enough to burst again, or if his unite gave him free boosteds without killing anyone so he could immediately burst again, or the large number of reasonable changes I haven't listed he could probably be pretty good in tournaments and s-tier in solo queue. but for now, he is a or b tier solo-queue and bad in tournaments

    24 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    by comp i mean tournaments

    23 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    continuing #3: due to how frail he is, he is nearly never able to get the full potential of his unite move, instead using it for buddy barrier so he can survive the 5 opponents uniting and he also has a few problems solo queue that are pretty prevalent mainlt being the 3rd problem listed, ergo why he isn't s-tier and is actually a** in comp also

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