Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Choice Specs Effect and How to GetComment

Showing 1-16 of 16 entries


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    16 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I’m curious. Does the item (and cooldown) activate with a non offensive move? I.E. if U use Agility with Mew does Choice Specs activate and enter Cooldown?

    7 Anonymous @Game8almost 3 yearsReport

    Hello! Since Choice Specs' effect has a cooldown of 8 seconds after activation, only the first hit of Petal Dance and Hyper Voice will get the bonus damage. Any move damage dealt while Choice Specs is on cooldown will not get the bonus damage.

    5 psv_sglalmost 3 yearsReport

    Hello, there! First, congrats for all your work here. I love this site because it grants so much information about the held items and moves. My question is about Pokémon that have moves that does more than one damage, like Petal Dance or Hiper Voice. Do they have the bonus damage only in the first hit and the rest does normal damage? Or do they have bonus damage along all hits?

    4 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Thanks for the reply. If that's true, then the Special Attack Specs should be recommended for Eldegoss, not the Choice Specs. The increase would be much more significant for both ends of play; healer/dps.

    3 Anonymous@Game8over 3 yearsReport

    Hi! Thank you for your comment. The increase in healing does not come from the passive effect (Increases the damage of moves by a minimum of (40/50/60) when they hit. The higher the Pokemon's SP. Atk. the more the damage is increased), but rather only from the flat Sp. Atk. stat bonus it gives.

    2 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Do the Choice Specs increase healing abilities, also?

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    "The result shows that ... , the *damage* increased by 48 (8x6), and the additional damage has increased by 19. The damage depending on the Special Attack is 19 ÷ (48) ≒ 0.396. In this case, the bonus damage Choice Specs gives is about 40%." This is not only written incorrectly it also presents a false truth with incorrect "proof" and a claim that x+y = xy 0->6 goals, SP ATTACK increases by 48. NOT damage. 19 / 48 only tells how much damage extra ONE Sp. Attack STAT gives with THIS BUILD.

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