Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

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    1418 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    ok good good, so anyway, care for some tea, my good sir? 🫖☕

    1417 Luxio_Absolalmost 3 yearsReport

    Oh ok. I got a way to shorten my current one tho

    1416 Luxio_Absolalmost 3 yearsReport

    I don't just become a british fellow.... I become a wise, sassy british fellow

    1415 Endimoalmost 3 yearsReport

    welcome back mimikyu fan! well i consider you, Rayquaza Boi and Luxio_Absol as a virtual friend (i wont try to steal info from you) and the second form system (SFS for short) is a wiser version of your self (not meaning that you are dumb) that talks about pokemon unite data, example: Me-Fortune Teller Endimo Rayquaza Boi-Create Rayquaza Gai Luxio_Absol-ThatCrtitic_Luxsol remember to add a bit of your original name or we wont figure out who you are

    1414 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    and I made a concept for a fire type pokemon and it went crazy because of my god-like power, which is why there are (fire burning in the distance)

    1413 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    >>[1411 Ok?

    1412 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    Thank you so much!

    1411 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    I might have over posted a little, but if you want the answer Mimikyu fan, me and Luxio_Absol got second forms for our abilities, like Endimo.

    1410 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    oooohhh crap, i missed the message. sorry mimikyu fan

    1409 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    its okay, you just have 1% trust issues, it's totally fine mimikyu fan, i'll consider you a friend, and you call me what you want, it's okay

    1408 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    DAH-LINGS?! Luxio_Absol, do you become a british fellow when you transform!? I only become a wise elderly person that grants concept wisdom* *(age)!

    1407 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    I hope I didn't hurt your feelings....

    1406 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    I was reading the past texts, but don't consider the three of us friends, just chatting buddies, ok?

    1405 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    What happened?

    1404 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    les goooo! so, a lot has happened since your absence... (fire burning in the distance)

    1403 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport


    1402 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    Anyways, I'm fine with all of the choices! I won't be giving any private information other than my age...because you never know...Also, I still remember when I first met Endimo....back when I was new to this site....sorry I haven't been answering lately!

    1401 Mimikyu Fanalmost 3 yearsReport

    Thanks! Sorry! I had school...

    1400 Rayquaza Boialmost 3 yearsReport

    Holy Arceus! an ultra beast! oh and also Luxio_Absol, here's two links to help you use a more intense cry than.... you know, it's a bit too long for a one liner battle cry use these two simultaneously and then type what you heard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvP2ApUkiLk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IizDbIfnmA

    1399 Luxio_Absolalmost 3 yearsReport

    Hey guys I just read a news story about Pokémon unite and apparently the next Pokémon coming to unite is delphox and after delphox is buzzwole, espeon and glaceon

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