Pokemon UNITE

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146 Dragonite933almost 2 yearsReport

Who is the best, Scizor or Scither ?

145 Hellroadalmost 2 yearsReport

the first one was really bad so revised version this : I'm rank veatran I want to get scope lens muscle band and razor claw to level 30 with super item enhancers should I start a save (items for devidueye

144 Hellroadalmost 2 yearsReport

I really want to get my items to level 30 with super item enhanceresults so should I start a new save edit the items are scope lens muscle band and razor claw for decideeye jungle I'm experts rank

143 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

Can you make Espeon and Glaceon male? It feels wrong for only Sylveon to be male.

142 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

i wouldnt rec playing solo try to get people to join u

141 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

for sure its random

140 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

if nobody has told u this already it goes beginner great expert veteran ultra then master

139 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

After a battle , post game battle data , is there a 2nd place ,3rd place , etc. , or is it all random how each person stands behind the MVP?

138 snarkypuppyalmost 2 yearsReport

I can help you if you want to rank up

137 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

Does my master points affect who i'm playing with? My current master rating is 2080. Will I play with people with a similar rating, or does it not matter based on matchmaking?

136 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

@snarkypuppy I am the worst player so I’m only expert rank

135 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

his boosted basic is surf only

134 snarkypuppyalmost 2 yearsReport

How much ranks till u reach master?, im currently veteran

133 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

When I use Surf for Greninja sometimes, it doesn't eliminate the player, but if I follow up with a basic attack immediately afterwards (which eliminates the player), the cooldown for Surf resets. Does anyone know exactly how this mechanic works?

132 UNITE Walkthrough Team@Game8almost 2 yearsReport

Completely possible but sadly going to be rare, Kichi. Dark Suit Style Absol is a Battle Pass Holowear, and UNITE doesn't seem to rerun Battle Pass Holowears outside Battle Pass shops that are rare in itself (it has only shown up once). Don't lose hope though! We might get it back in the future.

131 Kichialmost 2 yearsReport

i was wondering, is it possible for absol’s dark suit style holowear to return in the future?

130 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

yea buzz is cool and more reliable ! But need to add more movement speed or x-speed. But the speedsters require more skill when compared to buzz

129 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

had the same feelings... My absol was dealing ton of damage in normal matches & recently I realized it was majorly Bots or some weired newbies with no knowledge of held items and emblems. But in ranked matches it's mainly the skilled players and your team mates are super important to play with

128 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

How is it that The bots get to revive back to back to back wo the same time limit we have to wait that's complete BS IMO?

127 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

Both are good moves. It depends on what you're going for. Flame charge is if you want to deal a lot of damage. And Fire Spin is to hinder opponents.

126 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

Which move is better for Delphox fire spin or flame charge?

125 Ibcnustare (gametag) about 2 yearsReport

I have 3 Pokemon that I ended up buying. Why is casual so much easier and I can usually end up with tons of wins? I know ranked are supposed to be challenging and harder, but my experience is ridiculous.My 3 pogo can get over 250 points in causal and in ranked, I get knocked out immediately.Whereas, casual, my endurance is maxed,using emblems and held items. How are ranked players’ Pogos so much better?! What could I do? Thanks

124 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

For Garchomp, you should use dragon rush and earthquake, and equip a full set of emblems to increase basic attack speed

123 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

Hi can I ask on how to be better in lucario and garchomp. Lucario-bone rush and extreme Garchomp-dig and earthquake

122 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport


121 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

i personaly did it with cinderace but that was some patches ago guess around season 8 but im not sure

120 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

For sludge hex, I go energy amp and shell bell for cooldown. The last one for me is usually wise glasses. Pair it up with a full cooldown and sp Attk emblem set and your good to go

119 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I recommend either Absol, Gengar, or Buzzwole.

118 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I've been achievement hunting, and was wondering what the best pokemon for the 5 ko streak achievement is?

117 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Hi, I'm looking for a good build for Gengar, I usually jungle or go to bot lane.

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