Pokemon UNITE

Meta Discussion Board

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Pokemon UNITE Meta Discussion Board

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Message Board

Submissions: 120
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120 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

please buff deciduye sprit shakle damage as much as inteleon snipeshot because I am deciduye main so i knew about it.well deciduye is very best pokemon but I want him in meta and the strongest thanks

119 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

slowbro or wiggly really anything with lots of stuns and crowd control moves

118 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport


117 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

slowbro or mewtwo X

116 Teamarkabout 2 monthsReport

I just realized how much falix struggles against extreme speed lucario, if anyone is getting curb stamped by falix I would suggest giving lucario a try it helped me a whole lot

115 Anonymous2 monthsReport

What Pokémon do you main?

114 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Every time I'm in a game with Leafeon, no matter what Pokémon I choose, I get Destroyed. (I even use counters to him) Can anyone tell me how to beat Leafeon?

113 Charlotte6 monthsReport

because your teamates probaly just tried it for the first time

112 Charlotte6 monthsReport

pokemon that are tanky or are faster than zacian can beat it. Dodrio, meoscarada, umbreon, lapras and slowbro can all easily beat zacian

111 Anonymous8 monthsReport

They need to buff Garchomp's hp, defense, and sp.defense so he can be tanky instead of being squishy I'm a garchomp main so I know about it

110 Anonymous10 monthsReport

please nerf intellion.

109 Anonymous10 monthsReport

Dodrio is hell for Zacian

108 Blaze350 11 monthsReport

Attack him XD

107 Anonymous12 monthsReport

plz tell how to kill zacian

106 Anonymous12 monthsReport

well a supporter like comfey would help

105 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

u can always use an attacker.

104 Blaze350 about 1 yearReport

You could try like for example Urshifu and go central path then meet up at the top with her, or if you only want to go top I usually see a mix or Umbreon or Pikachu or even Mewtwo sometimes but then again it all comes down to your playstyle

103 Edwardabout 1 yearReport

I play exclusively duo queue with my sister and her favorites are top lane stack item tsareena and top lane cramarant. This is too aggressive for me and I usually play bottom lane so I'm not close to her. But if I wanted to be up there with her, what could I use?

102 charmandysabout 1 yearReport

thanks for the help. I think I will go for Hoopa because I own mewtwo X and Zacian for all rounders/junglers.

101 Blaze350 about 1 yearReport

Hoopa is really good at turning the tide of battle, Urshifu (single hit) is really good at just about anything though the multi-strike if kinda meh, Leafeon really good AOE unite move, Buzzwole just annoying XD

100 Blaze350 about 1 yearReport

I’ll go for umbreon next then! Thanks!

99 charmandysabout 1 yearReport

I am unsure what Pokemon to get next. I am split between Leafeon, Buzzwole, and Urshifu. Which one should I get? At the same time I am also thinking of getting Hoopa because my only supporter is Comfey.

98 charmandysabout 1 yearReport

If you haven’t chosen yet, I say you go with Umbreon because Mewtwo is available and currently free, far superior when compared to Mew

97 Snarkypuppyabout 1 yearReport


96 Blaze350 about 1 yearReport

Ok, so I’m stuck between getting Umbreon or Mew… I haven’t played Mew and played Umbreon lots of times (with the limited use). Which should I get?

95 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

oh sorry wrong board

94 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Does anyone know any good mewtwo counters? Every time I run into him my team loses so any info would be appreciated

93 snarkypuppyabout 1 yearReport

Guys just tried tyranitar out, and im addicted to him now, very brawly, I highly recommend!!

85 Anonymousover 1 yearReport


84 snarkypuppyover 1 yearReport

Huh i see where ur getting at. Maybe use drain crown and rapid fire scarf

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