Pokemon UNITE

Friend Request Board

Friend Request Board

This is the Game8 Friend Request Message Board for Pokemon UNITE. Use this board to submit you Trainer ID code and add new in-game friends to play with.

Pokemon UNITE Friend Request Board

Friend Request Board Rules

  • Post your Friend Code in the board and find friends in Pokemon UNITE. You may check on how to add Friends here.
  • You may either post a screenshot of your Trainer ID code or type it in directly.
  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

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Message Board

Submissions: 2141
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2141 CeruScyther1 dayReport

Remember, 63PMF2H

2140 CeruScyther1 dayReport

Both go well with my preferred Pokémon! My friend list is currently full, but add me as soon as possible!

2139 LoveA2 daysReport

E08F014 is my code

2138 LoveA2 daysReport

Hello, I'd love to play with more people. Currently I'm playing support. Either Blissey or more recently Comfey :)

2137 CeruScyther4 daysReport

I play basically all attackers, all rounders, and speedsters. Support Pokémon like slow to and blissey synergize well with me.

2136 Zeph 7 daysReport

I can play absol, Cinderace, slowbro ,charizard

2135 Tht1Zack9 daysReport


2134 CeruScyther10 daysReport

Zeph and Smallsalsa I sent you friend requests

2133 CeruScyther10 daysReport

And Zeph sure add me

2132 CeruScyther10 daysReport

As long as you can back me up as needed when playing Scyther and Ceruledge, friend me! Also, I do have a versatile setup so I can use like anything I have. But Smallsalsa, back me up with Deci and Zupitel use Pokémon like Gardevoir or disabler.

2131 Anonymous12 daysReport

you can join my squad expert_cooks i usually mimikyu, goodra, hoopa, decidueye meowscarada, and gyrados. if you want to friend Smallsalsa

2130 Zeph14 daysReport

can I add you?

2129 Zeph14 daysReport

Do anybody want to friend me

2128 Zeph14 daysReport

Ican play on attack and sp atack Pokemon

2127 Zeph14 daysReport

Level 5 just started name Zupitel

2126 CeruScyther21 daysReport

Hi! My ID is 63PMF2H and I'm looking for someone who can invite me to an active squad. I can play any role but main Scyther and Ceruledge. I am Ultra 4, and last season was Master 1408.

2125 Komi&Najimi29 daysReport

Hi, looking for ranked players that are Ultra or Master. My username is Komi&Najimi, and I main Inteleon, Ceruledge, Mimikyu, Absol, Blaastoise, and Psyduck.

2124 Anonymous29 daysReport

Shawn, I sent a request! I main Attackers, All-Rounders, Speedsters, like Inteleon, Ceruledge, Mimikyu, and Absol

2123 Cloud about 1 monthReport

Hii! Wanna play some ranked? Im ultra 4 and i can also play any role. Im looking to go to master for the first time this season. I'll send you a friend request, my user is CloudGamez

2122 Shawnabout 1 monthReport

Here’s my stats

2121 Shawnabout 1 monthReport

I’m looking for one more for our team at least ultra class. I’m good at every category of Pokemon add me 13Y0GXN is my ID

2120 Cloudabout 1 monthReport

Im looking for a team of players who are focusing on ranked. Im Ultra 4 (used to be ultra 2 but we all know how bad matchmaking is) and I'm willing to play all the way to master this season! (Or next) I can play most roles: Speedster: meowscarada, zoruark talonflame Supporter : sableye, comfey Attacker: gardevoir Defender: snorlax All rounder: mimikyu My ID is 88T150R, add me if you wanna play!

2119 Cloudabout 1 monthReport

Hi! I would like to play. It would be great to have a supporter like blissey as i often die with meowscarada (my main). My ID is 88T150R. Pls add me so we can play together!

2118 Gosquid_7899about 2 monthsReport

Looking for fellow players to help rank up. I play casually most evenings UK time. I mostly play Ceruledge and often get MVP unless I have a team of noobs :) Veteran rank and higher ideally. I have 22 Unite Licences and want to play with other like minded people who will help out. Ideally I want to join a team of players who play together as a team. I'm also trying to collect all the emblems. I play on the switch, ID is 8Y4YGM3

2117 Brookie_Cookabout 2 monthsReport

Sorry, I forgot to say that Brookie_Cook is my username!

2116 Eppe Doeabout 2 monthsReport

sorry! Id mistakes In typing above really sorry for that ):

2115 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

Hey guys I need a friend,iam mains are dragapult,duraludon and urshifu and I play other Pokemons also well like;mimikyu, zoroark butt only night Slash and buzzwole miraidon etc (id: eppe(;

2114 Brookie_Cookabout 2 monthsReport

Hi! I play Blissey for the most part, and sometimes umbreon, I would love to have a teammate to play with!

2113 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Anyone wanna friend me I like using absol and my username is Dhatifen

2112 Anonymous3 monthsReport

Sent a request😊

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