Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Slowbro Guide: Builds and Best ItemsComment

Showing 1-20 of 27 entries


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    27 ,kbudsvfbju9 monthsReport

    Telekinesis plus scald is best!

    26 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I haven't tested this, but what if you use Energy Amp to decrease Slowbros Unite cooldown? The opposing team would just be raging because they keep getting cancelled by Slowbros Unite Move. Hypothetically

    19 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    damage soaker and support builds text need to be swapped. they under the wrong ones

    18 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I go black, green emblems for more Sp. Atk and cooldown and you can spam Scald and Amnesia. For items I use shell bell, energy amplifire and buddy barrier or sp. Atk. Specs

    17 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Telekinesis plus scald is the best for single target fights because after you use scald telekinesis will make your opponents unable to act while scald is still in cooldown allowing you to use scald again resulting in high burst damage

    16 stinkytofualmost 3 yearsReport

    finally i can solo queue with slowbro

    15 Held items changealmost 3 yearsReport

    if you use sp.atk specs insted if wise glasses it would be way better

    14 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    When you're soloing, telekinesis is pointless. It's really only good if you have a team that clicks or are playing with people you can communicate with...

    13 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Didn't you read my comments? Lmao. I said only crustle and talon that had really good mobility can escape slowbro. That is if They're not dumb. I used a surf amnesia slowbro with sp atk SPECS, score Shield and focus band and wreck a talonflame 1 level higher than me. To be fair that Talon player is dumb to think it can kill me instead of just defend their goal zone. Also slowbro's unite move is pretty fast to charge unlike other unite move. I usually use it to just handle carry pokemons

    12 Dexter99332about 3 yearsReport

    Wow. Your a good slowbro!

    11 Dexter99332about 3 yearsReport

    So that's how slowbro can be an S tier. Try it out for your self!

    10 Dexter99332about 3 yearsReport

    Slowbro amnesia and potion and surf and wise glasses and rocky helmet and focus band is a HUGE tank.

    9 kewlboiabout 3 yearsReport

    Not only that, most, if not EVERY UNITE in the game has a long cooldown and you can only use it once, twice, or thrice

    8 kewlboiabout 3 yearsReport

    Fly and brave bird are dash moves though, so good luck trying to ACTUALLY hit it with your moves, also not only that but Eject button exists, and shell smash gives Unstoppable within use so you can't disable it for a bit.

    7 kewlboiabout 3 yearsReport

    You can pick scald and telekinesis though.

    6 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    I think you are lacking the specks and goal build, that some of the masters are playing.

    5 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Slowbro is soooo underrated as a defender. It has the capabilities to control a minimum of 3 oppenents at once and even waste their time while waiting for your allied to come in and do the rest. Slowbro could overwhelm many pokemons. Only pokemons with crazy mobility like crustle and talon could possibly escape it. And that is if they got a chance to use their moves. Slowbro can counter that with it's unite move and just slap them in the face with scald or surf.

    4 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Can you mention your held items?

    3 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Sorry Im still learning english and I didn't notice I made some grammar mistakes, I do apologize for that.

    2 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Well I think scald is best than telekinesis. The reason is because Scald not only does damage in the area of effect but also reduce the attack damage of the enemy by 30% while the burn last. This is huge because allow your teamates to attack without fear of burst damage attacks. Also the frequency of scald is insane with cooldown reduction items. Telekinesis is not worth if you are soloing or there are enemies with a lot of hindrance resistance.

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