Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments


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    6 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I feel the same way blud. you should read my opinion (mine is anonymous 2) blud means bro btw

    5 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Umbreon did not need these nerf made it unplayable

    4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    So overall good patch but the fact buzzwole and leafeon didn't get nerfed is a oversight i cant understand.

    3 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    Uhhh, 57% is a very large number for winrate. Ideal winrate is around 50-51%, which would suggest that a character is balanced. So saying you have a 57% winrate would be to say that Umbreon desperately needs nerfs. I do agree that he feels sad to play though, poor thing.

    2 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I am so infuriated. STOP NERFING UMBREON! PLZ LEAVE MY BOI ALONE! and no leafeon nerf? no mymikyu nerf? NO GARYADOS NERF?! ok. ik I sound like a total rage beast rn but let's be real, umbreon is already ridiculously sad and it's getting less and less good as we speak. Besides, I only have an abysmal FIFTY-SEVEN PRECENT win rate on umbreon. hopefully next patch we will get a massive umbreon buff.

    1 Pawstruck12 monthsReport

    Fine, but no Zacian nerf? So they're doubling down on that ridiculous buff from last patch? Ok, fun game.

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