Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments


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    8 Riplakish10 monthsReport

    Every update I check to see what was changed, and every update I'm disappointed. More and more I'm wishing I could play pre-Zacian Pokemon Unite, because ever since then the balance has been out of wack. Guess my boycott of the game will continue for at least another month...

    7 Pawstruck 10 monthsReport

    Zacian buff + no EX limits? Time to take another break from Pokemon Unite. What an absolute bunch of retards we have balancing this game.

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Garchomp probably needs some buffs or any of the weaker pokemon

    5 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Charging charm and muscle band were the only things keeping charizard afloat, with those being needed, charizard is going to be significantly worse, also leafeon didn’t deserve that buff, the aerial ace buff is fine, but not the solar blade buff, that was uncalled for and unneeded.

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    The buffs given are high

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I feel like the buffs given are too much

    2 Anonymous 10 monthsReport

    Ya why is ZACIAN getting buffed???

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Zacian buff? Ahahaha.. ...

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