Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments


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    8 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    lapras has become shit and metagross has become broken. as always great job pokemon unite balance team.

    7 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    increasing the energy for Sylveon's attack means the cooldown of unite attack is up to 166 seconds, a lot for mediocre buffs ...

    6 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    and the time it got the second nerf only I buyed it as first nerf didn't matter me but my aeos coins were wasted after I buyer it So I request u to give this pokemon buff

    5 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I wanted urshifu surging strikes buff because now after the damage it only shows up till 50k damage nearly I was really sad for a while and didn't like to play itself

    4 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    The amount of energy needed to fully charge Sylveon‘s UNITE Move is going to be decreased by 20%, not increased, i think they corrected it afterwards.

    3 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I feel like the changes are good, except Cinderace, I feel that they should just buff it's base speed. And Metagross is going to dominate now, it is a good pokemon now, but after the buff, this thing will be crazy.

    2 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Zacian needed a nerf so hopefully with the crit rate reduction it won't be able to just double agility up to squishy range attackers and auto attack them to death. I'm not too sure about the feint buff for Cinderace cause the speed increase will let them a LOT faster than a bunch of mons. Though I'm not sure how to feel about Wigglytuff getting more defense dropping capability with sing but I see the Metagross and Sylveon buffs as a absolute W for them.

    1 AI Xapuabout 1 yearReport

    Zacian did need a nerf, but taking away it's attack and critical hit rate at the same time was just sending them Pokemon to the grave. Dodrio has been nerfed already, I don't know why continue nerfing him. Cinderace and Zeraora needed a buff but I'm not sure they buffed them appropriately... I propose Cindes and Goodras and Gengars evolutions should change like venasaur, Charizard and Blastoise just did. Also Zeraora needs buff to it's stats and a cooldown reduce to spark and volt switch.

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