Pokemon UNITE

Overheat: Blaziken Move Effect and Cooldown

Pokemon UNITE - Overheat Banner (Blaziken).png

Overheat is a Move learned by Blaziken in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Overheat, as well as its damage at each level, cooldown time, level to learn and upgrade, status effects it inflicts, and all Pokemon builds using Overheat.

Overheat Effects and Stats

Overheat Basic Information

Overheat ImageOverheat
Level Learned Lv. 7 (Upgrade: Lv. 13)
Move Slot Slot 2 (ZR) - Replaces Aerial Ace
Move Type Melee
Damage Type Physical
Status Effects None
Cooldown 7.5s
Damage (Starting / Final)
Starting Level Damage: 470
Base damage: 470, Fully charged: 1880
Final Level Damage: 830
Base damage: 830, Fully charged: 3246
All Moves by Damage Dealt

Overheat Effect

Has the user start charging power in place. If this move is used again after the user has started charging, the user unleashes a flaming kick in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. The longer power is charged, the more damage this move deals. If the user charges a set amount of power or more, this move also shoves opposing Pokemon it hits.

How to Use Overheat

Release Once the Gauge Lights Up

Overheat will only deal maximum damage if the gauge is filled up. However, the gauge only needs to be filled at least half way to maximize damage. The best indicator that Overheat is fully charge and will deal maximum damage is when the gauge lights up or glows.

Setup With Blaze Kick

As much as possible, use Blaze Kick to set up Overheat. Since Overheat is a channeling move and requires proper positioning, using Blaze Kick to setup the move is the most effective way to ensure correct execution. The slow or stun effect from Blaze Kick gives ample time for Overheat to charge up and deal maximum damage.

Use Eject Button to Reposition and Face Another Direction

Another trick to setup Overheat is by using Eject Button to teleport to another position and face a different angle while charging the move, then releasing it upon arrival.

This is extremely difficult to pull off properly and requires some time to get right. It's best to practice first before performing it in a real game.

Utilize the Unstoppable Status Effect

Blaziken becomes unstoppable while channeling Overheat, which can be utilized in certain situations. One way to take advantage of this effect is to channel Overheat when targeted by a disabling move, then ending it afterwards. However, this does require fast reflexes and timing to pull off correctly.

List of Status Effects: Buffs and Debuffs

Overheat Patch History Damage decreased by 6%. Fixed the issue with Blaziken’s Overheat changing direction while charging.

Updates and Patch Notes

Related Pokemon Builds

Pokemon UNITE - Blaziken Guide Builds Best Items and Moveset

Check out the builds of the Pokemon related to this move in the link below:

Pokemon UNITE Related Guides

Moves Focus Banner.png

List of Moves and Effects

All Blaziken Moves

Move 1 (R) Move 2 (ZR)
Overheat Image Overheat
Unite Move (ZL)

Moves by Classification

All Move Lists


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