Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Espeon Guide: Builds and Best ItemsComment

Showing 1-20 of 31 entries


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    31 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Psyshock psybeam cooks too hard. Rips through attackers speedsters supporters defenders allrounders.

    30 Anonymous8 monthsReport


    29 Ruo The Espoon9 monthsReport

    Espeon in the current situation (a day before Ceruledge, whoops) is actually pretty solid. Been playing her since release, and back in my hayday I managed to SoloQ to low masters with it. Came back to the Game and she's still as good as ever. Considering positioning with Esp is fundamental to how she works. Advice from one attacker to another, don't over extend. If you can't play around her squishyness and can't aim psyshock, don't use Espeon, and let us do what we do best. :3

    28 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    in my opinion espeon is unfortunately the most GARBAGE attacker I have ever played. it dies all the time, has NO mobility, even with float stone x speed, and it has an abysmal win rate. ever since I bought it, I regrated purchasing it with real money. so DO NOT buy espeon.

    27 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Because espeon is the goat

    26 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Honestly I think that stored power and psybeam are a great move set

    25 GastrodonInUnitePlsalmost 2 yearsReport

    Espeon is really strong. Deserving of at least A+ tier. Unite is CC, Psyshock is *STRONK* and Psybeam also deals good damage. It's quite squishy, but we gotta sacrifice a few things for stronkness

    14 SynthiaXErrorabout 2 yearsReport

    Reach Master 1400 only with my Espeon <3 I am totally one-trick Pony. You need REALLY many games and be REALLY good at positioning and kiting to do well with Espi, Because He is gonna be one shooted by MANY Pokemon. However, hes got insane damage, especially early. ALWAYS go behind your defenders! My build: SKILLS Psychock/Psybeam ITEMS Choice Species, Shall Bell, Wise Glasses RUNES: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Executor, Beedril, Villeplum, Gengar, Abra, Horsea, Jynx.

    13 !Chocoover 2 yearsReport

    if you have two glasses equipped psyshock deals 4k damage lmfao (damage of two pyro balls)

    12 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I know right Espeon and Sylveon make the other team eat dirt.

    11 kewlboi (isn't kewl?)almost 3 yearsReport

    wooo cool espeon and sylveon duo!!!

    10 Espeon Supporter 1almost 3 yearsReport

    Oops typo. Badmouthing*

    9 Espeon Supporter 1almost 3 yearsReport

    Espeon's unite move is great for setting up other unite moves such as Livid Outrage, Aura Cannon, Fairy Singularity, Waterburst Shuriken, Midnight Slash and others. So quit badmouthung Espeon just because your not adept a using it.

    8 kewlboi (is kewl)almost 3 yearsReport

    this pokemon is mid

    6 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I had high hopes for espeon, but for an aggressive playstyle, it gets destroyed by it's counters and outclassed by other attackers. unfortunately not an S-tier

    5 kewlboi (he is kewler)almost 3 yearsReport

    yeah but they're kinda squishy and for me though, compared to other attackers they're generally kinda outclassed.

    4 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    I agree u probably overextend. And in someone else's hands Espeon could destroy everyone

    3 !Chocoalmost 3 yearsReport

    maybe you think it's bad because you overextend L

    2 kewlboialmost 3 yearsReport

    Hell yeah, why does game8 think that aegi gets countered by espeon early game, when in reality, it's the opposite due to ss's incredible burst dmg and boost mechanic

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