Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Jungle Guide and Best JunglersComment

Showing 1-20 of 20 entries


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    20 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    really great guide! only thing that I feel that it's lacking is to stress the importance of the birds that spawn in the jungle at 8:00. They're mentioned briefly, but I think they should've had a specific spot dedicated to them since they provide a huge opportunity to get ahead in the jungle. In higher ranks, it's almost always contested as soon as it spawns, so it's good to get in the habit of getting there as soon as possible. Otherwise, really great guide!

    8 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Float stone is an interesting item. It is actually rather weak in solo Q where you are less likely to be constantly bouncing between lanes. I would first prioritize items that you know you would rely on (muscle band, wise glasses, scope lense, razor claw, buddy barrier, focas band) and then if you have an item slot left, then I think float stone can be worth it.

    7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    >>2 True

    6 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Talon doesn’t need float stone if it has ability on

    5 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Buddy Barrier for better ganking and team fights, Score Shield to pair with Attack Weight for easier goals, or Razor Claw for more crits.

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    What's good instead of float stone

    3 Charizard over 2 yearsReport

    Float stone is a good pick

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    You do not need float stone if your jungle had high mobility. Float stone is often not a great choice.

    1 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    How come u need float stone if ur jungler has high mobility

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