Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Gengar Guide: Builds and Best ItemsComment

Showing 1-20 of 58 entries


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    58 Anonymous10 daysReport


    57 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    i accidentaly picked shadow ball + hex once, still decent burst

    56 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    sério está dizendo que o move unite de gengar. Em um coisa concordo com você o move unite de gengar é realmente um lixo para teamfighirts mas o move unite do gengar não foi feito para teamfighrts foi feito para chegar furtivamente depois pegar os pokemons selvagens mais fortes como rotom e zapdos.

    55 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I always and always will abhor fighting any build gengar. (every time I say its name it sounds like I'm cursing) the moment I see it it's just stun stun stun and I'm dead. over and OVER. then my whole team dies to a freaking gengar. I'm tired of it. I use blastoise, absol, zeraora, even ZACIAN. nothing can defeat it. can anyone help?

    54 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Você devia colocar gengar no rank SS. Ele tem uma capacidade de lutar muito boa ele derrota oponentes super rápido aí você vai para o level 7 rapidinho

    53 Ralseiover 1 yearReport

    I know that Hex and Sludge Bomb is a good combo, but some stun can delay the sludge poison making Hex Spam impossible, so doing Dream Eater and Shadow Ball is a good combo for me. I also died because of some Urshifu and Lucario high burst damage. So I'll go with Dream Eater Build!

    52 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I adore how usefull all 4 moves are for gengar, both move combos are so fun but personally sludge bomb and hex is a lot funner and seems more of a threat. i do enjoy using dream eater and shadow hall just the same though :)

    51 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I play with shadow ball dream eater but I can play any move set with gengar. I just prefer shadow ball dream eater because of the damage and cc, easy to chain down a party or mess with opposing team. sneak in goals and make clean escapes.

    50 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I play with shadow ball dream eater but I can play any move set with gengar. I just prefer shadow ball dream eater because of the damage and cc, easy to chain down a party or mess with opposing team. sneak in goals and make clean escapes.

    49 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Sludge bomb/hex makes quick work of any opponent, takes no time to KO

    42 dogmaticabout 2 yearsReport

    sludge bomb/hex op 5s kill

    41 randomkidabout 2 yearsReport

    yea i think u suck at Pokémon unite

    40 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Does slick spoon stack with the spdef piercing of shadow ball or does it work with the targets current spdef? Also gengar with energy amplifier is pretty good

    39 Boschot over 2 yearsReport

    Shadow ball hex?

    38 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    You don't use shadow ball first then dream eater, you use dream eater first for disable then shadow ball for defense drop then dream eater's second activition to get the KO. If they don't die from that use shadow ball again.

    37 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    How is this literally A-tier? It's so fucking oppressive smh.

    36 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    The admins are high thinking that Hex and Sludge are the best combo. Like what 35 said, if you don't hit the target and miss sludge bomb, your life is over because the cooldown is huge.

    35 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Dream eater and shadow ball are a much better combo for combat, hex and sludge can be very frustrating if you don’t hit the target the first time as the cool-down is huge

    34 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Gengar doesn't feel like a Melee character. Gengar feels and plays like a ranged character.

    33 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    it op and should have shell bell on it

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