Pokemon UNITE Walkthrough Comments

Greninja Guide: Builds and Best Items(Page 3)Comment

Showing 4-23 of 89 entries


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    44 stinkytofuover 2 yearsReport

    bruh why do people still think double team + water shuriken is the best build? double team + water shuriken is only good for beginners while smokescreen + surf is way better as it has better burst damage and team-fighting potential.

    43 stinkytofuover 2 yearsReport

    the guide overall isn't that bad, it's just that they're recommending the wrong build and moveset.

    42 stinkytofuover 2 yearsReport

    *double team water shuriken*

    41 !Chocoalmost 3 yearsReport

    it isn't a big change, but it def hurt a lot on its damage and teamfight potential. i haven't tried it yet but i know the nerf makes it from dominate to just strong like decidueye etc (cinderace might be better now after the greninja nerf, (the blaze kick didn't nerf didn't really affect anything but it's ganking power before level 11) but who knows?

    40 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Hey guys, as you the new nerf arrived for Greninja and tbh I don't feel it reply your thoughts.

    39 !Chocoalmost 3 yearsReport

    oh great now this website thinks that double team surf is better than smokescreen surf. yeah dumbest pokemon unite guide confirmed....

    38 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    did u really just say Choice specs 😂

    37 Greninjaalmost 3 yearsReport

    They should add Ash greninja bond

    36 kewlboi (he is kewler)almost 3 yearsReport

    wait, last time I checked out, they're like, 1/4 of greninja's dmg output, yeah still kinda useless though unless your using it for mobility

    35 !Chocoalmost 3 yearsReport

    that moveset sucks tho, since your double team clones don't do any damage at all, it's basically useless, might as well go smokescreen for that assassin playstyle (sneaking in and out) and that extra attack when you upgrade smokescreen

    34 A salty sylveon mainalmost 3 yearsReport

    I love surf double team, it's my go to jungle build for Greninja, Those surf resets are fire

    33 Pu3rtor3conalmost 3 yearsReport

    Has anyone else tried and loved Surf and Double Team? I'm digging the clones all surfing the enemy and I feel it's clone damage for them doing surf verse doing water shiruken is much more. The enemy gets so confused when I use DT as I'm still pelting them with basic attacks then when they are gone I surf them into oblivion. Try it out and tell me what you think. DT is more for a brawler than assassin. Im more agressive when I play I guess.

    32 stinkytofualmost 3 yearsReport


    30 !Chocoalmost 3 yearsReport

    surf smokescreen is def better right now, if you want me to explain it to you then you're stupid

    29 Nothingalmost 3 yearsReport

    I think if we want to deal more damage to enemy using greninja , we have to use choice specs and scope lens and the battle item is slow smoke to decrease enemy’s movement speed🧐

    28 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Feels like greninja is one of those pokemons that could really screw up teamfights if used correctly Surf and smokescreen is the combothat needs a lot of skill a d when used correctly can really change the whole game upside down WS and DT is a more easier move to control and more beginner friendly If you know how to use greninja correctly, use surf smokes, It is devastating in teamfights and could steal objectives really really Well. If you are new with greninja, use water shuriken double team

    27 kewlboialmost 3 yearsReport

    >>[26 yyyyeah, true. but honestly i'd still think surf is pretty good to escape, not only that, but surf does good damage and easier to hit unlike water shuriken, you also usually use dash moves to escape out of a tight situation and smokescreen just gives you that, you get a speedboost along with enemy blind

    26 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    Although You can escape with surf, it has a longer duration to use that move again compared to water shuriken and double team can make the opposing Pokémon confused and it could also do damage unlike smokescreen

    25 kewlboiabout 3 yearsReport

    Unite move:8.5 Really good! AOE so theres that, does good damage, comes out fast, only problem is that its hard to aim it properly, and as like most unite moves it gets affected by Unstoppable which lowers it down by 1.5 Conclusion: It's really fun! good character, as it heals ALOT and mobility is also good as hell, combine that with a good unite and good dmg and its fun AND op!

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